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Reporter: It’s less than three weeks until the big day, but don’t worry, I’ve got it sorted. I’ll be going on a fairy tale trip across the big pond from North Devon to New York.

The Americans rock the holiday season like no other. U.S. giant Coca Cola made famous the iconic image of a fat man in a red and white suit, and New York is the birthplace of the electric fairy light.

In America, they take the holiday season very seriously, and competition is fierce for the best displays. It’s not just Manhattan that’s lit up like a Christmas tree. New York suburbs are notorious for going crazy for Christmas. So, where better to get inspiration for decoration? Across the water, on 1)Staten Island, there’s one home that outshines them all.

And it is quite extraordinary! It is…it’s just…I’m just looking around me, and I’ve never seen anything like it.

And it’s the work of just one man. Steve Pancicni’s passion for Christmas started in his teens, and he’s been collecting both new and vintage animations ever since.

There’s so much to see. How long does it take you to set this all up?

Steve: It took 21 days.

Reporter: There’s a very antique feel to what you do here.

It’s not just about the lights…

Steve: That’s correct.

Reporter: …but some of the figures stand out more than others. How much does it cost you?

Steve: Each year is anywhere between…between $10,000 and $15,000.

Reporter: Ten and fifteen thousand dollars! Wow!

Steve’s a Christmas icon, with folk coming from far and wide and donating money, which he gives to charity. What does your wife say about all of this?

Steve: She’s OK with it. She doesn’t complain about it. You know, we’ve had our differences, but it works out OK.

Reporter: She must be more understanding than I’d be. It costs over two grand just to power the 50,000 lights.

What is it about Christmas that makes you put so much energy and time and money into this?

Steve: I love the look on people’s faces.

Reporter: When they see it.

Steve: Yes. Started out with little two footers, and now, as you can see, the bigger, the better.

Reporter: Are there any neighbours that are anti-the whole thing?

Steve: Absolutely not.

Reporter: None.

Steve: None.

Reporter: ’Cause it must cause traffic, so…

Steve: It…it causes traffic, but they’re OK with it.

Matter of fact, they help me.

Reporter: Steve’s collected around 400 animations over 23 years, and he has his favorites.

Steve: I would say, would be the talking 2)reindeer and the talking snowman.

Reporter: That snowman talks to that reindeer?

Steve: That is correct.

Reporter: So where do you get it all?

Steve: Oh, a lot on 3)auction websites.

Reporter: I’m truly inspired by the care and attention Steve gives to each of his characters, which he brings out year after year. He’s a real proponent of a genuine Christmas spirit.














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