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While I stayed in the USA, on my way home from the library of Harvard University, I always found that at every junction vehicles would surely give way to me.

Why did they do so? It’s generally believed that westerners take people as the foremost. In the beginning I thought so, but later I was enlightened that there in their traffic rules is actually such an idea as “right of way”—all people are equal to take the road.

How to realize the equality? Americans design an institution of priority, namely disadvantageous vehicles having priority over advantageous ones, such as coaches over trucks, small cars over big cars, motors over small cars, etc. The priority means “giving way” to the other party. Thus, in many cases, even if I reached the junction a little later than a car, and its driver could have stepped on the gas to dash across the junction, he would stop and wave his hand behind the car window to let me go first.

I was inspired when knowing the“right of way” and the institution of priority. Ethics need to be improved with the assistance of the modern concept of equal rights and the effective, vigorous institution that the superior give way to the inferior.