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The Construction and Application of Ancient Path Landscape Value Evaluation Mode

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Abstract. This article is based on Trail Landscape element analysis. It digs the integrated value of the landscape of the trail, and initially builds the protection and restoration of its evaluation system, enhancing its usefulness and providing the guidance and basis for the protection and restoration work and operability.

Key words: Trail; Landscape; Comprehensive Value; Evaluation; Model

1 Introduction

The concept of “Cultural heritage” was formally proposed at the 1972 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. It specifically refers to the history, aesthetics, archeology, anthropology, science, and ethnology prominent the universal value of the cultural relics, groups of buildings and sites. They are human civilization activities and rare valuable asset, which cannot be replaced. Heritage Corridor has become an important part of the world cultural heritage protection after years of development. The world of three corridors was inscribed on the World Heritage List are France South Canal do Midi Canal (1996), Spain's Santiago de Cospostela pilgrimage channel (1998), and Austria Serenering railway (1998). The heritage Corridor space is huge, profound cultural precipitation, which has attracted worldwide attention.

China is still in the beginning stages of the theory and practice of "Heritage Corridor" because of the lack of complete understanding of the theory of strict, lack of heritage protection regulations and institutions. However, China has many unique heritage of the trail. Trail as a linear cultural landscape heritage carries important connotation of the China Millennium material culture and spiritual culture. It contains the history and culture value, and landscape ecology has become increasingly prominent. Trail Landscape element analysis was based on in-depth mining Trail landscape value, initially built its evaluation system, and applied to instances come to the protection and restoration of the focus; enhance its practicality and maneuverability, providing guidance and basis for future protection and restoration work.

2 Meanings and Composition Analysis of the Ancient Road Landscape

2.1 Trail Landscape

Road landscape is a collection of many units, natural and artificial, and a variety of tangible and intangible elements [2]. Trail landscape belongs to the branch of the road landscape system, which has the fundamental characteristics that distinguish it from other types of road landscape in its long history. It was rich in cultural factors and spiritual wealth and was closer to the degree of integration of space and time.

2.2 Factor Analysis

Trail landscape has four parts of the body landscape, ancillary facilities, natural landscape and cultural landscape. Each landscape category and elements of analysis can be seen in Table 1-1.

3 Research Overview

Scholars around the world as the main generalized Scenic Byway system, the scenic the Road landscape assessment methods, assessment indicators selected, as well as indicators of the reliability of the study. It includes the assessment method, equidistant Expert Group on visual evaluation method, the mapping method, simulation evaluation and questionnaire method, etc. Palmer is based on the Scenic Byway landscape evaluation method. In the Scenic Byway selected standards, the United States has established a National Scenic Byway evaluation system and standard. In maintaining the value of rural Trail the scholars Bennettretal in this direction put forward a number of proposals in his research, which has focused on a broad category of road landscape evaluation, and the targeted Trail landscape value evaluation model has not yet been fully established.

4 Trail Landscape Valuation Model

4.1 Methods

Trail landscape is a very complex system, and its constituent elements are diverse and rich, and therefore its consolidated valuation should also be a multi-level, systematic thinking process. Trail Landscape value evaluation involving multiple subjective factor multifaceted evaluation indicators subject to evaluation of knowledge, experience, aesthetic ability, cognitive ability and personal preferences. It is difficult to rule out the deviation of these human factors. In this study, the value of the evaluation takes Analytical Hierarchy Process and AHP method, and Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to build the trail landscape valuation.

4.2 Evaluation Model

4.2.1 Indicators Building and Weight Determination

Comprehensive Evaluation of Landscape Resources of the basic principles and theory supports the survey, to complete the evaluation index build scale method to construct the judgment matrix; Analytic Hierarchy Process (the main program, the level of single-shot, and the judgment matrix consistency test value hierarchy) to determine the evaluation Sort weights. Specific results are as follows.

Table 4-5. Ancient path landscape 'is comprehensive value evaluation index weight

4.2.2 Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

To establish the basis for completion of the evaluation set, invite relevant industry experts and professionals, as well as trail for visitors and residents of the surrounding of the trail location 120, Trail landscape value ratings, ratings are shown in Table 4-2.

