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1.She plays the piano with a light hand.(a light hand强调“熟练”。)

2.He lives close at hand.(at hand表示“在附近”或“在手边”。)

3.The new term is at hand.(at hand表示“即将到来”。)

4.The letter was delivered by hand.(此信由专人递送。by hand本意“用手”,此处指不由邮寄。)

5.Your letter has just come to hand.(刚刚收到你的信。)

6.I'll give you a helping hand.(我愿意帮帮你。give/lend sb.a hand表示帮某人的忙。) 7.I have got it off my hands.(我已经把这件事了结了。get sth.off one's hands表示摆脱掉某事。)

8.She cares for her sick mother hand and foot.(她辛勤周到地照顾生病的母亲。)

9.The work is in hand,and will soon be completed.(工作在进行中,很快就要完成。in hand表示“进行中”。)

10.We cannot give you a reply off hand.(我们不能马上给你回音。off hand意为“立即、当下”。)

11.You should deal with the matter out of hand.(你应立即处理这件事。out of hand意为“立即”。)

12.His wrath got out of hand.(他怒不可遏。同样是out of hand,这里却表示“无法控制”。)

13.He had not a regular job and seemed to live from hand to mouth.(他无固定工作,看来只能勉强维生。from hand to mouth强调现挣现吃,仅够糊口。)

14.Sorry.I've my hands full.(have one's hands full强调忙得脱不开身,腾不出手。)

15.Look,he has a hand like a foot.(你看,他干活笨手笨脚。)

1 6.She has got him eating out of her hand.(她已经让他服服帖帖了。eat out of sb.'s hand表示对某人顺从。)

17.The patient was soon well-he was in good hands in the hos-pital.(病人很快痊愈,他在医院受到很好的照顾。)

18.Keep a few men on hand in case of trouble.(总要有几个人在身边,以防万一出事。)

19.You will find the work easy once you take a hand in.(你干一会儿就会知道这工作很容易。take/have/get a hand in表示“参与”。)

20.He didn't like his new job so he soon threw in his hand.(他不喜欢新的工作,不久就离职了。throw one's hand in表示“不再干”。)

21.I could do his job with one hand tied behind my back.(得了他的工作,毫无困难。with one hand tied behind one's back意为“极其容易”。)


live by one's hands靠体力劳动过活/bite the hand that feeds one忘恩负义/get a good hand赢得热烈的掌声;占上风/fall into the hands of sb.落入某人之手/on one's hands负有责任或义务/off one's hands摆脱责任或义务/get one's hand in初步学会或熟悉/put one's hand in one's pocket准备花钱或捐款/an old hand老手,内行/a green hand新手,生手/a dab hand体育健将,能手,行家/bear a hand 出一把力,参加/die by one's own hand自杀/hand in hand手拉手,联合/hand over fist不费力地,大量地/hand tohand逼近地/have an open hand慷慨/keep a firm hand on紧紧控制/lay hands on得到,找到/play a lone hand单枪匹马地干/set one's hand to着手,从事于/the upper hand优势/throw up one's hands绝望/wash one's hand解手/wash one's hands of洗手不干某事/with a bold hand大胆地/with a firm hand坚决地/with a free hand慷慨地;浪费地/with a heavy hand粗枝大叶地;严厉地/with a high hand傲慢地;用高压手段/with an iron hand以铁腕,苛刻地/with a strong hand强硬地,决断地/with clean hand廉洁地,清白无罪的