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Research on the Gatekeeper Theory of Media Production Criticism

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Abstract. Media Production criticism is an important part of the media criticism. Media production and criticism uses various forms of media, such as news, reviews, and other carriers to reflect. The media production is constrained by a number of factors; the text is analyzed from the perspective of the news gatekeepers elaborate.

Key words: Gatekeeper; Media production; Manufacturing news


The gatekeeper’s theory, also known as the gatekeeper (Gate Keeper) theory, scholars generally believed by the Communication founder of Lewin (Kurt Lewin) In fact, the gatekeeper concept was first out of a book the psychological ecology "(Psychological Ecology) 1943 Lewin's writings. The Lewin study the impact of war on the people, especially in wartime housewives buys food habits. In the study of things source, he proposed channel theory (channel theory), is things step by step through the different channels came to the table, and food to enter or not to enter a channel from the channel ring to another ring, would be subject to the influence of the "gatekeeper". Lewin focuses on the things that procure, but he believes that any social phenomenon channels, gates and gatekeepers features the same analysis can be done.

The so-called "gatekeeper" refers to individuals or groups that have recently or out of a certain kind of thing. The gatekeeper theory is that the media in the information transfer process, the major role of the filter. In terms of news, the news agency decided to release the news, the news represents just a small portion; readers read in the newspaper last news, news agency released only a small part of the news. So, let the reader know what, do not know what the media play a decisive role.

In 1947, Lewin explains the theory of "gatekeeper" in the channels of group life again. Lewin gatekeeper theory has the following points: Lewin's "gatekeeper" concept is built on a "channel theory" based on. Because things sports channels, and the channel is not flat and smooth, there are a variety of hurdles, namely the "gatekeeper". Lewin believes the "gatekeeper" behavior varied, but eventually to master. "Gatekeeper" is actually studying the factors that cause the gatekeeper to make a decision that is an exploration hidden in the "off" open, closing behavior of a variety of factors. Lewin checks affect the psychological factors. Therefore, the study of the psychological factors of the individual in the gatekeeper role is his main motivation and purpose.

In 1949, White holds a case investigation to verify the theory of Lewin. White's study is a 25 years experience in journalism will be reported to edit to observe his handling of the collected news agency dispatch within a week, and knows him so deal with manuscripts reasons, to prove some advance some dispatch, Editor's Choice, and the idea of filtering manuscript, and therefore the about some verifiable in basic gatekeeper role and the role of the mass media concept. Through the investigation, he found that the gatekeeper role of the editor is very obvious.

In 1955, Dr. Warren Breed of Columbia University in order to study the social control of news, interviews with about 120 newspaper staff. Editing within the bureaucracy and the actual process in the newsroom social control pointed out: The reporter must to edit the requirements for the final bottom line message final adoption by the editor or responsible for people, as well as control of the media and political institutions to the decision and pointed out that the editorial policy is reflected in the editorials, news columns, headlines orientation. Workflow between editors and reporters is determined by editors, reporters can choose according to their whereabouts, but cannot guarantee to be selected messages in the media the actual spread, they must first understand the thoughts and ideas of the editing, and editing of discussions and consultations to determine the topic or program.

In 1969, scholars Bass took a "gatekeeper" study; he issued a document of "Journalism Quarterly:" White, the so-called 'gatekeeper' inconsistent with the original intent of the Lewin. Referred because is a small group, of an object directly holds the right to decide whether to allow the use of this group, dispatch, edit a selection of ready-made press release, is not a true' gatekeeper 'Bath news from the point of view of the source angle of view, the news flow process is divided into two phases of news gathering 'and' news processing 'true' gatekeepers' are engaged in journalism, he thinks, a collection of people or organizations.

In 1980, Gertrude Joch Robinson through the investigation of Yugoslavia, a news agency obtained a few points about the message control theory: "First, the organization of the internal and external factors constitutes an echo each other relationship news selection. Second, through the influence of the selection of the news to cause the impact of the needs of the audience groups. Third, within the control relationship has been formed in the form of the production planning. Fourth, and the obtained message information with neutrality and internal culture. "

In 1992, the gatekeeper theory was summarized into five levels by Pamela J. Shoemaker, that is, the level of the individual; spread the conventional level, organization level, super media, the level of social institutions and social system level analysis. The shoemaker of the lead doorman theory to media agenda setting theory research and media sociology research, and thus extends to the process of interpersonal communication, political communication and organizational spread, making doorman theory spread to the broad and complex disciplines.

2. gatekeepers Case Study

The gatekeeper’s case study is a professor of journalism at Boston University, by the case study of the trade-offs of an editing news agency dispatch. This research report entitled "Watchmen: news selection case study" (The Gatekeeper: A Case Study on the Selection of News).

White’s study selected a 40-year-old middle-aged man in his early 25's news business experience, served as a reporter and editor, the sophistication of the industrial city in the Midwestern United States a 100,000 population as a telecommunications edit large circulation of about 30,000 copies daily. The purpose of this study is to determine some preliminary comments. The editor of three news agencies decides why choose or do not turn on the "gatekeeper" role in the field of mass communication in diagnostic awareness.

The study found that the subject of news about could be divided into 13 categories: crime, disasters, political (divided into state and national), human interest, international (divided into political, economic, war), labors, the country (divided into agriculture, economy, education, science). Door Mr. highest adopted the rate of human interest, accounting for 23.2%, followed by the national political, accounting for 15.8%, using the lowest rate of crime news, accounting for 3.2%. The study found that 90% did not use the manuscript, White found the door Mr. extremely subjective, and highly dependent on the personal attitude of value judgments based on experience.

