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The Theory and Practice of Research-and-Discussion Teaching

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Abstract. Along with the support policy for the development of domestic animation by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of The People's Republic of China and local governments, the domestic animation industry has wide development prospects. According to statistics, there are more than 500 colleges and universities opening animation specialty and more than thousands of universities having related courses. But in recent years, there has been a contradictory phenomenon. On one hand, it is really hard for large numbers of graduates to find jobs related to animation. On the other hand, it is difficult for domestic animation enterprises to recruit outstanding animation talents. The main reason for this phenomenon is that the animation education in colleges and universities can not satisfy the demand from market and can not meet the requirements of the animation industry development in china.So we have the necessity to discuss the suitable education mode for animation development.

KeyWords: Animation; Teaching; Research-and-Discussion

The Research-and-Discussion Teaching is a kind teaching mode which is under the guidance of teachers, by use of various teaching means and methods, to cultivate the ability of students' autonomous learning and innovative spirit.Based on the education idea contained in the Research-and-Discussion Teaching, the development and innovation of practice patterns will help to enhance the effectiveness of undergraduate animation teaching.

The Research-and-Discussion Teaching is not only the reform and innovation of teaching means, methods, and more importantly, it can change the traditional teaching concept to the modern teaching idea and embody the basic spirit of modern teaching idea.

1. To arouse the students' learning interest

Confucius once said: "Knowing it is not as good as liking it, and liking it is not as good as enjoying it." Liking and enjoying refers to the learning interest here in fact. It is proved that when the students are interest in learning, they will have a strong desire for knowledge.Then they are willing to study.As results, they will learn well and fast. In fact, many teachers can understand this truth, but can not put it into teaching practice.Animation is a rapid development industry with fast renewal of knowledge. In order to improve the students' interest in learning, teachers can organize students to appreciate on the latest cutting-edge animation works, make them the learn the content well. The incentive function of teachers to the students' interests is also very important. On the one hand, in the teaching process of the contents of a comprehensive explanation, focus, depth of properly, teachers will help the students to absorb the knowledge, learn to understand and learn well, so as to improve the students' interest. On the other hand, the teachers' animation professional passion will influence students and will stimulate students' active learning.

4. To train the students' team cooperation consciousness and ability of idea exchange and expression

A good animation product with high quality needs team work.In the teaching process, teachers should strengthen the training of students' cooperation ability. From the script writing, the role setting to the storyboard of animation, the students are required to work as labor division and cooperation in order to form an effective team and ensure the normal operation. Animation production generally has a long production period.In order to guarantee the work be successfully completed, students need to have good responsibility, dedication, team spirit and timekeeping. By the communication between teammates, it can train the students' ability of oral expression and will make the whole team run well and situate continue growth of each members.As proved by practice, with strong professional knowledge, skills, organization, the students will become the soul of the team with the ability to lead a team, becoming the most qualified professional animation talents.

5. To focus on the cultivation of students' animation production practice and self-study ability

The final purpose of training students who majored in animation is to make them become the practical talents to meet the industry requirements. In order to achieve this goal, teachers should strengthen the students' practice ability. Cooperation between school and enterprise is an effective way to cultivate the students practical ability. It can not only avoid teachers in colleges and universities from hollow imagination, but also can bring the new work modes of animation industry into the school, change the training direction in school. Combining the syllabus in school with the actual project from the professional animation enterprise will enable students to go to the industry, understand the latest developments of relative technology and grasp the latest production technology. The cooperation between school and enterprise will be the solution to the input and output of domestic animation talent reaching a win-win.

6. To arrange the curriculum system scientifically

and reasonably

In terms of curriculum system, the animation curriculum in most colleges and universities are only contain boring theoretical education, which is far from the animation industry practice, against the teaching rules of animation and not meet the need of the animation industry development. Take the curriculum from a school as an example, the undergraduate students have a total of 2767 hour-courses in their four years in school, including specialized courses for 1578 hours and 1189 hours for non specialized courses, with professional courses vs. non professional courses close to 5: 5.Among them, a lot of curriculum is not reasonable. So the teachers should arrange the whole curriculum system scientifically and reasonably.

