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都市逃离 第4期

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设计/Martyn Lawrence Bullard翻译/郭华艳

项目名称:The Cortazzo Ranch



本案地处加利福尼亚州,马里布青翠的山脚下,是设计师(Martyn Lawrence Bullard)为自己的朋友(Chris Cortazzo)倾力打造的一座梦想的周末隐居的处所。作为美国地产界首屈一指的地产中介,在本物业出现在房屋中介市场不久,Cortazzo经过多番努力,便购买了这座原为上个世界20年代西班牙风格的农场,第一次接触这块物业的时,Cortazzo就已经断定它是一块宝地。在设计师的帮助之下,整个住宅空间由黑暗、紧凑转变为安静的精髓之地。

项目伊始,设计师就清楚地明白从何处着手,目标是打造一个能量充沛、光线充足的居住空间,借鉴绘画的魅力,将墙和门拆除,顿时完成了原有面貌的彻底改变,成为一个光线、氧气充足的住宅空间。项目装饰的概念处处洋溢着非洲情节,非洲也是设计师和他朋友最喜欢的旅游之地。为了实现这个主题,设计师在室内的墙面挂起了多幅极具视觉吸引力的非洲大陆的照片,这些照片都出自艺术家Peter Beard, Herb Ritts, Leni Riefensthal之手。设计师也极力迎合业主的终生素食主义的生活习惯,在环境的处理上考虑了这一点。在非常了解业主的性情的情况下,将业主的想法转换成想法周到的、大方得体的环境美学。整套房子摆满了复古风格的家居和饰品,大木块和环保绝缘布料,这也是环境构造重要的一方面。


Martyn Lawrence Bullard designed a dream weekend retreat deeply nestled in the lush green hills of Malibu, California for his good friend Chris Cortazzo. As America’s number one real-estate broker, Cortazzo jumped at the opportunity to purchase the 1920’s Spanish-style ranch house when it reappeared on the market years after he had first spotted this gem of a property. However, it was only with the help of good friend and designer Martyn Lawrence- Bullard that the home was transformed from a dark and constricting space to one that is the essence of tranquility.

To begin, Lawrence-Bullard focused on creating energy, light, and space in the home. Lawrence-Bullard brilliantly knew exactly where to begin and with the help of paint, the removal of a few walls and doors, the home, a now light and airy space, began its transformation. The concept for the décor of the home emanated from Africa, one of Cortazzo and Bullard’s favorite places to travel. In keeping with this theme, Lawrence-Bullard placed striking photographs of the continent by artists such as Peter Beard, Herb Ritts, and Leni Riefensthal along the walls of stunning interior. Lawrence-Bullard also catered to the fact that, Cortazzo, who is a lifelong Vegan, feels deeply committed to his role as a caretaker of the environment. Lawrence-Bullard greatly understood these desires and easily interpreted Cortazzo’s ideals into an aesthetic that is one of thoughtful elegance. Throughout the home antique objects and furniture, salvaged woods, and even recycled denim insulation became integral to the environmental aspect of the space.

Located on thirty stunning acres, Lawrence-Bullard proved wildly successful in bringing to life four guest cottages, a pool area, and the fantastic gardens. The garden areas were thoughtfully transformed into whimsical spaces that simultaneously enhance and respect the beauty of the natural environment. Custom designed by Lawrence-Bullard, cozy couches made in sumptuous colors cheerfully provide comfort for those seeking repose in the out of doors. For Cortazzo, Martyn Lawrence-Bullard honed in on the true desires of his friend and brilliantly created a place of pure inspiration and relaxation, one that is sensitive both culturally and environmentally, and a get-away where family and friends can come together and enjoy veritable peace.

设计师资料:Martyn Lawrence Bullard,Martyn Lawrence-Bullard Design设计公司创始人