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An Intelligent Body-Exercise System Based on ARM and LabVIEW

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Abstract. The paper describes the design of an intelligent body-exercise system. The 1ower engine, with 3C44B0X microprocessor as its kernel, can track the human body’s physiology parametric variations real time in doing exercise. Moreover the data co1lected by the lower engine are transmitted to the superordinate engine by means of USB interface. Then, the application program LabVIEW can display the data on the virtual contro1 panel and then adjust the time and intensity automatically in order to attain the aiⅢof safe movement and decrease the movement injury.

Key words: S3C44B0X; USB Interface; Driver; LabVIEW

1. Introduction

Clinical medical practice and sports medicine research shows that, by many sports injury Factors, including psychological factors is a very important aspect, psychological for Grain not only may cause injury occurred campaign athletes, may also affect the players The whole athletic performance and later the sports recovery [1]. So it's necessary to the theory and sports practice and found that the sports injury caused by the psychological factors, and this some psychological factors on the influence of the recovery, and increase the athlete’s health of body and mind Body level, ensure the athletes make full use of their competitive sports level, have luck Dynamic game. Sports damage occurs and sports and the skill levels of athletes and play the game The situation is very close connection, high level sports career and technology because athletes Can the excellent sex, will often appear more sports injury [2], therefore, make sure the high level the incidence of the sport injury, this paper discusses the various sports injury caused by Element, and then proposes the effective recovery strategy has very important theory and practice Meaning [3]. This study was to choose high level and the women's gymnastics handball for research project Investigate object; they respectively represent two different skills: namely artesian sports skills Can and open motor skills. Two of a sport gymnastics is in contact sports Project, handball is contact sports project, athletes can be closely and fierce Physical contact, from theory and practice on the research and discusses two sports injury, the Point is very important meaning to [4-6].

2. Research Methods

2.1 subjects

Choice of 30 national gymnasts and 30 woman handball player As subjects, to take part in the investigation. Participants are the Chinese national team sports Member, represents the highest level of two project movement.

2.2 The design of experiments

Research using the sports injury investigation, psychological measurement and mathematical statistics method random sample each 30 cases, the system research gymnastics, women's handball player injury and psychological factors on the effects of injury caused by movement. The main cause of the sport injury main source of stress, and determine what stress source is two projects the main factors of the sports injury. Before the test are to scale reliability and validity are the test, the reliability of heavy 0. 95. The main when the sport injury stress reaction way, determine what stress responses dominant. Before the test is to scale reliability and validity are the test, the reliability of heavy 0. 92. Athletes and the damage trait anxiety state of the state anxiety the questionnaire Try (STAI) test athletes in under the condition of the sports injury state anxiety and trait anxiety.

2.3 Data analysis

SPSS FOR WINDOWS 8. 0 on the psychological measurement and survey data of statistical analysis, this paper discusses the excellent gymnastics and women's handball player location and sports injury situation as well as the psychological stress caused by way of the influence of the sports injury.

3 The Results

In sport injury parts is concerned, gymnasts injury Most of the ankle (accounted for 33%. 38) and elbow (accounts for 34. 15%), and handball luck Mobilization of the most damage location is the knee. 76% of 38) and ankle (accounting for 25. 64%). It will damage extent, by medium for the most damage rate High (gymnastics accounted for 26%, accounting for handball. 42 47. 31%). It will damage in case, to appear in the game for most sports injury (53. 12% of gymnastics, accounts for handball 73. 91%). The sports injury to the character, with an acute injury incidence is the most High (gymnastics accounts for 65. 78% of 81. 21%, handball). To damage for recovery, big Most restore faster (gymnastics accounted for 98%, accounting for handball 42. 45. 28%) (7, 8). Athletes in the movement of the stress situation Reaction into eight kinds, namely: when the body or psychological error (S1), when the manager is criticism (S 2), when opponents strength companion loss (S3), when suffered severe pain or After the injury (S 4), when the referee injustice at ordinary times, when opponents (S5) lead performance (S 6), when the weather is bad location equipment to make body and mind (S7), mistakes in person Group of noisy (S 8). And with S2 and S 5 points to a higher, the group that coaches Review and the referee injustice is the main source of stress. To sum up, the stress factors come from the body, the coach, the team leaders and teammates, the opponent, and Action technical factors and climate factors, training factors, psychological factors, the referee factors and the audience factors. They can be classified into two categories, one is athletes own factors, Such as physical, psychological, technology, and the second is the environment and rival factors, such as coach, The leader and rivals, climate, the referee and audience. In different groups (i.e. between project), participants stress way has very Significant difference (P < 0. 01). The explanation to different sports player stress reaction a way to have a significant differences. And different sports athletes and anxiety states Trait anxiety there was no significant difference (P > 0. 05).

