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Sports Are Important in My Life!

by Francis Edwards

Youth is 1)synonymous with energy-both mental and physical. Opportunities for student participation in 2)extracurricular activities are considered a very important part of a student’s school life in America. Organized and 3)informal sports give teens the chance to learn the value of fair play, to 4)achieve goals and to just have fun. Clubs and organizations are 5)established based on student’s interests. In 2005, over 62% of boys and 55% of girls in high schools played on a sports team. The most popular sports for boys are American football, basketball, 6)track and field, baseball and soccer; while for girls, the most popular sports are basketball, track and field, volleyball, 7)softball and soccer. Organized high school sports often include 8)gymnastics, 9)wrestling, swimming, tennis and golf. Away from school, teenagers participate year-round in 10)community-sponsored sports leagues. In addition, particularly in the summer, they 11)engage in informal games in the streets and parks of their neighborhoods.

Believe it or not, as a result of a U.S. law that encourages women to take part in 12)athletics, girls?13)participation in high school athletics has increased by 800% over the past 30 years. Offering attractive 14)scholarships as 15)incentives, the best universities in the country always welcome 16)candidates with an excellent record in high school sports.

In the following piece, several American teenagers will tell you how important sports are in their life. Sports really can relieve the stress from your studies. Come on, have fun in your P.E. class! Let’s get going and get some exercise today!

Marsha, 18, California (马莎,18岁,加利福尼亚州)

For me, playing sports has 17)instilled the values of 18)camaraderie, leadership, respect and 19)cooperation that exist within a group. I learned the importance of practicing, working hard toward a goal, and 20)overcoming the disappointment of a loss after giving it my all. My 21)accomplishments in sports have allowed me to discover that success comes to those who strive to achieve their goals and reach their 22)potential. I have succeeded 23)academically with a work 24)ethic sculpted by sports.


Katie, 15, New York (卡蒂,15岁,纽约)

Swimming has provided me with a community of friends, 25)coaches and role models who are all an important part of my life. The cheers and team sprit have helped me gain the self-confidence necessary to smile and speak up. Long practices allow me to work through my 26)frustration and challenge my mental and physical strength. Swimming has taught me to work hard, accept responsibility, and hold my head high.


Samantha, 17, Virginia (萨曼塔,17岁,弗吉尼亚州)

Running track may have saved my life. I suffered from 27)depression and when I was 14, I felt overwhelmed by the 28)disorder. I joined the track team for many reasons and every time I won a race, it was not only a victory over my 29)opponents, but over my disease. My success on the 30)varsity track and field team gave me the confidence to admit I needed helpnd the courage to ask for it.


Kimberly, 16, Texas (金伯利,16岁,德克萨斯州)

I have learned many valuable life lessons through my love of sports. Playing sports has taught me that if you really want something you must work hard for it. The same goes for life. To do well in school, I have to go beyond just doing my homework. It’s important to do extra credit and read ahead. The best thing playing sports has taught me is that you must not accept failure because if you accept failure on the court, then you will be more willing to accept failure in life.


Eddie, 18, Florida (埃迪,18岁,佛罗里达州)

I started running track in the 7th grade because I was good at running in football. I just never got tired. Sports have played a huge role in teaching me 31)discipline actually waking up at 5:45 in the morning to go train and to go to practice 7 days a week. My father, who died last year, really served as my 32)motivation whenever I wanted to give up whether in school or in running. He fought cancer for 9 years and went through two 14hour surgeries 33)chemotherapy and radiation. Sports are really important in my life!


David, 17, Montana (大卫,17岁,蒙大纳州)

My sport in college is probably going to be basketball, but I’ve made up my mind that I want to play at the highest level of college competition if I can. But if I get a better opportunity of a scholarship playing football rather than basketball, I’d play football. When you’ve got a team doing well, everybody at school is so much more involved in everything. 34)Obviously, more people come to the games. It unites the community and all of the players. It’s so much fun! The other thing I’m sure of is that being involved in sports makes me a better student. If I don’t have good enough grades, I don’t get to play. I know during a sports season, I’ve got less time for studying, but what winds up happening is that I work harder on my studies. I’m more focused on what I have to do, and when I have to get everything finished. I know I’ve got to have more drive in my studies than I might at other times of the year. I almost always get better grades then. So sports really help me academically.
