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One of the most successful teachers I’ve had is Mrs. Karen in college. She was my foreign teacher and the reason I think that she was successful is that most of her students had enormous respect for her and I always felt comfortable in her teaching environment.

I think she comes up with good ideas for significant teaching by her years of experience in teaching the ESL students. The teachers sometimes benefit very much from teaching different kinds of students because every year the students would be somewhat different in character and the teachers would have to make adjustment on the teaching plans. She also collects her teaching ideas from students, books, or her colleagues.

The way she structures the classroom activities is very goal-oriented. She sets expectation of students and she tries very hard to keep the classroom a positive learning environment for students. Most of the activities, such as role play, require tremendous students’ involvement. She asks students to write journals regularly as the way to start off the academic session and pick out volunteers to share it. Or she would divide up the class into groups and they can read theirs in a smaller setting. And in order for her to get along with the students, she avoids running the class as a monarchy and always tries to pay attention to each individual so no one feels left out. For any kind of projects she gives, she expects students to explore answers and complete the research individually. She is like a coach who guides and motivates us to be a better and successful person, but who does not help us directly. This method of teaching, which is very effective, really helps students develop better organization and research skills.

To me, I think of her as a very experimental or adventurous teacher because she has so much trust for her students. She is not conservative and has a high expectation of students. Therefore she tries to dig out students’ potential as much as she can and some students turn out to be really successful under her guidance. Creativity and games are both great tools she uses to have students be interested and get involved. She thinks that playing games is great for students to learn about things and enjoy at the same time. Instead of lecturing the class the whole time, the students can learn more by playing some types of productive learning games. Even though she wants the students to put in the effort to her class, she would not stress the students out by assigning excessive amount of work.

There are too many ways to define a successful teacher, but for me I think a successful teacher must really dedicate much of his/her time to understanding and getting to know the students. There is not a must followed formula to teaching, but in order to be successful in teaching, one must be organized and possess a good sense of what he/she wants out of the students and that may create some spontaneous mutual competition among students themselves, by having these kinds of mild competitive environments might ignite students’ desire to learn. Also paying attention to everyone is very important too.
