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The Relation of Reproductive Health and Induced Abortion in Spinsterhood Teen-agerZHANG Ji,WANG Su-mei,HONG Lin

【Abstract】Objective:To explore the relation of induced abortion and reproductive health among spinsterhood teen-agers.Methods:To carry out a questionnaire survey amnog the 618 spinsterhood teen-agers who asked for induced abortions from the January in 2010 to December in 2010 at the family planning outpatient of the Seventh Hospital of Zhengzhou.Results:The ratio of spinsterhood teen-agers and all induced abortion people was 56.6%(the ration of the spinsterhood teen-agers whose age between 16-25 years old was 95.1%);The gestational weeks of Younger teen-agers was bigger than that eldder teen-agers was.There was a great statistic significance;The induced abortion in spinsterhood teen-agers sufferred from gynecological diseases was 59.8%.Conclusion:Lack of the knowledge of reproductive health and contraception,low rate of utilization of contraception methods and insufficient sexy control ability contributed high induced abortion ration. Induced abortion could influence reproductive health of spinsterhood teen-agers seriously.More methos of teen-agers sexual educations should be given to them in order to reduce pregnancy rate and Gynecological diseases among the spinsterhood teen-agers.

【Key words】Reproductive Health Education;Epidemiological Survey;Induced Abortion;Spinsterhood Teen-agers世界卫生组织(WHO)指出,每年全世界约有8千万意外妊娠;全世界不安全人工流产中有40%发生在15-24岁的青少年中[1]。统计资料显示,美国每年有80万15—19岁的青少年妊娠,其中约4/5为意外妊娠。意外妊娠者中约1/3选择人工流产终止妊娠[2-3],人工流产青少年中约1/2因未避孕意外妊娠[4]。人工流产作为避孕失败的补救措施,是目前计划生育常用的手段。近年来我国未婚青少年人工流产有上升趋势,为探讨其原因对618例未婚人工流产者进行问卷调查,结果分析如下:1.对象及方法