We should make an overall plan for the courses according to the universal law of students' learning. For the fresher and sophmore students in college, teachers should strengthen the students' ability of handworking, grasp the system and solid animation theory. Hand painting is an important part of the animation specialty teaching. So the college should set up the special drawing curriculum, such as conspectus of animation, cartoon image design, animation character, scene rendering and so on. At the same time, the animation theoretical research is extremely scarce. The animation is need producers have the rich theory. All these need the students learn the discipline theory knowledge. Just like the foundation of house, no theoretical knowledge can set not a good foundation for animation.So the college can set up some animation theory course, like the introduction of animation, animation movement regulation and history of animation art course. Teachers can also be combined the Chinese animation industry influential magazines with courses, like the "CG", "CGWORLD" and so on. In teaching process, some pure computer animation technology should be added. For the students in their three and four years, the main focus should be on the students' practical writing. In this stage, teachers can set up a number of guiding students creation course. For example, animation and other courses, but also can start some animation software technology, such as Ma Ya, Animo, Flash courses. At the same time, teachers can provide students involved in project practice and internship opportunities. Practice teaching is the best opportunity for students during the school and social contact, has an important significance in improving the teaching practice for the cultivation of students' learning purpose, learning consciousness, learning methods and professional skills, awareness of employment etc.But the practice teaching in most colleges and universities is not ideal, lack of genuine and industry standards of practice teaching and the practice teaching really out of the school gate is less.The graduation design, graduation thesis can also be linked to practical and social standards.

7. To strengthen the ability of students' team cooperation.

A high qualified animation is need team work. In the teaching process, teachers should strengthen the cooperation ability of students. From the script writing, the role of setting the scene, storyboard of animation, the students are required to division of labor and cooperation, so as to form an effective team. the animation division of labor is very detailed in good animation company, even for the 3D production, including the model, paste material, lighting, animation and late effects.but in some domestic animation companies, only the parameters of a piece of work are contained.Therefore, students must have dedication, punctuality, carefully obey the team spirit, which can guarantee each part of the work successfully be completed. By the communication between teammates, it can train the students' ability of oral expression and will make the whole team run well and situate continue growth of each members.

8. To strengthen the cultivation of students' abilities in animation creation

The school also should combine the curriculum and training project together, which can improve the practical ability of students, and provide protection for the students future employment in order to cultivate both artistic individuality and the comprehensive ability of animation talents. The final purpose of training students who majored in animation is to make it become an industry to meet the requirements of practical talents.In order to achieve this goal, teachers should strengthen the students' practice ability exercise. The final purpose of training students who majored in animation is to make them become the practical talents to meet the industry requirements. In order to achieve this goal, teachers should strengthen the students' practice ability. Cooperation between school and enterprise is an effective way to cultivate the students practical ability. It can not only avoid teachers in colleges and universities from hollow imagination, but also can bring the new work modes of animation industry into the school, change the training direction in school. Combining the syllabus in school with the actual project from the professional animation enterprise will enable students to go to the industry, understand the latest developments of relative technology and grasp the latest production technology. The cooperation between school and enterprise will be the solution to the input and output of domestic animation talent reaching a win-win.

In short, faced by such a huge knowledge, the ability to autonomous learning should be promoted for students, which can not only enable students to obtain the required knowledge for themselves, but also be more important to enable students to learn the knowledge.In addition, the research-and-discussion teaching obeys the law of modern teaching and it will stimulate the students' interest in learning, train their scientific research abilities.Training of animation professionals should be only oriented by market and industry oriented development, which need to pay more attention to the students' professional knowledge, creativity and so on. At last education can meet the needs the talent demand of Chinese animation industry and create a brilliant Chinese animation industry.


The reformation project in teaching of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (XJG1332).


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