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21. There is no doubt that the Diaoyu Islands are part of China and what some Japanese have done recently is actually offence against Chinese people.

A. a; /B. a; theC. the; /D. /; an

22. The drilling in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equipment breakdowns, environmental and severe cold.

A. concernsB. assumptionC. occupationsD. ignorance

23. Many people like to talk about generation gaps. I dont think there is in my family, though.

A. itB. someC. noneD. one

24. I really appreciate to drive me home,but I am afraid that I have to finish my work first now

A. you to offerB. it you offer

C. your offeringD. this you are offering

25. Telephone users sometimes complain about unreliable service and they consider unfair charges.

A. whichB. thatC. whatD. how

26. The sentence,which puzzled John,was also me and we had to turn to our English teacher for help.

A. beyondB. overC. afterD. off

27. The recent financial crisis into consideration, the Japanese boss back on the number of workers working for him.

A. taken; cutB. was taken; cutC. taking; cutsD. to take; cutting

28. True happiness does not the possession of money, but the joy of achievement.

A. contribute toB. consist inC. result inD. add to

29. I could have helped the old man yesterday morning.

A. did I comeB. if I cameC. had I comeD. if I should come

30. ―When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

―They be ready by 12 oclock.

A. canB. shouldC. mightD. need

31. Red Sorghum was adapted from Mo Yans 1986 novel of the same name, to life a visual landscape of red sorghum and a fiery sun.

A. brought; settingB. bringing; setting

C. having brought; setD. bringing; set

32. The salmon we ate at the restaurant yesterday is terrific. Id like to have it again even if it costs .

A. much more twiceB. as much twice

C. twice as muchD. as twice much

33. My wife the night shift when my plane . Thats why no one is to meet me at the airport today.

A. will be working; arrivesB. was working; arrived

C. will have worked; has arrivedD. is working; is arriving

34. Id love to stay in the community I grew up, but ambition can drive me to the city to be “ the big companies are”.

A. that; whereB. where; thatC. in which; whichD. where; where

35. ―Do you think you will be able to finish your writing by five oclock today?

―. Ill be busy with experiments all day.

A. Not a chanceB. Not a littleC. Not to mention itD. Not a big deal



When I was young I loved taking part in high school musicals.I loved to 36 in front of hundreds of people.In one production, I auditioned(试音)like 37 else. My music teacher was 38 that I would get a particular part in the music drama. The part I thought I had was a 39 lead who sang some of the most beautiful love songs.

But one day the show director pulled me aside. I was 40 to be offered the leading role. To my disappointment, he said, “Bob, I found a boy with an excellent voice. I need to give the 41 to him.”

From that moment on I began hating music class. I 42 that I didnt like what we were singing. My music teacher didnt know why. She 43 me in front of the class and told me I had changed. She didnt know what I had been told. But when they 44 the finalists, I was given a 45 role. For some time my pride was 46 with having to do something I didnt think I should be doing. But I did it. The minor role I had 47 to be much more fun than I had expected. My performance even 48 my brother who was also in the audience.

Life is really like a 49 and although we do not audition for the role, each of us is 50 by the director to play a certain part in it. The 51 is that we sometimes dont like the part we are given. Like me in high school I became 52 ―if I couldnt be the lead, I wouldnt show up for rehearsal(彩排).

Then we wonder why we feel so 53. Sometimes we dont even feel like we are a part of the “Big Show. ” Everyone does indeed have a role. Some are in front of the curtain, some are behind, but all are 54 for the show to go on. All 55 to success no matter how minor the part is.

36. A. debateB. broadcastC. singD. show

37. A. someoneB. everyoneC. anyoneD. no one

38. A. prejudicedB. concernedC. unexpectedD. convinced

39. A. romanticB. ridiculousC. mysteriousD. sensitive

40. A. attemptingB. expectingC. volunteeringD. pretending

41. A. partB. dealC.favorD. item

42. A. assessedB. advocatedC. concludedD. complained

43. A. warnedB. scoldedC. informedD. suspected

44. A. presentedB. identifiedC. announcedD. delivered

45. A. specificB. superC. slightD. small

46. A. strugglingB. competingC. swingingD. changing

47. A. happenedB. provedC. expandedD. switched

48. A. terrifiedB. disappointedC. surprisedD. embarrassed

49. A. jokeB. journeyC. stageD. play

50. A. appointedB. attachedC. employedD. instructed

51. A. reasonB. problemC. balanceD. focus

52. A. curiousB. helplessC. angryD. positive

53. A. exhaustedB. lostC. delightedD. thrilled

54. A. necessaryB. dependentC. naturalD. perfect

55. A. reactB. adjustC. referD. contribute




The common Chinese greeting of “Ni chi le ma?” may soon be replaced by a new greeting: “Have you cleaned your plate?”

Over the Spring Festival holiday there was a big effort to get people to curb their habit of ordering too much food in restaurants because a lot of that food ended up being wasted. Holiday eaters were urged to “clean their plates” and were asked to take leftover food home in “doggy bags.”

The impetus behind the campaign was the startling government statistic that over 200 billion yuan is spent every year on food that ends up in the garbage bin. And in the midst of all this waste, statistics show that 128 million people are living below the poverty line and going hungry.

The “clean your plate” campaign is part of a worldwide effort to stop precious food from being wasted. The United Nations estimates that $1trillion (yes, thats a very big number) worth of food is wasted each year. Most of that is lost during food production and transportation, but a significant percentage is attributed to waste by consumers. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has launched a campaign called “Think. Eat. Save.” to make people aware of the problem.

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing is an ambassador for UNEP and she encouraged people to upload pictures of their “clean plates” to show their support for the program. Thousands of people responded and demonstrated that they had a clear conscience to go along with their full stomachs.

Xi Jinping, the incoming Chinese president, is also urging people to be less wasteful and he told Party members to cut back on extravagant holiday banquets and to be more careful when spending the peoples money.

For some, though, Xi Jinpings and Fan Bingbings admonitions dont go far enough. Yuan Longping, an agricultural scientist, caused a stir by saying that wasting food should be treated as a crime. (Jail time for leftover chicken feet!?)