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Early in the autumn of 1674,Henry Oldenburg,secretary of the Royal Society in London,received an extraordinary letter.Sent by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek,a draper from Delft in the Netherlands,it contained an unlikelysounding claim.

Using a microscope of his own invention,van Leeuwenhoek had seen tiny creatures,invisible to the naked eye,living in lake water.Some of these “animalcules (微生物) ” were so small,he later estimated that 30 million of them would still be smaller than a grain of sand.

Royal Society fellows couldnt believe it.Even with his most powerful instruments,the celebrated English microscopist Robert Hooke had never observed anything like the little creatures.

In fact,the Dutchman had developed far superior lenses to Hookes,and had discovered bacteria and protozoans (原生动物).By producing even smaller and more curved lenses―using a technique that he kept secret―van Leeuwenhoek was able to magnify objects up to 500 times.As well as discovering microorganisms,he was the first to see red blood cells.

In 1677,van Leeuwenhoek sent the Society further animalcule observations.Hooke eventually improved his own microscopes to the point where he,too,could see the tiny creatures.Three years later van Leeuwenhoek was made a fellow.

It was not until 1890,more than 160 years after van Leeuwenhoeks death,that bacteria were linked with diseases.“Reading van Leeuwenhoeks letters,you very much get the impression of somebody dazzled by what he was finding,”says Lesley Robertson,leader of the archives at Delft Universitys school of microbiology.“He thought hed found a whole new world―but he certainly never picked up on the conntion with illness.”

1. What did Antoni van Leeuwenhoek see with his own microscope?

A. A letterB. Bacteria and protozoans

C. Small animals in the waterD. The element of water

2. From the passage we can see .

A. van Leeuwenhoek knew the tiny creatures in the water had something to do with nature

B. van Leeuwenhoek was the first to discover bacteria

C. van Leeuwenhoek was the first to use the microscope

D. van Leeuwenhoek was the first one to know how to observe bacteria and protozoans

3. What does the underline word “magnify” in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. To clear awayB. To improve

C. To collectD. To make large

4. From the last paragraph we can see,when Antoni van Leeuwenhoek saw the tiny creatures,invisible to the naked eye,living in lake water,.

A. he was overexcited

B. he knew he followed someone elses discovery

C. he was a bit disappointed

D. his discovery was to lead a connection between bacteria and illnesses


①draper n. 布料商②curved adj. 弯曲的③archive n. 档案室

长短句分析:It was not until 1890,more than 160 years after van Leeuwenhoeks death,that bacteria were linked with diseases.

句法点睛:这是it was…that强调结构。在强调结构中,more than 160 years after van Leeuwenhoeks death是1890的同位语。


【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。全文讲述了布料商出身的Antoni van Leeuwenhoek发明了自己的显微镜。他的发明使得发现更小、更清晰的事物成为可能,这为把细菌与疾病联系起来奠定了基础。


Robots at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai play football,practise tai chi,play the violin,prepare Chinese dishes and care for the elderly.Robots created by a Chinese farmer can pour tea and paint pictures.

Global designers of robots are making them more capable,powerful and affordable,so they will play more roles in more sectors,from manufacturing to health care,and they can help around the house.

Now Toyota,the worlds biggest car maker,and Canon,the biggest camera maker,have joined research and development to make robots a practical reality,like a PC.

The Expo Shanghai is a place where China can learn about advanced robotics,and a stage for madeinChina robots.

Developers are taking robots from Star Wars and top laboratories and putting them into the industrial sector,even in consumer markets.They are used in health care,computer programming,manufacturing and culture.

The goals are to add more practical functions and to cut price,and lower cost comes with higher volume.

“The World Expo is a unique opportunity to demonstrate French technology,” says Bruno Maisonnier,chief executive of Aldebaran Robotics,which shows Nao robots in the France Pavilion.

More than 700 Nao robots,which cost 1,000 to 12,000 euros (US $14,640 ) each,are sold mainly to research organizations,including 60 to 70 in China.

The Frenchbased company aims to promote robots in the general public market starting from late 2011,with entertainment or learning functions at a “reasonable price,” according to Maisonnier.

Visitors to the Japan Pavilion are struck by Toyotas dextrous Partner Robot playing the Chinese folk song “Jasmine Flower” on the violin.Other robots play other instruments,but the violin is the most complicated.

Many people were so enchanted by the robotic musician that they overlooked other Partner Robots,designed to be personal assistants especially for Japans aging population.One can even carry passengers.

