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摘要:对不同产地的25份火麻仁从性状、千粒重、薄层色谱、浸出物、脂肪油含量等方面进行分析,探索火麻仁质量评价体系。结果表明,火麻仁药材均呈卵圆形或近圆形,但不同产地药材在大小、颜色、表面纹理方面有一定差异。火麻仁药材大小差异较大,平均长为0.42~0.63 cm,平均宽为0.30~0.49 cm;不同产地火麻仁千粒重有较大的差异,为13.61~49.90 g。薄层色谱鉴别结果表明,供试品色谱与对照药材色谱相应的位置上显相同颜色的斑点,颜色的深浅有一定差异;醇溶性浸出物含量在27.00%~39.89%;脂肪油含量在27.04%~37.87%。不同产地火麻仁质量有一定差异,各产地火麻仁是否都适合药用,由于目前火麻仁质量标准尚不完善,无法判定。火麻仁质量标准有待进一步完善。


中图分类号:R282.71 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)17-3782-04

Quality Evaluation of Hemp Seed from Different Habitats

WANG Hua-dong1,2,WEI Ying-fang2,GUO Shan-shan2,YAN Jie2,JIN Hong1

(1.Sichuan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Mianyang 621000, Sichuan, China; 2.Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine/The Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Standardization of Chinese Crude Drug, Chengdu 611137, China)

Abstract: In order to explore the hemp seed quality evaluation system, 25 hemp seeds of different origin were tested in terms of traits, grain weight, thin layer chromatography, extraction, the content of fatty oil and other aspects. The results showed that the hemp seeds presented oval or nearly round; but there were some differences in terms of size, weight, color and surface texture of hemp seeds from different habitats. Hemp seeds average length was 0.42~0.63 cm, average width was 0.30~0.49 cm, and the seed weight were 13.61~49.90 g. TLC (thin layer chromatography) identification results showed that there was same color spots on the corresponding position between the samples and the control medicinal materials. However, there were some differences in the depth of color. Extract content value was 27.00%~39.89%; fatty oil content was 27.04%~37.87%. Different origin hemp seeds had different quality. It is still unknown if they were all suitable for medicinal purposes. Hemp seed quality standards should be further improved.

Key words: hemp seed; quality; evaluation

火麻仁为桑科植物大麻(Cannabis sativa L.)的干燥成熟种子[1],其味甘,性平,归脾、胃、大肠经,具有润肠通便的作用。现代研究表明,火麻仁有较好的降血压、利尿、镇痛、抗血栓形成的作用[2,3]。临床上用于治疗血虚津亏、肠燥便秘、热淋等症。除药用外火麻仁还是重要的油料作物,亦可做食品应用,是保健食品[4,5]、保健饮料的良好原料,其用途广泛,日益受到人们的关注。大麻在我国的种植历史悠久,但现在火麻仁的产地发生了较大的变化,经过不断选育得到了许多大麻的农家品种,其果实都在做火麻仁药用。不同种质是否存在质量上的差异尚未见报道,收集了全国9省不同产地50份种质资源,对其中最具代表性的25个不同产地的火麻仁质量进行了分析研究,以期为火麻仁的生产、质量控制、开发、利用等提供一定的依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料
