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Blog" and "wiki" were already dictionary words in 2004 when Adam Curry, a former show host on MTV, used his own celebrity and the underlying technologies of blogging to popularise yet another next big thing: "podcasting" (which provided him with a new nickname, "podfather").


A "podcast" is a web feed of audio or video files placed on the Internet for anyone to subscribe to, and also the content of that feed. Podcasters' websites also may offer direct download of their files, but the subscription feed of automatically delivered new content is what distinguishes a podcast from a simple download or real-time streaming.

In a nutshell, a podcast is an audio file in MP3 format and delivered online via RSS feed (webfeed) subscriptions. Podcast subscribers can listen to the show athis or her own leisure, which is the main attraction of this medium. And unlike Internet radio, there is no schedule to follow. Podcasts can update as often as the author has time to make a recording. Some only update once a month or so, while others update daily and sometimes more often than that.


The term "podcast" was derived from two words: iPod (an Apple MP3 player) and broadcast. This is attributed to the pioneers of podcasting who are iPod users. However, don't be deceived by this term, as you don't need an iPod to broadcast and/or listen to podcasts. Any computer audio software that supports MP3 (Windows Media Player, QuickTime, etc.) and any portable device that supports media download and playback may be used to listen to them.

"Podcasting" is the term used to refer to the act of making and broadcasting podcasts. People who make and broadcast shows through podcasting are known as "podcasters".

How They Work

You need a podcast client/receiver to subscribe to a podcast. When you're subscribed, your client will check for new shows automatically when you ask it to. Then, you just listen to the podcasts on a computer or portable device (MP3 player, PDA or cellphone) when and where you want to. It works as follows. A podcaster records something - anything from music to philosophical ramblings, professional news or random noises - into a computer with the aid of a microphone, then posts this audio file onto the internet. There, people can listen to it and, more importantly, subscribe to a "feed" from the same podcaster, so that all new audio files from that source are automatically pulled down as soon as they are published. Whenever listeners dock their iPods or other music players for charging, the feeds that have newly arrived on the computers are transferred to the portable devices. People can then listen in their cars, while jogging, or wherever and whenever they please.

It is not quite true, therefore, that podcasting is to audio as blogging is to text. Podcasting is about "time-shifting" (listening offline to something at a time of one's own choosing, as opposed to a broadcaster's), whereas reading blogs requires a live internet connection and a screen. More subtly, podcasts are different from blogs and wikis in that they cannot link directly to other podcasts. This makes podcasting a less social, and perhaps less revolutionary, medium.

Mass Appeal

Nonetheless, its rise has been nothing short of astonishing. Adam Curry's own podcast, The Daily Source Code, has several million listeners. Apple's iTunes, the software application and online music store that makes iPods work, currently lists 20,000 free podcasts and is adding them at a fast clip, all before podcasting's second birthday. Podcasting is even expanding from audio to video, although this trend is as yet so new that several names ("vodcasting", "vidcasting", "vlogging") are still vying for the honour.

For listeners, the appeal is threefold. First, they become their own programmers, mixing the music and talk feeds that they enjoy. This liberates commuters, say, from commercial radio stations that, in America especially, seem only ever to get dumber and duller. Second, podcasts liberate listeners from advertising, and thus put an end to the tedious and dangerous toggling between the car radio's pre-set buttons at 100km an hour. (However, some podcasters are experimenting with putting advertisements into their podcasts.) Above all, the time-shifting that podcasts make possible liberates people from having to sit in their parked cars to hear the end of a good programme.

For creative types, professional or amateur, the appeal of podcasting is much the same as that of other participatory media: it dramatically lowers the costs of producing content. All they need is a microphone, a computer and an internet connection, and many people already have those.


简而言之,播客就是一种以MP3为格式、通过RSS 信息源(网络信息源)订阅来进行在线传输的音频文件。订阅播客者可以在其空闲时来收听节目,而这正是该传媒方式的主要亮点所在。而且,与互联网广播不同,是没有可遵循的时间表的。只要原创者有时间录,播客就可以更新。有的大概每月只更新一次,还有的每天都更新而且有时还更为频繁。


“播客”这个词由两个词衍生而来:“iPod”(苹果公司的MP3播放器)和“broadcast”。这要归功于播客广播的开创者都是iPod玩家。然而,可不要被这个词给唬住了,因为你并非需要有iPod才能播送和/或收听播客。任何支持MP3的电脑音频软件(如“Windows Media Player”和“QuickTime”等)以及任何支持媒体下载和录音重放功能的便携设备都可以被用来收听播客。









Some Popular Podcasts & Useful Sites


Zoe's Radio Show



The Ricky Gervais Show

这是一个由英国喜剧演员里奇・若维斯(Ricky Gervais)和其长期创作伙伴斯蒂芬・莫臣特(Stephen Merchant)以及他们那位“傻到极点”的朋友卡尔・皮尔金顿(Karl Pilkington)联合推出的播客。迄今为止,该播客保持着全球同类播客中下载量最大的记录。


Josh in Japan





Podcasting News














underlying /`7nd9`laiiM/ adj.基础的;根本的

subscribe /s9b`skraib/ v.订阅

in a nutshell 简单地说;简而言之

via /`vai9/ prep.通过;经由

at one's leisure 有空时

medium /`m1dj9m/ n.媒体;媒介

attribute /9`trib(t/ vt.归因于

pioneer /,pai9`ni9/ n.首创者;倡导者

deceive /di`s1v/ v.欺骗;行骗

portable /`p5t9bl/ adj.便携式的

playback /`pleib2k/ n.录音重放

rambling /`r2mbliM/ n.漫谈

random /`r2nd9m/ adj.任意的;随便的

jogging /`_4GiM/ n.慢跑

please /pl1z/ v.使喜欢;取悦

time-shifting 提前录好节目以后观看或收听

as opposed to 与……相对

subtly /`s7tli/ adv.细致地;细微地

vying /`vaiiM/ adj.竞争的

threefold /Fr1f9uld/ adj.三重的;三倍的

tedious /`t1di9s/ adj.沉闷的;冗长乏味的

toggle /`t4Gl/ v.拨弄开关

participatory /p3`tisipeit9ri/