4 Discussion

The results of the study show that, the participants sports injury location is very obvious the difference, such differences are generally think that number of sports skills and expression Characteristics of the decision, the former research results and to the agreement. Gymnastics as artesian sports projects, and also is a kind of strength and coordination to demand higher sports. Technology support, and be born more action, elbow, ankle Joint is the most easy to the injured area. The results of the study show that: the gymnast’s major loss Location is ankle injury, elbows. According to the observation after injury of gymnastics athlete training, in order to Elbow injury is the most serious, clinical symptoms alone to elbow phlogiston, with soft Organization of acute or chronic damage more. This is because in the gymnastics technology training, support down Set is the most basic, also is one of the most training in action. If the elbow Soft tissue is serious damage will be unable to complete the complete set movement in any of the items. So Often will affect not to take part in the game, or stop training, or even to the end sports career. Practice shows that the gymnasts body other each place has the possibility of injury. Handball movement is a kind of open sports. As a sex items Eye, requires that the athletes on offense and defense team when direct to the body Resistance. In the center of gravity to reduce the body against, and knee stress load increasing, and at the same time Rule allows the push, pull, hold, etc, thus greatly increases the possibility of injury, in the training process, because physically intense (urgent stop, turn, change to be movement) Request lower body weight, athletes in lost because against body weight, easy The strain of muscle caused the knee and ankle and damp down. According to this study concluded Conclusion, women's handball player easy the injured area mainly for the knee, ankle shut for time Festival, in addition to the waist, shoulder and fingers of damage, it is in handball, project Point and law. According to the clinical observation shows that: handball player to knee injuries Joint inner and outer inclined to support the cause of acute or chronic injury with adhesion more, was handball luck Move the special disease, frequently-occurring disease, with a sprained ankle more acute. The waist with lumbar muscle fatigue Loss, small joint disorders more, shoulder to shoulder with acute ligament strain of soft tissue Strain more, finger joints with acute damp down more. According to the human body movement anatomy, physiology and biomechanical characteristics and technical innovation Art movement, this is to learn and master the stunner requirements, but also is in Each human movement organ system activity rules, as well as strengthen the easy the injured area muscle power Can exercise, reasonable arrangement of carry momentum from local burden overweight requirements. In gymnastics item above for technical movement every link using mechanics analysis, help the athletes in the end into action when using power the right moves. For example, rings are hurt by proportion One of the major program, and in easy injury in action and rings swinging amplitude not harmonious Cause the damage of the waist the largest percentage, the vaulting horse is also hurt by a higher percentage of the project One, the vaulting horse to be born undeserved, and the knee and ankle injury to see more. In Handball project, finishing technical requirements reasonable use of power, be born a accumulate tin Hold in the reasonable completed in need. In the landing because of body lose focus, often can cause the knee and the waist injury, catch in the process, appear shoulder Department of injuries and finger contusions more see. According to the biological, mechanical action Levy, the improvement action, reduce the damage occurs, it is many scholars in the future research needs One of the important problems to solve. Note that the coaches to reasonable arrangement of the athletes training volume, it's not only to improve the relationship between sports achievements, but also related to the athlete career. Movement Large amount or had increased quickly, more than human organs, organizations bear ability, in this Case for training, human organization will for excessive friction extrusion, excessive lead Pull the accumulation of damage caused by subtle, such as chronic bone injuries, joint strain, muscle strain And so on. Carry momentum is too big produce local tissue fatigue, affect human body physiology, biochemistry Process changes that lead to local organizations happened metabolic disorders, ischemia and hypoxia and various kinds of acid Sex products, and the accumulation of waste, the muscles have stiff reaction, the contractile force is reduced, If long duration can cause muscle atrophy, function obstacle, the serious influence shut Section of the sport, is to happen joint fractures and dislocations tendon and ligament of the fracture, the important No reasonable exercise is easy to cause the body fatigue, especially the department All fatigue. Continuous hard, without limits of training, and will lead to luck Mobilization training motivation level drops interest in practice is not high, no training will. Central the nervous system in the blood sugar to normal quantity change have great sensitivity, the athletes Long-term excessive training may show reduce blood sugar, the brain cortex excitement and restrain the Cheng disorder. At this time there will be the sports ability, accuracy and in all aid function decline, Awareness and attention decline, defense slow. So as to increase the occurrence motion the possibility of damage, reasonable arrangement is an important content of exercise training, also be shut us the determining factor to injury recovery. About the recovery of fatigue is both at home and abroad to learn Research on the need to resolve one of the problems, in training, the coaches according to luck The actual situation master control the mobilization of exercise, it is to reduce sports injuries clearance Key. According to the stress of the main body of the source in the role Time and subject to its reaction speed, stress can be divided into on-the-spot stress and chronic should be Shock; on-the-spot stress refers to an activity in the subject, because suddenly appeared disadvantage Influence of the body cause the body and mind of reaction. Face the occurrence of which is that stress hair sex and The almost. Chronic stress