>> 西方艺术市场推崇中国当代艺术的动机析论 西方艺术影响下的中国当代艺术 中国当代艺术在西方的影响 艺术市场对中国当代艺术的影响 中国当代艺术的市场“软肋” 踉跄的中国当代艺术 中国当代艺术的发展 疯狂的中国当代艺术 中国当代艺术 中国当代艺术与西方收藏家 中国当代艺术市场强劲反弹 掘金纽约中国当代艺术市场 为中国当代艺术市场一辩 中国当代艺术创作中的西方元素及本土独创性 西方藏家关于中国当代艺术作品收藏的评估尺度分析 对中国当代艺术及艺术市场的思考 中国符号对中国当代艺术的影响 中国当代艺术的发展与西方浪漫主义到先锋艺术脉络的区别 中国当代艺术提前过冬 中国当代艺术投资漫谈 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l ,2012年2月9日。
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③ 《天价艺术品层出不穷投资大鳄高位离场》,《中国证券报》,,2011年5月。
Why does Western Art Market Praise Highly of Contemporary Chinese Art?
DING Yue-hua, LONG Hong
(1.School of Fine Arts, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 400047; 2. School of Arts, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030)
Abstract:Based upon the analysis of the phenomenon that western art market praise highly of contemporary Chinese art, in this paper, we indicate that its motivation lies in the construction of speaking right of collection value, appeal of cultural identity, political factor of visual art collection, cultural attribute of artworks, and the psychology of collectors' ROI. All of these motivations directly or indirectly relate to Chinese characteristics. The cultural consciousness reflected from western art market's high praise of contemporary Chinese art requires that Chinese people should think profoundly of system culture tradition and problems of spiritual construction in new era, cultural identity and intercultural communication.
Key Words:Western Art Market; Praise Highly; Contemporary Chinese Art; Motivation