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1. ―I am so tired.

―No wonder. You for a whole day.

A. work

B. are working

C. have been working

D. have worked

2. ―We’ve spent too much money recently.

― Well, it isn’t surprising. We _______ around all the time.

A. are shopping

B. have shopped

C. were shopping

D. have been shopping

3. I have to see the doctor because I ______ a lot from headache lately.

A. have been suffering

B. was suffering

C. have suffered

D. suffer

Keys: C D A



1. 现在完成进行时的构成形式是have/has been doing sth.,一般译为“一直在做某事”。现在完成进行时没有被动语态,它强调动作在从过去到现在某一段时间内持续进行,强调动作的持续时间,动词必须是延续性动词。现在完成进行时常与all the time, all the afternoon, the whole week等时间状语连用。例如:

The CPI in China has been rising. 中国的居民消费价格指数一直在上升。(强调动作持续)

2.现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,完成在过去,其结果或影响仍存在。重点为“已经做过了某事”,但是并不强调这一动作在持续不停地进行。现在完成时常与already, yet, so far, recently等时间状语连用。例如:

Xi Jinping has paid his fifth visit to the USA. 已经完成了他对美国的第五次访问。(强调已经完成)



1. 未完结性


I have cleaned the classroom.我把教室打扫干净了。(教室已经打扫干净)

I’ve been cleaning the classroom.我一直在打扫教室。(可能尚未打扫完教室)

例1(2010江苏卷)―Why, Jack, you look so tired!

―Well, I _______ the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.

A. was painting

B. will be painting

C. have painted

D. have been painting

分析 D。 句意:杰克,你为什么看起来如此疲惫?我一直都在粉刷房子,并且我明天必须完成。根据句意可知,杰克一直在粉刷房子,动作未完结,并且杰克会继续粉刷,强调动作持续,故采用现在完成进行时态。C项为现在完成时,强调过去的动作已经完成及对现在的影响,而杰克显然还没有刷完房子,故C项不符合语境。

2. 连续性或重复性


Jack have been calling Lucy every night for the last week. 上星期,杰克每天晚上都给露西打电话。

I’ve been knocking. I don’t think anybody’s in. 我一直在敲门。我想屋里没人。

例2 (2009四川卷)Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair _______ all day. Could you speak to her now?

A. phones B. has phoned

C. has been phoning D. phoned

分析 C。 句意为:对不起,玛西娅,一位来自Vanity Fair的记者一整天都在打电话,你现在能和她通话吗?时间状语all day表示过去开始的动作一直持续进行到现在,记者一整天肯定是数次打电话,体现了连续性和重复性的特点,故用现在完成进行时。

3. 常带有感彩


Meng Peijie has been looking after her paralysed adoptive mother with great care for 12 years. We all admire her very much. 孟佩杰12年来一直悉心照顾瘫痪的养母,我们都很钦佩她。(赞许的感彩)

I’ve been waiting for an hour, but he still hasn’t turned up. 我都等了一个小时了,但是他还未露面。(抱怨的感彩)

例3 (2008北京西城抽样) ―I wonder if you could go with me to the cinema.

―Don’t disturb me. I ______ a composition all the morning and haven’t finished it yet.

A. write

B. was writing

C. have written

D. have been writing

分析 D。 根据答语的第二句可知答话人整个上午都在写作文,现在还没有写完,所以用现在完成进行时,体现了未完结性的特点,表示动作从过去一直持续到现在,而且还可能继续下去。并且由“Don’t disturb me”可以明显感觉到答话人抱怨的感彩。而现在完成时强调对现在造成的影响或结果,不表示动作的持续,因此C项不正确。


1. (2010湖南卷) I’m tired out. I ______ all afternoon and I don’t seem to have finished anything.

A. shopped

B. have shopped

C. had shopped

D. have been shopping

2. (2010辽宁卷) Joseph to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say“What’s your name?” in Russian.

A. has been going B. went

C. goes D. has gone

3. I wonder if John has forgotten my number, I _______ him to call me for the past two hours.

A. was expecting

B. have expected

C. have been expecting

D. expected

4. ―Sorry for being late. I was held up in the traffic.

―It’s all right. I _______ the newspaper, anyway.

A. am reading

B. read

C. have been reading

D. have read

5. Please stop to have a rest. You _______ the washing machine the whole morning.

A. have repaired

B. were repairing

C. have been repaired

D. have been repairing