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Green Economy and China

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中图分类号:F12 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0745(2013)01-0094-01

Abstract:Recently, academics and politicians from home and abroad have paid increasing attention to the sustainability of economic development and social welfare. This essay mainly addresses green economy in china, the inevitability of this trend, the corresponding measures we should take, and the challenges confronting us during the process of economic restructuring.

Key Words: Green Economy and China

According to the working report delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao, China set its GDP growth target at 7.5%. This is the first time for the Chinese government to lower its economic growth target after keeping it around 8 percent for seven consecutive years, in face of global turbulence and a pressing demand for accelerating economic structural improvement after years of breakneck growth. Undoubtedly, China aims to boost its economic growth not only in a quantitative fashion, but also in the qualitative dimension. The recent United Nations Environment Program(UNEP) green economy report(UNEP2011), the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)'s interim green growth report(OECD2010) and the EU low carbon roadmap(European Commission 2011) are prime examples of this kind of thinking.

Given all these facts, it is not hard to conclude that green economy is in full swing presently, and will be the buzzword in the future. The green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. Green economy is an economy or economic development model based on sustainable development and a knowledge of ecological economics. On the one hand,sustainability is necessary for the economy, society and environment. On the other hand, green economy should also be socially and environmentally bearable,socially and economically equitable, and economically and environmentally viable.

Why Should We Choose Green Economy?

Green economy is in the interests of all Chinese people on the one hand, and in accordance with our national policy on the other hand. In the recent years in China, plentiful evidences suggest that climate changes attributing to environmental degradation pose serious threats to our lives, worsen the famine problem and hamper water supply. What's worse, it's always the poor who suffer the most and their situation changes from bad to worse. Many policies have been made for the successful achievement of scientific development in the end. Lowering the GDP target is obviously one of them, and it can showcase China's strong determination to shackle off the traditional model of development. Additionally, China goes after to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.

The Obstacles Confronting Us in Building a Green Economy and Our Strategies

Firstly, as a developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion, development is still our first priority. However, we should cast off the conventional thinking of "development first, and treatment later". Secondly, encouraging the development of emerging and innovative industries, for example, bio-industry, renewable energy industry, and car industry, etc. We should provide them with lower taxes and sufficient credits and loans to foster their growth for the benefit of the economy, the society, and the environment.Thirdly, with the further development of our economy, we can levy some green taxes on carbon and gas consumption.


Green economy is a shift of thinking in economic development which contributes to a robust economy, equitable society, and bearable environment. China is in full support of this grand mission for the benefit of all, and has strong resolve and determination to join the forces of the government, enterprises, and Chinese people from all walks of life to achieve this ultimate goal. In fact, China has already achieved a lot and is prepared to accomplish more. Green economy is not a zero sum game, instead, it is a concept that is in the interests of all. However, China, as a developing country, insist on pursuing a green economy accompanied by sustainable development and poverty alleviation. Furthermore, China is ready to shoulder common but differentiated responsibility and is against all forms of green trade barriers that some countries might abuse under the green economy excuse.


[1]Green Economy, Making it Work. /ourplanet.2010.2.

[2]The Future of Green Economy in China.http:///2012 0131/n333294564.shtml.

[3]Li Feng, Economic Restructuring and the Emergence of Low-carbon Economy. Beijing: National Institute of Administration Press, 2010.12

[4]Tian Jianghai, Green Economy and Green Investment. Beijing: Chinese market press, 2010.1.