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Measures to Conserve Resources

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十报告中指出“生态文明建设扎实展开,资源节约和环境保护全面推进”。请以“measures to conserve resources”为题,写一篇不少于120词的英语短文。


Passage 1

With the rapid development of economy,the conflict between economy and environment as well as resources has become stronger. Thus,there comes a time when every one of us should take measures to deal with the challenge. Some of my opinions are as follows.

The government,which has given prominence to building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society,is supposed to step further. On the one hand,our government can pass the laws against behaviors damaging the resources on purpose. Raising the tax for high energy-consuming industries is also a good idea,which expands financial support and,more importantly,makes more people aware of the importance of saving energy. On the other hand, our government should put great importance on developing high technology with the intention of enabling industries to be less dependent on unrenewable resources.

For every single resident,choosing to live a low carbon life may be the most appropriate way. Riding a bicycle instead of using a private car counts,and so does buying products that are environment-friendly. As a student,we can launch a campaign,pasting posters to tell people how to conserve resources.

In summary,we are able to protect environment and conserve resources at the same time of developing economy with efforts made together by government and individuals. (胡习蓉)

Passage 2

With the 18th National Congress of the CPC pulling down its curtains,the ecological civilization has become a hot topic,raising concerns both at home and abroad. There are no better choices to lay the foundation of the ecological civilization than to conserve resources,as to which,my advice can be listed as follows.

Weak as students’power is,we can still take small but effective measures such as avoiding leaving the water running. Also important is comprehending the real contents of the ecological civilization,only by making great sense of which can we turn environment-friendly society into reality. Last but not least,no doubt is a sense of responsibility needed,with which,you will spare no effort to improve our country. Oh,appealing to others to join in us is also necessary.

To sum up,we must persevere in achieving our goal,full of confidence and enthusiasm. Meanwhile,it all boils down to this:it is we,a new generation,who are shouldered with the responsibility that leads our motherland to a more excellent future.(熊雅丽)

Useful expressions:

1. promoting ecological progress(建设生态文明)

2. give high priority to conserving resources,protecting the environment(节约优先、保护优先)

3. green,circular and low-carbon development(绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展)

(责任编校 彭益)