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Part 3 A Fairytale Ending

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Penelope: ①Hey Patrick, what are you up to?

Patrick: Nothing much…

Penelope: Really? I saw a tweet that a bunch of you were going to some concert tonight.

Patrick: Oh, that. Um…②Yeah, I would love to invite you but your ex is gonna be there, so it’s probably not in your best interest to go.

Penelope: I’m a confident, beautiful, strong-willed girl. I’ll have no trouble at all finding a rebound guy.

Patrick: I don’t doubt it. But I still don’t think it’s such a good idea, you coming.

Penelope: Why not? I’m lovable, I’m 1)available and I’m amazing. Who wouldn’t wanna hang out with Princess Penelope?

Patrick: ③That’s just it. ④The whole princess thing is really wearing thin with the others.

Penelope: What do you mean? I think it’s adorable!

Patrick: ⑤I don’t wanna hurt your feelings, but the way you talk to some people while talking yourself up really rubs others the wrong way.

Penelope: I never talk down to people. And even if I did, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Patrick: I wanna believe you. I can see that there is a genuine person inside you, with the same self-doubt as the rest of us.

Penelope: I don’t doubt anything I do. I’m always right.

Patrick: No, you’re not. Nobody is right all the time. It’s funny to joke about it once in a while, but when you constantly insist that you’re the only one who is right and everyone else is wrong, it gets to the point where no one wants to be around you anymore.

Penelope: I’m confident, and my father taught me that confidence is the key to success.

Patrick: Confidence can be an admirable quality, but 2)hubris is the ultimate turn-off.

Penelope: ⑥If you’re so turned off, why are you still talking to me? Why are you trying to help me? Why don’t you just go judge me and 3)condemn me, and have a good laugh with all your humble friends?

Patrick: Because I want you to know that you don’t have to try so hard to get people to like you.

Penelope: Obviously I do, cuz it seems like everyone hates me right now.

Patrick: Nobody hates you. Well, maybe your ex, Simon, does.

Penelope: I guess he’s earned that right after the way I treated him…

Patrick: See? That’s what I’m talking about. I feel like I just saw a glimpse of the real you peeking out. You admitted to your past mistakes and showed 4)remorse, without making excuses.

Penelope: Did I? I mean, in my life all I’ve done is strive for perfection. I’ve read every magazine article and online post on how to be prettier and skinnier. I’ve demanded the best of myself and anyone I associate myself with. It’s hard to unlearn skills that took decades to hone.

Patrick: Well what you consider skills, others see as bad habits. If you can 5)ditch the negative energy, and embrace the good in others and the faults in yourself, I think you’ll become a much happier person.

Penelope: I’ll try. But it might be a slow process.

Patrick: That’s OK. I can help if you like.

Penelope: Really? Does this mean you’re still gonna be my friend?

Patrick: As long as you’ll have me Princess Penelope!

Penelope: My most gracious gratitude Prince Patrick!

Both: Hahaha...

Smart Sentences

① Hey Patrick, what are you up to? 嘿,帕特里克,你有什么打算?

what are you up to: used to ask other’s intention(用以询问他人的打算)。例如:

―Hi, what are you up to, Max?


―I’m planning a trip to Tibet. Want to come along?


② Yeah, I would love to invite you but your ex is gonna be there, so it’s probably not in your best interest to go. 对,我本来想邀请你,但是你的前任男友也会在那儿,所以你最好别去。

in sb.’s best interest: things are considered to be best suited for sb.(为了某人的最大利益)。例如:

The cafeteria rules are set in the best interest of the students.


③ That’s just it. 这就对了。

That’s just it: used to express agreement with or approval of what has just been said(用以表达对刚才的话的赞同)。例如:

―Working hard is very important, but having fun is also an important part of life.


―That’s just it.


④ The whole princess thing is really wearing thin with the others. 你公主的姿态真的让别人感到无趣。

wear thin: become less interesting(变得无趣)。例如:

The joke began to wear thin after hearing it too many times.


⑤ I don’t wanna hurt your feelings, but the way you talk to some people while talking yourself up really rubs others the wrong way. 我不想伤害你,但是你抬高自己贬低别人的说话方式真的会让人误解。

talk down to sb.: talk to sb. with contempt or condescension(以轻视的态度与某人说话)。例如:

Though Adam is the CEO of a big corporation, he never talks down to people.


talk sb. up: talk mainly of the good things about sb.(讲某人的好话)。例如:

Daisy talks Professor Blackstone up so much that it almost seems questionable.


⑥ If you’re so turned off, why are you still talking to me? 如果你那么讨厌我,为什么还跟我说话呢?

turn sb. off: dull sb.’s interest in sb. or sth.(对某人或某事失去兴趣,厌烦)。例如:

The kids were turned of of by the boring speech

