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Losing a pet is rough, but breaking up with your best friend can be much more traumatizing[受创伤]. Find out how to deal when your best friendship becomes totally jeopardized[危害的].


Is your friendship vulnerable[脆弱的]? 你俩的友谊是否不堪一击?

1. The two of you argue more than you agree.

true false

2. Lately, your interests and priorities[优先权] are different.

true false

3. One of you did something to hurt the other on purpose[故意].

true false

4. You aren’t sure if you can trust your BFF注.

true false

5. You guys no longer tell each other everything.

true false

6. There’s some unfriendly competition between the two of you.

true false


If you answered “true”to three or more questions, your friendship might be in trouble.


Why friendships end 为什么友谊会终止

Just like any relationship, best friendships depend on trust, commitment[承诺], respect and compatible[一致的] likes/dislikes. When any of these elements is missing, it can put a strain[紧张] on the friendship. It stings when you feel betrayed[出卖] by a pal[伙伴], and if the trust is totally broken, you may not be able to forgive him/her. Sometimes a friendship ends because either you or your bud[伙伴] gets tired of putting energy into it. This can happen when one of you finds a new pal or even a new hobby that takes up tons of time. Or, perhaps you realized the relationship has always been competitive in an unhealthy way and you want some distance. Other times, you simply change and grow apart[分离]. Sure, it seems sad at the time, but it’s completely normal. The bottom line is when two best friends don’t change and grow together, their relationship can be put to the test, and not all friendships are meant to last forever. So, what should you do if something like this happens to you? Read on for some friendly advice.


What to do?怎么做……


Whatever the reason you’re breaking up with your best friend, always remember that s/he was once super important to you ?unless s/he did something so disgusting[令人厌恶的] that you truly never want to speak to him/her again. Take the time to sit down privately and tell him/her what’s going on and why. Don’t send him/her a nasty e-mail or just start ignoring him/her. Chances are s/he knows there’s a problem and would be relieved[放心的] to have a heart-to-heart chat. If you’re not sure about wanting a permanent[永久的] end, you could suggest the two of you take a break from each other. If, after a while, you guys realize why you were best buds in the first place, you can try getting back to your former attached-at-the-hip status. Whatever you do, be honest about your feelings while having respect for his/hers. And if you both agree the BFF thing is over, make a pact[协议] not to be enemies.



Your friend might have started ignoring you, acting mean or canceling plans for no reason. When this happens, s/he may be trying to break the connection with you. If you don’t want the friendship to end, ask him/her what’s going on. Find out what’s bugging[打绕] him/her and see if you guys can fix the problem. Try not to argue about who was right or wrong. Instead, agree to really listen ?no interruptions and especially no insults[侮辱]. Language like, “You’re so selfish!”is a personal attack. Make your point in a less abrasive[恼人的] manner, like, “I feel like you weren’t really thinking about me when that happened.”If your pal still isn’t speaking to you, refuses to take your calls or doesn’t return your e-mails, there’s nothing you can do but move on and find new friends.



One of the weirdest things about hanging out with someone new is that s/he is not your best friend. The shorthand[速记] you guys developed is gone, the inside jokes you shared and the finishing each other’s sentences are history. It may be scary to approach people you don’t know very well and strike up conversations, or even to make plans to hang out with a new friend, but you’ve gotta be brave and just do it. It may feel a bit lonely at first, but it’s also an exciting time because you’re getting to know new people and find out if you’re compatible with each other. Soon you’ll have inside jokes and easy conversation.
