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Even a visit to the grocery store can 1)overload the senses. It’s noisy, bright and smelly.

The nose is working overtime. High up inside, 2)specialized nerves 3)dangle in the 4)airstreams. They detect chemicals in the air, and send an electrical signal to the brain which 5)interprets the signals as smells. The nerves are super-sensitive. Every smell is a new 6)sensation. The same goes for our hearing. Strange new world, strange new sounds.

Sound waves 7)vibrate the 8)eardrum. On the other side of the eardrum, these tiny bones the 9)ossicles vibrate in response. They are the smallest bones in the body, but without them we would never hear a thing. They use 10)leverages to 11)amplify vibrations, hitting the eardrum 22 times. The amplified vibrations now enter the inner ear, or 12)cochlear. It’s lined with 13)delicate hairs. When vibrations pass through, the hairs vibrate. At the base are the fragile hairs for high-frequency sounds; at the top, low-frequency hairs. Each one, 200 times thinner than a hair on our head. Over time, loud noises will damage these hairs, but at this age, they are perfect. Our hearing will never be this good again.

The story is different for eyesight. We are born with very underdeveloped 14)vision. Even at one month, the world is 15)blurred and mostly black and white. Every aspect of our vision is 16)rudimentary.

The eye muscles are 17)immature, keeping us from pointing our eyes where we want to. Inside the eye, the lens muscles still can’t focus, and the lens 18)flips the image it receives. All through life, we see the world upside down. The picture only gets 19)reoriented in our brains. Right now, the picture is on the 20)retina the screen at the back of the eye. The retina has two types of cells: 21)rods and 22)cones, which 23)transform the light that hits them into electric signals. The cones detect color information; but because they are not developed yet, we see mostly in black and white during our first month. From the retina the signals travel along two thick nerves under the brain. At the back is where we process visual information. When the image arrives, the real challenge begins our immature brains haven’t learned to interpret the data yet. That’s changing fast.





