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AScarf for a Warm Winter

carves come in many different fabrics, shapes and sizes. Square and rectangular[长方形] are the most popular. Winter scarves are generally desired in long lengths to wrap around the neck or face for keeping warm, while dressy[衣着讲究的] scarves are typically much shorter in length.

Scarves can be worn in many different ways. In most cases, they are used as color coordinated[协调的] accessories[配件] to other items of clothing, such as a hat or a sweater. Whether you choose to tie, pin or wear your scarves loosely, you can make a fashion statement, as well as feeling warm and comfortable. One of the most simple (or “lazy”) ways is to fold your scarf, place it around your neck, ends in front, and just let the ends hang loose. Another popular way among boys and girls is the Italian Loop[环]:

1. Fold your long scarf in half, end to end, creating a loop.

2. Place this folded oblong[长方形] behind your neck and bring the looped end and the loose ends to the front.

3. Take the two loose ends and pull them through the loop.

4. Pull the ends until the scarf fits as snugly[舒适地] around your neck as you like.

You can wear a scarf as a belt. You can also tie one around your bag. A scarf can accent or even change the entire look of an outfit[一套衣服], giving it a unique flair[风度] that is you. Just use your imagination and creativity, and have fun!