Table4-6. Ancient path landscapes’ comprehensive value evaluation fuzzy grading

Remark In the table the consolidated re-value = indicator system, the evaluation factor of the right to re-value × the evaluation factor which corresponds to the upper layer of evaluation factors of the right to re-value (based on each related to the right to re-values are in line with the normalized data requirements)

Likely to participate in the evaluation of people from many disciplines and industries, different professional background, and aesthetic values and heritage class landscape cognitive level restrictions there are some differences, so that the results of the evaluation. In order to evaluate the results of both objectivity and professionalism, but also flexibility, Volkswagen, respond to the results of the evaluation of each person's amendment and adjustments [8], the correction coefficient:

Table 4-7. Correction coefficient of the correlative evaluation results

Starting from one factor alone was evaluated to determine the object of evaluation membership evaluation focused element, known as the single factor fuzzy evaluation. In general, the object set evaluation factors focused first Factor , Evaluation focused first on the evaluation Elements , Membership , The results can be expressed as a fuzzy set , Known as the single factor evaluation set:

, In which ( = 1,2, ) (Note: , The element is the object Factors set on the evaluation Characteristics of indicators, called membership.

Factors judge set membership constitute a single factor fuzzy matrix , the evaluation is as follows.

Trail landscape value determined according to the hierarchy of sorting evaluation index weight and single-factor evaluation matrix Data arithmetic processing, to thereby obtain the evaluation results of B [2], the process is as follows:

= (Equation 4.7)

It should ensure Results in normalization Results do in the normalization process, and based on the principle of maximum degree of membership, whichever is the normalized vector maximum as finalized Rank [8].

5 View of the application of the Valuation Model

"Three thousand eight hundred Hum" is a section of the ancient post road network in Fujian and Jiangxi, was built in the Song Dynasty, then experienced various dynasties repairs, more complete preservation status quo are superior Trail whole natural environment, landscape, now has as Nanping City Man Dang Mountain Series scenic spot an important tourism resource. The Trail is so named because of its stone steps of about three thousand eight hundred, and is, one of the famous Trails existing in the Fujian Province.

5.1 Basic Steps

First, invite relevant experts, professional employees, nearby residents the scenic Mangdangshan three thousand eight hundred Hom Trail, as well as for visitors to explore the Trail of Table 4 - 6 Trail Landscape value fuzzy score sheet specific file (the score table issued a total of 120 valid score sheets 99 parts, the recovery rate of 82.5%). Then, the statistics of the evaluation indicators of the degree of membership of each evaluation level should be, after correction process, a fuzzy evaluation matrix , which combined with the trail landscape value evaluation right weight for computation. Finally, the result of the operation matrix in accordance with the principle of the maximum degree of membership is the maximum degree of value in the normalized vector as eventually Trail Landscape Value Rank conclusion. Listed in Table 4 - 1, Mangdang for Nanping Mountain three thousand eight hundred Hom Trail landscape combined value of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, these data constitute the fuzzy evaluation matrix, which directly affect the final evaluation findings.

Table 4-8. The conclusion date of "three thousand and eight hundred steps" ancient path landscape’s comprehensive value fuzzy synthetically evaluation

5.2 Evaluation Results and Analysis

Table 3-1 Trail Landscape value evaluation index weight value in accordance with the basic steps of the application of the evaluation model described earlier, and Table 4-1 statistical evaluation findings data processing, is to get three thousand eight hundred Hom Trail Landscape comprehend the value of a number of evaluation findings, which is shown in Table 4 - 2:

Table 4-9. The conclusion list of "three thousand and eight hundred steps" ancient path landscape’s comprehensive value evaluation

The above table shows that Home Trail the Mangdangshan three thousand eight hundred landscape value hierarchy as "good", the historical value, cultural value, landscape aesthetic value, the level of practical value are "good"; ecological environmental value grade " excellent "; science and technology value hierarchy". In addition to determine the level of the value content of the Trail, according to the corresponding data in the individual evaluation, we can also find qualities in which as the object of study of the trail was more prominent, especially by the people's attention and favor, thereby enhancing the overall evaluation model of practicality. For example: people the Mangdangshan three thousand eight hundred Hom Trail in the high recognition of the value of the three aspects of the history, landscape aesthetic and Eco evaluation concluded embodies a certain uniformity. In addition, through the comparison of the corresponding evaluation data, it can be seen a long history, the region rare characteristics affect the determination of the historical value of the Trail.


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