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曾作为20世纪二三十年代Art Deco装饰艺术运动标志性符号的几何造型,也在这一季的装饰图案设计中得到了充分施展。除此之外,延续了好几季的经典动物纹样仍在伸展台上大行其道。斑马纹、豹纹、虎纹和长颈鹿花纹装饰图案在时装上的运用总是极具冲击力,制造出一系列令人动容的华美视觉效果。








The devastating crisis has stormed across the whole world, making the global economy as depressed as the cold winter. However, fashion, which is the forte of the time, has not disappointed people as much the subprime mortgage crisis has. With the coming of the spring time, it is gradually reviving.

I remember that a lady working in the fashion trade all the year round used to say: "Fashion is a world not a wardrobe." As she asserted, the system of fashion is gorgeous and enormous. However, the fashion trend that intends to fill the wardrobe of everybody is always most active music note in the fashion world.

The fashion trend always tries to seek changes in the regular laws. After several years of pursing an extremely simple style and laying stress on plain colors, the fashionable dress trend has tired of such a low-key style. So, this season, the designers are expressing their respect for the classical decorative style. Guided by many famous brands, the journey to pursue a decorative style of remarkable personality has been started. As a result, we now have a reason to wear the decoration patterns that were only drawn on the paper in the past. Compared with the formal extremely simple style, the decorative style can enable us feel more happiness in life and make the fashion in the spring time more remarkable.

No matter how respectably you dress, purses and shoes are always the extremely clever aspect of the elegant women. Therefore, several fashionable and practical styles of the purses and shoes can make ladies more adorable in the spring time.

Trends are destined to be followed. When people are still feeling confused in the winter time, the fashion catwalk has already displayed brilliance. The unbounded decorative trend is displaying a show window for the famous brands that combines the restoration of ancient ways and the development modern trend as well as some unstrained features and pure aspects.