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镜子背后 第3期

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When I was a little girl, we lived in New York City just down the block from my grandparents. Every evening my grandfather would go for his constitutional, and sometimes I would join him.

One evening when grandpa and I went for our walk, I asked how things were different when he was a little boy. He told me about outhouses instead of flush toilets, horses instead of cars, letters instead of telephones, and candles instead of electric lights. While he told me all the wonderful things I had never thought of, my little mind wandered. Then I asked him, “Grandpa, what was the hardest thing you ever had to do in your life?”

Grandpa stopped walking, stared at the horizon, and said nothing for a minute or so. Then he knelt down, took my hands, and with tears in his eyes began to speak:

“When your mom and her brothers were little children, grandma got very sick and in order to get well, she had to go to a place called a sanitarium for a long time. I had no one to take care of your mom and uncles while I worked, so they went to an orphanage. The nuns took care of them for me while I worked two and three jobs to get your grandma well and everyone home again.”

“The hardest thing I ever had to do was put them in there. I went every week to see them, but the nuns wouldn’t let me talk to them or hold them. I watched the three of them play from behind a one-way mirror. I brought them sweets every week, hoping they knew it was from me. I would keep both hands on the glass, hoping they would come and touch my hand.”

“I went a whole year without touching my children. I missed them very much. But I know it was a harder year for them. I will never forgive myself for not making the nuns let me hold them. But they said it would do them more harm than good and that they would have even more trouble living there. So I listened.”

I had never see my grandfather cry before. He held me close, and I told him I had the best grandfather ever and I loved him.

Fifteen years went by, and I never talked about that one special walk with grandpa. We continued our walks for years, until my family and grandparents moved to separate states.

After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather experienced periods of depression. I begged my mother to invite grandpa to come and live with us, but she refused.

I kept harping, “It’s our duty as a family to figure out what is best for him.

In a fit of rage, she snapped, “Why? He never cared about what happended to us!”

I knew what she was talking about. “He has always cared about and loved you,” I said. My mother replied,“You don’t know what you’ve talking about!”

“The hardest thing he ever did was put you and Uncles Eddie and Kevin in the orphanage.”“Who told you about that ?” she asked.

My mother had never discussed her days there with us.

“Mom, he came every week to see the three of you. He used to watch you play from behind the one-way mirror. He brought you sweets every time he visited. He never missed a week. He hated not being able to hold you for that year!”

“You’ve lying! He was never there. No one ever came to see us.”

“How would I know about the visits if he didn’t tell me? How would I know about the sweets he brought? He was there. He was always there. But the nuns wouldn’t let him be in the room with you, because they said it would be too hard when he had to leave. Mom, grandpa loves you, and he always has!”

Grandpa assumed that his children knew he was there behind the glass, but because they had not felt the warmth and strength of his arms, he thought they had forgotten his visits. Meanwhile, my mother and her brothers assumed grandpa had never come to visit. Telling my mother the truth changed her relationship with grandpa. She learned that her father had always loved her, and grandpa came to live with us for the rest of his life.













“最令他痛苦的事情就是把你、埃迪舅舅和凯文舅舅送到孤儿院。” “谁告诉你的?”妈妈问道。




