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摘 要: 当前公共管理类本科人才培养模式不能完全适应社会需求的根本原因是培养目标与社会需求脱节。应理清学术型人才与应用创新型人才划分、应用创新型人才层次与高校类型等问题。创新公共管理类本科人才培养模式,必须以需求为导向,对培养目标进行再定位,即从社会需求出发,将当前单一学术的“h”型的培养目标转变为应用创新的“H”型公共管理类本科人才培养目标。并通过对培养规格的再定位,建立与社会需求相适应的应用创新能力结构、知识结构和素质结构,使公共管理类本科人才成为既适应政府部门,又适应非政府部门和企事业组织的应用创新型人才。

关键词: 人才培养目标; 社会需求; 公共管理类本科; 应用创新; 再定位

中图分类号: G642 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673-9973(2012)03-0059-06

The Re-positioning of the Public Administration Undergraduate Talent Training Objectives with the Needs of the Social Demand-oriented

——Universities in Shaanxi for Example

CAO Ling , YANG Yu-lin , LIN Qiang

(The Public Administration Institution of Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China)

Abstract: With the investigation and literature analysis, this article finds the problems exist in the Public Management Undergraduate personnel training mode. Personnel training model cannot fully adapt to the social demand because of the talent training objectives divorced with the social demand. After discriminating division of academic talent and application of innovative talents, the application of innovation and talent level and university type, on the basis of the application of innovation and talent level and university type problems, this article proposes innovative public management class undergraduate training mode must be demand-oriented, re-positioning of the training objectives, namely, starting from the social demand, let the current single academic “h” of the training objectives into the application innovation which is called the “H” public management undergraduate training objectives. With re-positioning of train specifications, the establishment of the application of innovation and capacity compatible structure, knowledge structure and quality structure with the social demand-oriented makes the public administration undergraduate talent creative talents that can be applied not only to adapting to government departments, but also to non-governmental sectors, enterprises and organizations.

Key words: the talent training objectives; social demand; the public administration undergraduate; application creation; re-positioning the application of innovation; the repositioning
