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1. 用一些固定习语表示强调

例如用by far, at all, to death, not a few, far from, for ages等来达到强调效果。

It is quicker by far to go by train. 乘火车要快得多。

There was nothing at all to eat. 根本没有东西吃。

Not a few of my friends are vegetarian. 我朋友中不少人吃素。

2. 用情态动词表示强调

情态动词shall用于第二、第三人称;can, could 用于否定句;cannot but, cannot help 等都可以表示命令、警告、威胁、不满、赞美、忍不住等强烈感情。

You shall get the answer right this afternoon.今天下午你一定会得到答复的。

He cannot but walk home because his car broke down on the way. 他没有办法,只能步行回家,因为他的车半路抛锚了。

He cannot help having big ears. 他总是忍不住要打听别人的事。

3. 助动词do, does, did放在动词原型前,强调该动词或状态

Do say you’ll stay for supper!务必吃完晚饭再走!

He does look tired. 他确实显得很疲倦。

She did write to say thank you. 她的确写信向你道谢。

4. 疑问词后加上某些短语表示强调

一些疑问词后加上in the world,the devil,on earth或加上以-self,-selves结尾构成的合成名词,形容词如no, last, 副词如even, terribly以及形容词和副词的比较级、最高级等都可以加重语句的语气。

What the devil is that? 到底是什么鬼名堂?

I myself will present the prizes. 我亲自来发奖。

No words can express my grief. 我的忧伤无法用言语表达。

5. 用动词的进行时态


Why are you always biting your nails?你为什么老是咬指甲?

She has always loved gardening. 她一直喜爱园艺。

6. 用 “It is / was ... that / who ...”句型强调除动词外的成分

It was yesterday that the accident happened. 事故是昨天发生的。

It was here that he was born. 他就是在这里出生的。

7. 用虚拟式结构来表达强烈感情

They should have called the police. 他们应该叫警察的。

You could at least have sent a card. 你本来至少可以寄张贺卡吧。

I should have come if I hadn’t been so busy.要不是这么忙,我就来了。

8. 修辞问句、感叹句常用来表示强调

What a lovely view!景色真美啊!

How pale she looks!她看上去多么苍白啊!

Isn’t it funny? 太可笑了。

9. 用倒装句表示强调

地点状语位于句首,主语是代词时用局部倒装。主语是名词或以never, hardly, scarcely, only then, as等副词开始的结构时用完全倒装。

Scarcely had she entered the room when the phone rang. 她一进屋电话就响了。

Child as he was, he knew what was the right thing to do. 尽管他是个孩子,他知道什么该做什么不该做。


[1] 刘玉杰. 强调句在高考中的应用[J]. 中学英语园地(教学指导), 2011(09).

[2] 古加远. 高中英语有效性课堂教学探究[J]. 中学生英语, 2012(11).

[3] 王彩霞. 论高中英语教学的技巧和方法[J]. 中学生英语, 2013(02).