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同步易混词语辨与练(Units 7-8)

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1. how much 与how many



how much 和 how many 都表示“多少”之意,但 how much 后面接不可数名词; how many 后面接可数名词复数。例如:

How much milk do you want? 你要多少牛奶?

How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少学生?

但是 how much 还可以用来询问“什么价钱”。例如:

How much is the book? 这本书多少钱?


根据句意,用how much 或how many 填空。

1. ― _________ hours are there in a day?


2.―_________is the shirt?

―$ 30.

3._________pens do you have ?

Key: 1. How many2. How much3. How many

2. each, every 与 all


each 是个代词(pron.),意为“每一个”, 指两个或两个以上的人或物中的“每一个”,强调个体,在句中可作主语、宾语、定语、同位语等。 each 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;作定语时,修饰可数名词单数,作主语的同位语时,谓语动词的形式由其前的主语的人称和数来决定。例如:

Each of them is right. 他们个个都对。(作主语)

Give two to each of us. 给我们每人两个。(作宾语)

Each student has an English name in our class. 我们班上每位学生都有一个英文名字。(作定语)

They each have a soccer. 他们每个人都有一个足球。(作同位语)

every 只能用于谈论三个或三个以上的人或物中的“每一个”,强调整体。指两者作定语用时, every 可和 each 互换。但 every 只能用作定语,修饰可数名词单数。例如:

Every room is clean. 每个房间都干净。

Every student knows the answer.(=All the students know the answer.) 所有的学生都知道答案。

all 是代词(pron),意为“全、都”,指三个或三个以上的人或物,强调全体,在句中可用作主语、宾语、定语、同位语等。 all 作主语指代复数概念时,谓语动词用复数形式; all 作定语修饰可数名词时,名词要用复数形式。例如:

All of us like English. (作主语)

We all like English. (作同位语)

All the students are here. (作定语)

She writes to all of us. (作宾语)

[自我挑战] 根据句意,用 each, every 或 all 填空。

1. Two boys came in._________ boy had a book in his hand.

2. There are trees on_________ side of the road.

3._________ one of the students in our class studies hard.

4. He gavethe girls one banana_________.

5. ―Are you_________ here today?

―No. Tom is not here.

6._________ the students went to the park.

Key: 1. Each2. each3. Every/Each4. each5. all6. All

3. when 与 what time


两者都可以来询提问时间。 when 所表示的时间范围比较广,有时也可以指几点钟,可替代 what time。而 what time 表示的时间比较精确,指“几点钟”,“几点几分”。试比较:

―When will your parents come to see you? 你父母什么时候来看你?

―This afternoon. 今天下午。

―When/What time do you get up every day? 你每天什么时候起床?

―At 6:30. 六点半。

―What time is it now? 现在几点了?

―It’s 7 o’clock. 七点。

[自我挑战] 根据句意,用 when 或 what time 填空。

1. ―_________were you born?

―In 1996.

2. ―_________ do you have lunch?

― At 12:00.

3._________ can you come?

Key: 1. When2. What time3. When/What time

4. and, or 与 but


三者都是并列连词,但含义不同。 and 意为“和”,表示前后成分之间为并列或递进关系; or 意为“或者”,表示前后成分之间为并列或选择关系; but 意为“但是”,表示前后成分之间为转折关系。例如:

Tom likes English and math very much. 汤姆非常喜欢英语和数学。(连接两个宾语)

I want to see Mr Liu and say hello to him. 我想见刘先生,向他问好。(连接两不定式短语)

I help him and he helps me. 我帮助他,他帮助我。(连接两个并列分句)

Is he a doctor or a teacher? 他是医生还是教师?(连接两个表语)

It has no mouth or(=and no ) eyes. 它没有嘴巴,也没有眼睛。(连接两个宾语)

She is young but knows a lot. 她年轻,但懂得很多。(连接两个谓语)

He doesn’t like music, but his wife does. 他不喜欢音乐,但他的妻子却很喜欢。(连接两个并列分句)

[自我挑战] 根据句意,用 and, or或 but 填空。

1. ― How are you?

― I’m fine._________you?

2. Is he a student_________ a teacher?

3. He works all day_________ never looks tired.

4. I have no money_________ time.

Key: 1. And2. or3. but4. or

5. too 与 also


二者通常都用于肯定句或疑问句中,但在句中的位置不同。 also 常用于 be 动词之后或实义动词之前; too 常位于句末。例如:

I’m a student, too.(=I’m also a student.)我也是学生。

She teaches math, too.(=She also teaches math.)她也教数学。

[自我挑战] 根据句意,用too 或 also填空。

1. He likes English. I like it,_________.

2. Do you_________ want to go there?

3. ―Glad to meet you.


Key: 1. too2. also3. too