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Maybe you’ve heard someone say, “I am not the person I was.” Well, that maybe more true than you know. Science 2)correspondent David Kestenbaum has this tale.

We All Lose Atoms

Okay, we all get haircuts. But have you ever thought that when we do, we lose atoms. That hair that was once part of us goes its own way.

David: So, um, at the end of the day, what happens to my hair on the floor here?

Hairdresser: Well, they will get swept up and put into the 3)trash.

David: Those are my atoms.

How much of me is really with me throughout my life? Mean, my skin 4)rubs off. I 5)trim my fingernails. Part of me is 6)eroding, and 7)presumably, being rebuilt. But how much? Is it 1%? Is it 10%? I called around to biologists and chemists, and no one seemed to know the answer.

Rejuvenation of the Body

McCarty: I’m Logan McCarty, I teach chemistry at Harvard University.

David: Had you ever thought about, to what extent, we’re just spare parts being replaced all the time?

McCarty: I guess, it never really occurred to me. You know, who I was is not...the atoms that I have now are not the same atoms that I had, you know, yesterday, or the week before.

McCarty did some research. And he found this article from a Smithsonian Institution Publication, from 1953. So, this is the beginning of the atomic age. And, the article described the six experiments, where researchers fed people 8)radioactive atoms, or they 9)injected them with radioactive atoms. And then using radiation detectors they could watch the atoms as they moved around. So, they watched them go up one arm into the heart, and down the other arm.

McCarty: You can follow it through their body. Does it get 10)excreted through urine, or is it excreted through their sweat, or through 11)feces or, you know, what happens to it? Does it end up in their fingernails or in their eyeballs or, you know… So, you can follow where these atoms go.

David: And where do they?

McCarty:And by doing that… Well, they end up in, in all of your 12)tissues.

A lot of the atoms get 13)incorporated into our bodies. The article says the atomic turnover is quite rapid and quite complete.

In a year, 98% of the atoms in us now will be replaced by other atoms that we take in, in our air, food and drink. So that means 98% of me is new every year.

David: So this is the very 14)profound rule of nature: you are what you eat.

McCarty: Yes, absolutely. If you eat a hamburger one day, then the atoms and 15)molecules in that hamburger will end up making up your cell walls, and different organs and tissues.

David: So my friend…I have a friend of friend who eats soup everyday for lunch. So he is mostly made up of soup or largely.

McCarty: He is mostly made up of soup, yes.

But don’t be sad. McCarty says this constant replacement of parts is actually what makes life so 16)robust and, so adaptable, so…so lively.

McCarty: Life is remarkable 17)in that it requires always a flow of energy and matter through the system. So

the...if the system isn’t constantly bringing in new

energy, and bringing in new matter, then it’s basically dead.

Am I Still Me?

Still, this means that, in a very real sense, we are not the people that we were a year ago, with this collection of atoms, that hang out together for a while, and they go on to do other things. Sort of a 18)momentary crowd of organization. So what is me? Am I still me, if my parts have been replaced?

Daniel: Well, of course, the, the question goes way back to ancient philosophy.

This is Daniel Dennett. He is a philosopher at Tufts University.

Remember, he says, the old joke about Abe Lincoln’s注 axe?

Daniel: There it is, in the glass case, and it says, “This is Abe Lincoln’s axe.” Somebody says, “That’s really his axe?” He says, “Oh, yes. But, of course, the head has been replaced twice, and the handle three times.”

There’s also a modern atomic version of this puzzle. That really gets to the heart of things.

Daniel: We imagine that if your rocketship is landed on Mars. You have to get back from Mars to earth by 19)teleporter.

Here is how the teleporter works. It 20)dismantles you atom by atom, you know. Records the precise location, every carbon, every 21)hydrogen, every 22)phosphors, and it sends that information to earth, where a receiving 23)transporter 24)reconstructs you, out of new atoms.

Daniel: And, you step out of the teleporter receiver on earth. Is that really you? I say, of course, it’s you.

Okay! That’s clear enough. But, now imagine, he says, instead - the teleporter on Mars doesn’t

take you apart, it doesn’t 25)disassemble you. It just scans your atoms, leaving you intact.

Daniel: So, now you are. There is a you that’s 26)stranded on Mars, and there is a you that’s back on Earth, Which is the really you?

David: Well, pretty clear to me. Then there is, then I have David One and David Two.

Daniel: Yeah, and, and, and does one of them have some sort of special 27)priority? Is one of them sort of realer, more you than the other?

David: Then what does my wife do?

Daniel: Exactly, yes.

David: I can tell you what my wife would do. My wife would 28)groan if two of me showed up.

I Am Still Me

It turns out there are some atoms, that are with us for our entire lives. This comes from a research in Sweden. And the atoms are actually in some

interesting places. They are deep in the DNA, of some cells in our brain and in our heart, and also some atoms in our teeth. So brain, heart and teeth! Don’t forget to brush.











