refers to stress source for a long period of time in the role of an organism or organism the evaluation of it a long reaction time when the body and mind of the organism reaction process. In Sports fields, athletes will not only meet face stress, will also meet chronic stress, In competitive sports, causes the athletes' level of major change often On-the-spot stress, because it has the unpredictability and the almost, if athletes should be Pay strategy improper, it is apt to cause major fluctuations of emotions and the influence of the technical level of the hair Swing, even produce damage, and ultimately affect athletic performance. Stress refers to cope with the way across different situation and time and shows To stress the specific source organism the tendency to cope with. According to cope with the different strategies, Stress way into attack type stress cope with stress and avoid type way to cope with. Attack type stress approach refers to cope with stress in the role of main source in the main body to take Seek strategy to solve the problem of the way to deal with stress tend. Avoid type to cope with stress Way is when stress source in the role of main body, subject to ignore can transfer attention Force the tendency of way to deal with stress, the results show that in the different groups Test results P < 0. 01, it shows that the women's handball player with excellent total Body comparison, in the face of stress and deal with way has very significant difference, this Kind of differences and sports activities with the nature, especially sports is the collective Project or personal project, this to a great extent determine the players to be different Shock to source directly or indirectly about the way. This in the theory and the practice is A persuasive: (1) for the differences in the project, measured in eight stress source And 16 kinds of cope with the way should be have a difference. (2) From the results demonstrate that do not the same situation, including gymnast main source and cope with stress for the way S2 (coach criticism), S 6 (opponent leading performance). Men's gymnastics is movement Member for S1 (physical or psychological mistake), S2 (coach criticism), S 4 (suffered severe pain or injury). Women's handball players for the S5 (the referee injustice), S7 (climate discomfort The location equipment to make body and mind bad mistake), and so on, this shows that listed 8 kinds of stress source and 16 kinds of deal with them in the face a source of stress for athletes and deal with way, but there are items Mesh, gender and individual differences. (3) from the results demonstrate that athletes face stress And cope with the way and the sports injury is not linear relationship, that is the athletes Move the main stress damage source from the physical, psychological and training and other factors, and in luck Move damage occurs in the process to have its objective of the rules and mechanisms, so it is necessary to analyze Sports injuries and mechanism of model. According to the investigation of the institute, excellent gymnastics and handball player sports injury Incidence, location and damage degree, the main source of stress injuries and athletes Way to deal with the analysis, this paper reviews the main influence on athletes sports injury Stress source from the physical, psychological and sports training and other aspects, athletes can Take different ways to deal with the motion in damage, will appear High level of state anxiety. Sports injuries occur in the main conditions is exercise than the process, the second is in the process of technical training. Athletes to take part in physical activities process, because their movement skills by water Flat, physical activity and psychological state and face a state of stress influenced by the way, to add Social factors on the interference, will appear all sorts of acute or chronic sports injuries, expert A comprehensive medical rehabilitation and mental rehabilitation to achieve the purpose of recovery. Psychological factors is concerned, the athlete's training and competition motives too high or low May cause the sports injury, the athletes for competition and training of the context of the cognition Obstacle is also influence on the motion damage one of the important aspects. As for the athletes, from different aspects of the interference tends to cause the should be on the difficult, which may lead to the sports injury, therefore, athletes need to the necessary Mental skills, cope with the possible all kinds of interference. Stable mood and strong will is outstanding athletes should be provided with the product The quality, to athletes speaking, should pay attention to exercise his strong will quality, to should be under the situation of the movement of the challenge. According to this study found that the gymnastics and women's handball the sport injury hair born the situation and the movement of the damage theory model, this paper proposed the following exercise

Injury prevention and rehabilitation strategy: gymnastics includes action, great majority is in the instrument for activities, along with The sport of gymnastics to force, difficult and new, steady, the comprehensive development direction, dynamic and static flip Force of sexual support complete sets of action, such as the application of the principle mechanics beyond devices, to the body The body of the quality of the requirements, especially for higher strength quality request, from the athletes to participate in luck The age of the move to see, gymnastics training age earlier and earlier, from growth In law, the general said the skeletal system, muscle system growth peak in adolescence (less 10-year). So power development highest function level in general to in adolescence, only Through a comprehensive physical training, promote body quality development, further improve the body Hold special need ability, can reduce the sport of gymnastics damage occurs, hair Exhibition. Handball movement is a kind of open sports, the people's comprehensive quality requirements Higher, including body (physical), techniques and tactics, psychological (under adverse circumstance remained stable heart Richard state), etc. In training or before the game must be prepared to pay special attention to the activities, is to reduce the loss The important link of the injury occurred in training game after finishing the relaxation activity is to prevent exhausted The sex of the important factors damage.


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