1. Robots at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai are designed .

A. enjoyable and interestingB. practical and affordable

C. goodlooking and considerateD. funny and relaxing

2. Toyota and Canon have joined research and development to make robots,which shows .

A. robots are not too difficult to designB. they want to abandon their present career

C. they are more fit to make robotsD. robot manufacture will become a big market

3. From the designs of the robots,we can see robots .

A. will be more fashionable and advancedB. have been made with less expensive materials

C. are made to meet the need of top laboratoriesD. are made without the consideration of prices

4. From the passage we can see,Nao robots are designed .

A. to show robots can be made cheaplyB. to meet the need of research into the robotic area

C. to fit into our daily suppliesD. to show robots can be intelligent


enchanted adj. 着迷的;着魔的



It is 7 oclock in the morning.You check yourself in the mirror,adjust your collar,and consider the busy day ahead.But at least you know that the stress wont damage your health,for this is no ordinary set of clothes you are wearing. Set within the fabric are numerous sensors,constantly monitoring your vital signs.If danger signs are detected,the garment is programmed to contact your doctor―and send a text message telling you to take it easy.

measure a wearers body temperature or trace his or her heart activity are just entering the market,but the European project BIOTEX weaves new functions into smart textiles.Miniaturized biosensors in a textile patch can now analyze body fluids,even a tiny drop of sweat,and provide a much better assessment of someones health.

Jean Luprano is a researcher at the Swiss Centre for Electronics and Microtechnology(CSEM).“One of the most obvious applications for smart fabrics is in the medical field,” he says.“There has been a good deal of progress with physiological measurements,body temperature or electrocardiograms.But no one has yet developed biochemical sensing techniques that can take measurements from fluids like sweat and blood.We are developing a suite of sensors that can be integrated into a textile patch.The patch is a sensing and processing unit,adaptable to target different body fluids and biochemical species.At the very least,some basic biochemical analyses could complement the physiological measurements that can already be monitored.In some circumstances,fluidic analysis may be the only way to get information on a patients health status.”

1. What is the text mainly about?

A. Smart clothes that can track your healthB. How to make your daily stress free

C. New advancement in the medical fieldD. Biochemical sensing techniques

2. The first paragraph is written to .

A. describe a common scene in peoples lifeB. introduce the topic of the passage

C. tell us to have a smooth start of our dayD. predict the new garments to appear

3. The garments are special because they can .

A. make physiological measurements of a patientB. take ones body temperature

C. take electrocardiograms of a patientD. take measurements from fluids


①vital adj. 生命的②textile n. 纺织品③fluid n. 体液④electrocardiogram 心电图

⑤integrate vt. 综合⑥biochemical adj. 生物化学的⑦complement vt. 补助

长短句分析:Garments that can measure a wearers body temperature or trace his or her heart activity are just entering the market,but the European project BIOTEX weaves new functions into smart textiles.





Ever since the world was introduced to Dolly,the cloned sheep,in 1997,various fears have been expressed that researchers would be tempted to apply to humans the techniques that were used to produce her.Some objections have been practical; many scientists have warned that these techniques remain too dangerous.Others have focused on the unpredictable psychosocial consequences of producing humans that are genetically identical to other individuals.But the strongest opposition has been based on a moral certainty that,whatever the practical risks involved,producing carbon copies of human beings is ethically unacceptable.

The United Nations faces an opportunity to turn this moral certainty into international law when a committee takes up discussion of a possible treaty that would make what is known as “reproductive cloning” a criminal offence.Building on a long line of international treaties targeting unethical practices,from human slavery to the use of biological weapons,the United Nations is likely to be asked to approve a new agreement that would place human cloning in the same category.

In this case,however,the United Nations is in danger of shooting itself in the foot.For the debate over the outlawing of reproductive cloning has been hijacked by those whose principal goal is different.To achieve this,they are seeking to have the proposed ban extended to cover not only the reproductive cloning of human beings,but socalled “therapeutic cloning” as well. This involves growing ertilized embryos for several days,and then extracting from them cells that might later be used as replacement tissue or organs for other individuals


1. What was the fear of people after Dolly,the cloned sheep?

A. They feared that the sheep would die soonB. Techniques to clone animals were dangerous

C. Researchers would clone human beingsD. Researchers would produce therapeutic cloning

2. What does the underlined word “identical” in the first paragraph mean?

A. differentB. similar in looks

C. specialD. harmful

3. Whats the committees treaty about cloning?

A. Any activity of cloning humans is a criminal offence

B. Reproductive cloning would be a criminal offence

C. Cloning should be banned now

D. The use of biological weapons is allowed

4. If there is a treaty to ban reproductive cloning .

A. it is likely to clone humans at present

B. cloning will bring unethical problems

C. it is still a problem how we make scientific research by cloning

D. therapeutic cloning will also be banned


ethically adv. 伦理上②unethical adj. 不道德的③therapeutic adj. 治疗的④hijack vt. 劫持

长短句分析:Ever since the world was introduced to Dolly,the cloned sheep,in 1997,various fears have been expressed that researchers would be tempted to apply to humans the techniques that were used to produce her.

