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I remember when I was young my father would go away for a few weeks at a time. When he came home, my mother and I would go and meet him at the station. I can still feel the sense of anticipation that coursed through me as we sat in the warmth of the car, waiting for his train to arrive.

Being only four years old, the weeks of his absence felt like an eternity. Finally, as the train pulled into the platform, we would get out of the car and stand waiting for him outside the station. I would look expectantly into the faces of the people as they emerged through the gates, hoping that this one would be him.

When he eventually appeared, I would shout out and run to him, flying headlong into his open arms. He would pick me up, hug and kiss me, spin me around, and hug me again. As he carried me to the car I could feel the love radiating out from him, just as it was from me.

I knew then, at those times, that he loved me more than anything else in the world and I basked in the warm glow of his love. He hugged me as if his heart would explode from the pressure of all that love.

For days after his return I could feel the power of it emanating from him. Every day he would hug me and, although he never said it, showed that he did truly love me. He wasn’t one for talking about his feelings much. I suppose he expected everyone would know how he felt by some mysterious form of emotional osmosis.

In the days after his return it was obvious how he felt. He showed his love in many ways, and I was happy with that. But after a few weeks things would go back to normal and his heart would return to its usual size, a bit like an old semi-inflated balloon left over after a party. He still loved me, but the intensity was not the same. I felt as if I had lost something, but I couldn’t quite remember what it was or where I had put it.

I found that I would start looking forward to his next trip away, that I would knowingly trade my ordinary, room temperature father for a few weeks of having no father at all. I knew that I would miss him of course, and that with each day without him the empty place in my heart would grow more and more unbearable as I awaited his return. But it would be worth it, for, as my longing grew, so too would the emptiness inside of him. I wanted his heart to once again double in size and beat fit to burst.

I used to lie awake at night, imagining him going away one more time. When, upon his return, I would once again feel that I was the most important person in the whole world, even if it was for just a few days.







