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立足文本 随文练写

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇立足文本 随文练写范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!







I.Please go over the vocabulary list of Unit 3 on P34-35 and group the words according to their part of speech.

II. Fill in the table according to the hints.

III. Complete the sentences with words from the above.

1. To draw a ______, you have to check all the information again.

2. Almost all of the Chinese parents try to give their children whatever they want, but very few of them attend to children’s ______ needs.

3. Cheating in the examinations is like stealing and it will ruin your reputation. You will no longer be a man of ______.

4. As we all know, there are still many poor people in this world suffering from ______.

5. She found the button to her newly-bought dress and ______ it back on.



I. Surf the Internet or refer to some reference books to get some information about national flags in the world. Look for more background information about the national flags of the three countries mentioned in the reading passage, France, the USA and Indonesia. Remember to take notes while researching.

II. Please write down as many sentence patterns describing colors in the text as possible.

III. The article highlights how colors are used to represent different values in different cultures. Look at the table below and fill in what each color represents in each country.





1. 立足文本,提炼篇章结构



T: What is mainly talked about in the article?

(Some national flags and what the colors on the flags represent)

T: How do you get the main idea of this passage?

(PPT) Reading strategy I: Read the headline, the first and the last paragraph to get an idea of the theme or topic of the article.

T: What is the structure of the article?

(1) How many parts can the text be divided into?

(2) What is the main idea of each part?

(PPT呈现汉堡包,形象地解读该文的结构:最上面一层是Introduction,中间一层是Supporting details/Body/Examples,最下面一层是Conclusion)

Part 1: A brief introduction of the national flag

Part 2: National flags in three countries(France, the USA and Indonesia)

Part 3: Summary—Value and meaning of the national flag

(PPT) Reading strategy II: The main idea of a paragraph is often expressed in the topic sentence. The topic sentence is usually the first or the last sentence, sometimes in the middle.


2. 基于文本,挖掘重点句型



Share the sentence patterns in the text to describe a flag.

(PPT) A flag tells us something about ...

The flag, sometimes called ..., symbolizes ...

White is regarded as a symbol of ...

The stars and stripes are symbolic.

Red shows/means ... while white represents ...

Red represents ... and blue stands for ...

Red resembles ... and white looks like ...

The colors have a link with ...

教师充分挖掘教材的闪光处,在学生细读文章后,分享文中描述国旗和颜色的优美文句及经典句型。引导学生关注句中有下划线的单词或短语,通过对这些精彩语句的评点来提高学生的鉴赏能力,让学生明白多样化的句式会使文章生动有趣,充满活力。同时,教师把握契机,适时布置简短的写作训练:The world is full of colors. What is your favorite color? Please work in groups and write down your group members’ favorite color and reasons.学生通过阅读,对相关词汇和地道的句式有了一定的感性认识,在描写同伴最喜欢的颜色和原因时自然就运用上了所学的单词和句型,实现读写有机结合。


Complete the following sentences using different words, phrases or drills.

(1) These flags are not only just colorful pieces of cloth that are sewn together.

These flags are ____ ____ just colorful pieces of cloth ____ together.

(2) The three colors remind people of the motto of the Revolution—liberty, equality and fraternity.`

The three colors are a visual ____ of the motto of the Revolution—liberty, equality and fraternity.

(3) On the Indonesian flag the colors are related to food.

On the Indonesian flag the colors ____ ____ ____ ____ food.

(4) The same color can correspond to different meanings in different cultures.

Sometimes, the same color ____ different things in ____ cultures.

(5) The flag, a simple design of a red band over a white one, is based on a national flag that dates back to the 13th century.

The flag, which could not be further ____, is a red band over a white one and is based on a national flag ____ ____ ____ the 13th century.



I. Apply different sentence patterns to answer the question.

What are the different explanations for the meaning of the Indonesian flag?

The explanation that is the most common one.

Some people say .

What others believe .

It is believed by some people .

What is certain .

II. Please use the above sentence patterns to describe Whether Senior 3 Students Should Take Physical Exercise.

S: Some students think(believe) they should take exercise every day ... What others believe is that taking exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring ... What is certain is that we should balance study and exercise ...




1. 随文仿写



If you are asked to write something about Chinese national flag, what would you write? (discuss in groups)?

(1)What’s our national flag called?

(2)What’s it like? Where are the stars?

(3)What do the colors symbolize?

(4)What do the stars stand for?

(5)When and how do we celebrate our National Day?


教师参照阅读文章呈现写作模式图,指导写作过程。设计内容:OutlineWords/PhrasesSentencesParagraph(Topic Paragraph/Supporting Paragraph/ Conclusion)。帮助学生逐步建立思维框架:第一部分是引言(introduction)或主题句(topic sentence),第二部分是扩展句(supporting sentence),介绍the origin of the Chinese national flag和 the meanings of the Chinese national flag,第三部分为结尾句(conclusion)。[4] 然后通过提供问题布置小组讨论,让学生充分借鉴文章结构和语言,灵活运用文章中的高级词汇、复杂句式或精彩片段。学生在写作时很自然地模仿文章,融入文章中优美词句,顺利完成关于 中国国旗的写作任务。通过写作,学生进一步理解中国国旗的象征意义,爱国主义情操得到提升。

2. 拓展式写作



Task I: Design a flag for your class. (pattern, colors and meanings ... )

Task II: Make a description of your class flag.

Pattern (2-3 sentences)

Colors (2-3 sentences)

Meanings (4-5 sentences)


Task III: Polish up your description of the class flag and write a letter to your friend Jack in the USA, introducing your class flag.




[1] 李敏. 初中英语读写课的教学目标、教学结构与课堂管理[J]. 中小学外语教学(中学篇),2011(5):33-35.

[2] 牟金江,吕秋华. 高中英语“三段七步读写整合教学模式”实施与建议[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究,2008(3):26-29.

[3] 姚春良.高中英语写作教学策略初探[J]. 中学生英语(教师版),2009(5):14-17.

[4] 胡利平. The City and the Country Life教学设计[J]. 中学外语教与学,2011(7):49-52.

[5]罗慧英. 关注学生提高高中英语写作教学的实效性[J]. 中小学外语教学(中学篇),2011(7):1-6.