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corporation 公司

Legal entity formed under the authority of either provincial or federal statues usually formed to make a profit. Liabilities of shareholders (owners) are generally limited to the amount of their investment. The name of a corporation ends with Limited, Ltd, incorporated, Inc, Corporation or Corp.


corpus 本金

The principal amount of a debt instrument, or the underlying assets in a trust.


correction 回档,修正

A reversal of the prevailing trend in price movement for a security.


correlation 相关性

A relationship between two variables.

是指衡量两个随机变量之间线性关系的标准。 当相关系数等于1时,两者正相关;当相关系数等于-1时,两者负相关;当相关系数等于0时,两者不相关。

correlation coefficient 相关系数

A statistical measure of the interdependence of two or more random variables.


correspondency system 银行系统

The system through which loan correspondents originate and administer loans.


correspondent 银行

A bank, brokerage or other financial institution that performs services for other banks, brokerages or other financial institutions, where the latter does not have direct access.


cosigner 共同签署人

An individual other than the borrower who signs a promissory note and thereby assumes equal liability for it. Also called comaker.


cost accounting 成本会计

The process of identifying and evaluating production costs. An area of management accounting which deals with the costs of a business in terms of enabling the management to manage the business more effectively.


cost basis 成本基准

1. Purchase price, including commissions and other expenses, used to determine capital gains and capital losses for tax purposes. 2. The difference between the cash price and the futures price of a given commodity.

1. 买价,包括手续费和其他费用,用以决定用于税收的资本利得和资本损失。2. 用于决定税赋的资产成本。3. 给定商品现金价格、期货价和差额。

cost of capital 资本成本,机会成本

The opportunity cost of an investment, i.e. the rate of return that a company would otherwise be able to earn at the same risk level as the investment that has been selected.


cost of carry 持有成本

Expenses incurred while a position is being held; for example, interest on securities bought on margin, dividends paid on short positions, and other expenses.


cost of debt capital 债务资本成本

The interest rate a company is paying on all of its debt, such as loans and bonds.
