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Why do cyclists shave their legs?

In the 1979 comedy 2)Breaking Away, the hero’s father is horrified to discover that his son shaves his legs. There is an innocent explanation: the boy’s dream is to become a professional cyclist, and he’s read that shaving your legs cuts down wind resistance. In truth, 3)depilation would hardly aid his road speed. Yet it remains a common misconception that 4)aerodynamics explains the lack of body hair in the Tour de France.

According to Stanford University’s swimming coach Skip Kenney, swimmers who shave their entire body gain a 2 per cent boost in speed. But water is far thicker

than air and creates more 5)drag. Any gain in speed for a hairless cyclist would be so small as to be immeasurable.

Professional cyclists claim there are two reasons why they shave. The first is medical. They fall off their bikes more

often than one might expect, and it’s easier to clean out the dirt and gravel from their wounds if their legs have been shaved. Bare skin coming into contact with 6)asphalt at 35mph is going to tear off, so it’s better that it tears off cleanly, and pulling off 7)bandages from healed cuts is less torturous if hairs are not pulled out at the same time. The second reason is more therapeutic: the massages they receive after every stage of a race are more comfortable if they are hairless. However, there is a third more 8)compelling explanation. The cycling writer Matt Seaton put forward the following theory in 2002: “The real reason cyclists shave their legs is very simple: it is because everyone else does it. No one likes to make a direct admission but, secretly, shaving one’s legs has an

9)aesthetic dimension: it is simply how the racing cyclist should look.”

Why do female tennis players grunt?

[1]Maria Sharapova currently holds tennis’s grunting record with a shriek measured at 101.2 10)decibels, which is comparable to a police car 11)siren. Despite objections from opponents, tennis fans and 12)officials, she has no plans to change her habit.

It was only in 1992 that [2]Monica Seles made the first steps towards making grunting an issue for tennis fans. Her 83 decibels, which is modest by today’s standards, was inspired during that year’s 13)Wimbledon tournament. [3]Jennifer Capriati is said to have shouted at Seles to “Shut theup!”, while an 14)exasperated [4]Martina Navratilova complained that her opponent sounded “like a stuck pig”. Finally, an 15)umpire asked

Seles to contain herself. Suitably warned, she lost in the final to [5]Steffi Graf.

Action from the authorities has since been less 16)conspicuous. When Wimbledon’s chief referee Alan Mills retired in 2005, he complained that

officials can only act if the offender is “shown to be making the noises on purpose, which is virtually impossible to do”, and called for a crackdown. But today, thanks to Seles, Sharapova and many others, grunting is so common that it rarely provokes comment, which is odd when spectators are ordered to be quiet so as not to distract the players.

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This is unfortunate, since grunting is clearly a form of 17)gamesmanship even if, for Sharapova, it is not something done deliberately. It is rumoured that coaches are teaching players to use grunting as an integral part of their game, whether because it helps to focus aggression rather like a martial artist breaking a 18)plank or because it intimidates one’s opponent. The celebrated American varsity coach Bill Maze said that he had never taught grunting to his students, but argues, “It’s certainly strategic sometimes. The grunts seem to get louder when the point is bigger. These players are probably doing whatever they can to 19)get an edge over their opponents.”

Do teams wearing red really do better?

In 1964, Liverpool were due to face Anderlecht in the second-round 20)tie of their first-ever season in Europe. Eager to win the psychological battle,

21)manager Bill Shankly 22)hit on the idea of an all-red strip that would make his giant Scots defender Ron “the 23)Colossus” Yeats even more intimidating on the pitch. Finally, Anderlecht duly wilted and the Reds won 4-0 on aggregate.

Is it just a coincidence that English football’s three most successful teams Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal all play in red, or does the colour really boost performance and rattle the opposition? Statistics show that in Euro 2004, wearing predominantly red was worth an extra goal a game on average. At the very least, players find scarlet-

24)clad colleagues easier to pick out against the green of a pitch.

Robert Barton and Robert Hill at

25)Durham University also investigated contests in 26)tae kwon do, boxing and 27)Graeco-Roman and freestyle wrestling from the 2004 Olympics. These were sports in which the colours red and blue were randomly assigned to competitors. In all four sports, red won the most 28)bouts 55 per cent overall. This advantage rose to 62 per cent in contests between competitors that experts judged to be evenly matched.

However, simply wearing red cannot turn anyone into a good competitor. The researchers speculate that red is the colour that signifies male dominance and high 29)testosterone in 30)primates and other animals. With red being the colour of anger, it is not absurd to expect it to be the colour of intimidation. Barton suggested accordingly that wearing red might give a sportsman a testosterone surge, while having the opposite effect on his opponents.






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