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In the not-too-distant future, humans may have the tools to transform Mars from a cold red desert into a habitable[可居住的] world. But importing[输入] life and turning Mars green will raise questions that we’ve never faced before.

Chris McKay (Astrobiologist): We can restore habitable conditions to Mars. The fact that we can, to me, opens up the question: should we? What we do will, I think, set the pattern[模式] that will reflect on[反映] us as a species[物种] for the rest of time. Mars will be where we set the precedent[先例], and that’s why I think it’s very important that we do it carefully.

There’s no sign of life on Mars today and every reason to believe that it can’t exist on the surface. The lack of water and shelter[遮挡] from radiation[辐射] guarantee[保证] that. But there could be ancient microbes[微生物] frozen in the ground needing only warmer temperatures to wake up. If so, they could answer the biggest question in space science: Has life originated[起源] more than once in the universe?

Mars and Earth have been swapping[交换] rocks for billions of years. What’s knocked off one planet by an asteroid[小行星] strike[攻击] often lands on the other, and it’s not inconceivable[不能想像的] that microbes have sometimes gone along for the ride. So life on Earth may have come from Mars or vice versa[反之亦然], which would be interesting but tell us nothing about whether life originated anywhere else.

But, if Martian life turned out to be unrelated, a separate origin just one planet away in our own solar system, that would suggest that life crops up[突然出现] wherever the conditions are right, and a universe with billions of galaxies and trillions of stars could be teeming[大量出现] with life. It might also mean that life from Earth could be a threat to Martian life.

So how should terraformers[将(另一行星)改造成地球般的人] treat the natives, if there are any?

McKay: It would be best to try to answer that before we started warming up Mars, because what we do depends on the answer to that question. If we find that Mars has life that’s the same as Earth’s, then it doesn’t matter and we move down the path of sharing life from Earth with Mars. But if we find that Mars does have life and that life is a separate independent origin of life, then we do things completely differently, in my view.

In that case, McKay thinks we should sterilize[杀菌] all of our old space junk left over from previous[早先的] missions. Even hundreds of years later, it could still be contaminated[污染] with bacteria[细菌] from Earth, and then we should leave Mars to the Martians. McKay: I would say our responsibility[责任] is to encourage that life to flourish[茂盛] and thrive[茁壮成长]. Diversity[多样性] in life across planets is a good thing, and we would learn an enormous[巨大的] amount about how another biosphere[生物圈] based on that life might work, and that knowledge could revolutionize[使彻底变革] our understanding of fields like medicine and agriculture, as well as helping us understand the Earth by having a comparison biosphere.

But not everyone would go along with[赞同] that approach, especially after going to the trouble of making Mars habitable.

Robert Zubrin (President, Mars Society): I don’t agree that that is a rational[理性的], ethical[合乎道德的] position. The ethics[道德,伦理] need to be based on what is good for people, not what is good for bacteria. This idea of depriving[剥夺] humanity of a fully living world, not just for humans but for a wonderful ecosystem of plants and animals and birds and fishes and all of this in order to preserve this place for bacteria, is lunacy[精神失常].

The alternative[另一可选择的], though, is to play the role of the ruthless[无情的] invader from another planet.

David Grinspoon (Astrobiologist): You think of The War of the Worlds注 kind of scenarios[情节] and all these creepy science fiction stories about aliens coming and saying, “Wow, we want your planet. We’re gonna kill you.”You know, we think of that as evil. I mean that’s just not being a good neighbor. But I’m fairly convinced that we won’t have this problem because I don’t think there is life on Mars.













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被称为“好奇号”的火星科学实验室(Mars Science Laboratory)是美国国家航空航天局的探测车计划,于2011年11月26日发射,2012年8月6日成功登陆火星盖尔撞击坑。好奇号造价高达25亿美元,是迄今为止最大的火星探测车,比2004年登陆的火星探测车“机遇号”(Opportunity)和“勇气号”(Spirit)重五倍,长两倍。比起之前其他火星任务,它携带了更多先进科学仪器。好奇号将会分析数十个样本,从泥土挖出物质,从岩石中钻取粉末,并预计运作至少一个火星年(约两个地球年),其探测范围比起之前任何火星探测车都要大。它还要调查火星以前或现在维持生命的可能性。

注:英国小说家赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(Herbert George Wells,1866-1946)在1898年发表的一部科幻小说。小说描写在19世纪末期,火星人从即将灭亡的火星来到地球,对英国发动战争,进而希望统治全世界。人类最初和他们进行了友好的会晤,和平希望被扼杀后才同火星人展开战斗。CE:Teens曾在2011年10月号的“探索区”介绍过由该小说改编的广播剧。