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跑酷 第9期

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Parkour, a made?up word, is a newly emerging movement of leaps, vaults, rolls and landings, aiming to help a person avoid or surmount whatever lies in his path. Parkour goes over walls, not around them; it takes the stair rail, not the stairs. Spread mainly by videos on the Internet, it has been embraced in Europe and the United States by thrill?seekers and martial?arts adepts. They regard it partly as an extreme sport—its founder would like to see it included in the Olympics—and partly as grueling meditative pursuit. Movies like its daredevil qualities. A bracing parkour chase begins Casino Royale, the recent James Bond movie. It includes jumps from the boom of one tower crane to that of another. Parkour’s customary obstacles are walls, stairwells, fences, railings, and gaps between roofs—it is an urban rather than a pastoral pursuit.


History of Parkour


The earliest form of parkour in history was defined by George Hebert, a naval officer in the French army who served both during World War Ⅰ and World War Ⅱ. Because he was a soldier, he often traveled to Africa, where he was impressed by the efficient, flowing athletic movements of most of the African tribes he visited. After he had returned to France, he began to develop a method of natural movement for officers serving in the military, in which both men and women were trained to move efficiently and fluently around a wide variety of obstacles in their path. The discipline called “méthode naturelle” started to be regularly taught in the military, setting the stage for the later development of parkour.

The most well?known founding figure of parkour is David Belle, who learned about the “méthode naturelle” discipline by his father back in the 1980s. The group he trained in came up with the term “parkour”. A person who practices parkour is generally known as a traceur, or a traceuse if she is female.

This discipline began to fall into the mainstream in the 1990s, when some films were made about parkour history and its philosophy. Some practitioners have expressed unhappi?ness with the growing popularity of the sport, especially since parkour can be dangerous if it is practiced by someone who has not received appropriate training. The training includes flying leaps, jumps, and other physically demanding moves which can look terribly flashy, but also be risky.