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Inside the Cult of Benedict Cumberbatch“卷福潮”来袭:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇为什么这么红?

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Plenty of adjectives come to mind when describing literature's greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes: brilliant, unflappable2), relentless3). But sexy? Now that's one we haven't heard too often.

That is, not until benedict cumberbatch put a modern-day spin on4) the iconic role in the BBC's reboot5) of the classic Sir Arthur Conan Doyle mystery series. Since Sherlock debuted in 2010, Cumberbatch has rapidly shot to worldwide fame―and amassed6) a remarkably devoted fan following.

We witnessed this devotion firsthand during PBS's7) winter press tour earlier this month, when Cumberbatch arrived to promote the third season of Sherlock. Normally, these press tours are trailed by a few scattered paparazzi8) and autograph hounds9), even though A-list stars are a regular sight. But on that day, more than a dozen Cumberbatch fans camped out all afternoon, holding signs and waiting patiently for their idol to arrive.

The jaded10) TV critics assembled there all agreed: we hadn't seen anything like this in years. So what is it, exactly, about this man that inspires such a frenzy? We reached out to some of his biggest fans to shed some light on11) the phenomenon, and give us a peek inside the "CumberCollective".

"Cumberbatched" at first sight

Sherlock producers Steven Moffat and Sue Vertue first took notice of Cumberbatch when he played an evil family friend in 2007's Atonement. In fact, he was the only actor they auditioned to play Holmes―but even they didn't think they had a burgeoning12) sex symbol on their hands. As Vertue told Entertainment Weekly, "When we first cast him, people were saying, 'You promised us a sexy one!' People weren't thinking of him in that light at all."

But Cumberbatch soon won over doubters with his fresh take on the legendary sleuth13). Rather than the professor-type with pipe and magnifying glass in hand we're used to seeing, Cumberbatch's Sherlock is rooted in the 21st century, combining his massive intellect with tech gadgets like smartphones and GPS to solve cases. Add in his comically antisocial14) demeanor15) (Sherlock often refers to himself as a "high-functioning sociopath16)"), and he comes across17) as a bad-boy genius―the perfect mix of rock star and rocket scientist.

Naomi Roper, who owns and edits the popular fan site Cumberbatchweb, remembers the first time she saw Cumberbatch as Sherlock: "I sat down to watch it, and five minutes later, I was hooked18)."

Kristina Manente has always been a Sherlock Holmes fan; her Baker Street Babes blog and podcast19) cover all iterations20) of Holmes. But she had no interest in watching the Cumberbatch version at first because, as she says, "I thought a modern Sherlock Holmes was stupid." She eventually caved in21), though, and when she saw Cumberbatch's award-winning performance as physicist Stephen Hawking in 2004's Hawking, she "was immediately floored22) by his talent".

According to Lauren Gallaway, who co-hosts the Fancastic blog and podcast, there's even a word for the moment a fan falls under the Cumberbatch spell23): "It wasn't until someone gave me a Sherlock Season 1 DVD that I was, as we say, 'Cumberbatched'."











"Well, he's rather good-looking, isn't he?"

And the success of Sherlock has paid off24) a lot for Cumberbatch. Steven Spielberg offered him a role in War Horse, telling Empire magazine that Cumberbatch was the best onscreen Sherlock he'd ever seen. And last year, the actor was seemingly everywhere, from playing superhuman villain Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness to voicing Smaug the dragon in The Hobbit 2: The Desolation of Smaug to co-starring in Oscar-nominated films 12 Years a Slave and August: Osage County.

Still, Cumberbatch is an unlikely matinee idol25). After all, he's not a strapping26) hunk27) in the conventional sense; he's pasty28), thinly built, and a bit odd-looking. Sure, the accent helps, but that doesn't explain his British fans; the Season 3 premiere of Sherlock drew 9.3 million U.K. viewers, more than double the U.S. viewership29). And no offense to Jonny Lee Miller, but he's also British and is also playing a present-day Sherlock (on CBS's Elementary), and he doesn't seem to inspire nearly the dedicated following that Cumberbatch does these days.

If you're trying to solve the mystery of Cumberbatch's appeal, though, there's a simple solution: just ask his fans. "He's a fantastically30) talented actor, a total chameleon," Naomi says. "Plus, he's intelligent, charming, and very polite and gracious with his fans. He's surprisingly humble, given his recent meteoric31) rise ... and well, he's rather good-looking, isn't he?"

Maria Fleischhack, also of Baker Street Babes, admires his commitment and range as a performer: "He dives into his roles, and every character he plays is distinctly different from the others he has played before. Just compare his performance in Hawking with that in Sherlock, and you have two entirely different super-geniuses next to each other who have nothing in common."

And like most fans, they've all gone to extraordinary lengths32) for their love of Benedict. Naomi and Kristina both report waiting in line for hours to see him live on stage. Kristina says, "I camped out overnight for ten hours to get a ticket. It was in March, and it was absolutely freezing. Worth it, though." Several of them even made the ultimate sacrifice: going to see Cumberbatch play Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in The Fifth Estate, one of 2013's biggest box-office failures. Naomi saw it (and liked it!), but allows, "I can't hand-on-heart say I would have rushed to see the film if Cumberbatch wasn't starring in it."




不过,倘若你想揭开康伯巴奇的魅力所在,有一个简单的办法:只需问问他的粉丝。“他实在太有才了,演什么像什么,” 娜奥米说,“还有,他睿智、迷人,而且对粉丝礼貌有加、和蔼可亲。他最近迅速蹿红,但还能那么谦卑低调……再说,他长得相当帅,不是吗?”



They're not Cumberbitches, they're Cumberpeople

Sensing a trend, the media leapt on33) the growing Cumberbatch following and dubbed34) his female fans "Cumberbitches". A catchy name, to be sure, but one that's been roundly35) rejected by every fan we spoke to. Although to be fair, a certain segment of the fandom still embraces the term.

The generally accepted alternatives are "Cumberbabes" or the more inclusive36) "CumberCollective"―a term Cumberbatch endorsed37) on The Graham Norton Show. Yes, even the man himself has weighed in38) on the Great Cumberbitch Controversy, and he sides with the non-bitch faction. "I won't allow you to be my bitches," he told the Radio Times last year. "You are ... Cumberpeople."