A week later, the man answers the Mr. White's question, the answers are as follows:

Does the News category affect your choice of news?

He answered: News category certainly affects my choice of news. Crime news and car news as a warning. The humane News to promote human compassion, and can establish the behavior of a model. Economic News provides intelligence to some readers, first to others. I choose not strictly requires balancing, but try to diversify. News category displays certain groups interested in some kind of news, such as teachers, workers, and professionals. Newswires electric pick impossible ideas to keep a strict balanced taste, because we cannot be forced. Most want to hear the ideas used in the select brief news, though undeniable, some short draft to fill the forum.

Do you feel you have any influence you press Select stereotypes?

Mr. Door answered: I have some prejudices are no alternative. I do not like the economic policies of Truman, daylight savings time, there is no ice beer, but I still kind of news. There are other things, as long as I am only not give some space. I am also opposed to the headquarters in Rome, has been seeking the release of free publicity minorities, I cannot give them much help. In addition, I prefer to write at the end of a good news, and modify to fit our needs (or to tend to our editorial policy.)

You select the news for readers, what do you think is the concept of the reader? Your cognitive readers with an average of wisdom are what kind of person?

Mr. answered: our readers are seen as people with an average of wisdom, and a variety of interests and to the door. I know the wisdom of some of our readers in four universities in the region, more than the average. And lower educational standards. Anyway, I will be when theylook, have some common interests. I believe that they are entitled to make news of interest to them, including their thoughts and interactive news, as well as some of the high speed of their world, the news of what happens.

Do you have a special theme or writing test, used to help you decide to choose specific news?

Mr. Door answered: When I make a choice when I know the only theme or writing test, including clear, concise, viewpoints. I have said, some news of their role of vigilance, moral or lesson. But I do not want to list these reasons as a test of the subject matter or writing style. Clarity has to judge the scale of news, the same news, when I taste a third of the manuscript. The news is another option length factor. The news out of breath long, usually discarded, unless it can cut just combined.

White through the Mr. Door’s analysis the following conclusions: the right to decision message of trade-offs, like this door, Mr. "gatekeeper" in the process of information transfer.

3. Manufacture News Study

Make the news, also known as the production of news, the 1970s wave of academic research on media production and criticism; it perpetuates the academic nature of media organizations and workflow since the 1950s, as well as to the media content from the media effects characteristic research, organizational factors and lead to the study of the causes of these characteristics.

American scholar Gaye Tuchman in his book, "to do News - Reality Construction knowledge" (Making News) answer journalists how to decide what news is, from a theoretical perspective? Why do they only report certain facts without reporting some facts? Journalists how to decide we want to know what? " He pointed out that by analyzing the behavior of the news production is a construction of reality itself, rather than a realistic image Construction. News is the framework, and news is a constructed reality.

The news is a framework (News as Frame), meaning that the News Events of the events into a news event. News selected materials from everyday life, and then processed into the story. News is the framework that the behavior of the news production is the construct of reality itself, rather than the reality of the Construction of the image.

Tuchman said: "News is a window that people understand the world." But the news is not a realistic image of the construct; it is the construction of reality itself, or the framework of the real world. He also believes that: "with any framework to depict the world as the news the framework itself also has its own problems window to show the vision depends on the size of the window pane how much light and shade of the window glass and windows toward greet street or facing the backyard this vision also depends on the location of the point of view, such as the far point near the point crooked neck look or head stretched forward, or body sideways so that the eyes follow the window wall parallel.

From a spatial perspective, he believes that the news is a network rather than a blanket. News into the production process is not a blanket, because the news never exhaustive contains all events. The news production process made the network, this is because of the news production angle, the position of selection, such as different network size, the angle and intensity of the nets, and so on, that is news in the production process of news organizations, such as the editorial department will carefully arrange an invisible network through a division of labor. So, Which reporter was sent to interview a certain event, the reporter found in many diverse newsworthy, these are the news production space factors determined.

From the time perspective, Tuchman answer under the provisions of the period at the time of this writing, the reporter how the material classification, processing, and ultimately produce works of journalism. In the specific news production process, he further analysis of news typed, the relationship between reporters and editors initiative, journalistic professionalism, news sources, news facts, as well as news formulation. Finally, he pointed out that "the news is about the story of the social life, it is a social resource as a source of knowledge, and a source of rights, and the news is a window of viewing the world."

The news is the construction of reality. The framework of the theory is usually considered Goffman first proposed. He pointed out that in the framework of analysis people is through the framework of cognitive understanding of the community, its formation and existence of objective existence. The framework of the theory on the one hand to assist people to think or organize information, on the other hand, it has also become the main source of the ideology or stereotype.

Framework has two meanings. The first meaning refers to the boundaries of the second meaning is that people construct for interpreting social phenomena. Former representative of the range of materials in the latter on behalf of the American scholar Rasmussen (Gamson) show the significance of the structure is a worldview observe things. " The practice of journalism is to use these frameworks to report news, reflecting the social building society.

"media framework is the principle - to deliberately emphasize interpretation and rendering symbols media producers conventionally used to organize and discourse in this context, the media framework to help journalists is fast and routinely handle the large number of different and even contradictory information, and they suit together. Thus it has become an important institutionalized part of the mass media text encoding in some framework, but may be in the audience decoding formation play a key role. "


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