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[中图分类号]R 783.5[文献标志码]A[doi]10.3969/j.issn.1673-5749.2012.02.039

Histological changes on damage of the roots and surrounding structures with miniscrew implantsLi Jianhua, Lin Xinping.(Orthodontic Centre, Hangzhou Dental Hospital, Hangzhou 310006, China)

[Abstract]Anchorage control is important for efficient orthodontic treatment. Osseointegration of implant-bone encouraged orthodontists to use implants as stationary anchorage. However, it has some defects such as root damage. This article was to explain factors significantly contributing to damage; histological changes and turnover of the damage, location-related factors(vertical position, sagittal position, placement side), implant-related factors(material, length, diameter), insertion-related factors(mode, direction, moment)and orthodontic-related factors(mode of loading)have positive effects on the damage. After mini-screw contacts the tooth, the majority show repair and almost complete healing within a few weeks after removal of the screw or the orthodontic force without complications.

[Key words]mini-screws;root damage;paradentium damage







目前,临床上常用的微种植钉体部最宽直径为1.2~2 mm,尖端直径为0.8~1.7 mm;体部长度一般为4~12 mm,在不损害邻近组织的前提下,植入种植钉的长度和直径与种植体的初期稳定性成正比,但是随着微种植钉直径和长度的增加牙齿损伤的风险增加。研究表明,直径1.3~1.5 mm,长度为6~8 mm的种植体是最佳选择[10]。未来的微种植钉也必将根据植入部位而设计不同的长度和直径。






















微种植钉引起严重并发症的机率较低,一旦发生后果却很严重,因此在临床应用中应严格遵守微种植钉的植入原则[19]。微种植钉应距骨2.5 mm、牙周膜1 mm,并保证植入区相邻牙根之间有5 mm的空间[26]。植入种植钉前后常规拍摄X线片,以辅助判断植入部位的解剖结构和损伤牙根的情况,由此推荐植入微种植钉的力矩为5~ 10 Ncm和50.7 Ncm[22,27],植入力矩过大微种植钉折断的风险增大[11];同时,植入过程中阻力增加提示种植钉可能接触牙根。在实际临床操作中,若感觉到阻力明显增加,可将种植钉旋出后改变方向重新植入。另外,Maino等[28]提出若种植钉接触牙根,患者在叩诊和咀嚼时痛觉和触觉更敏感,但目前尚无实验研究证实。


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