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If Marilyn Monroe was glad to see you, her “hello” would sound in your mind all of your life—the breathless warmth of the emphasis on the “lo”, her well—deep eyes turned up toward you and her face radiantly1) crinkled in a wonderfully girlish smile.

I first experienced this when, after two get—acquainted meetings in New York, I came in the late afternoon several weeks ago to her Brentwood2), Calif. home to begin a series of conversations on fame. Expecting one of the famous waits for Marilyn, I sat on the soft wall—to—wall carpet of the living room and began struggling to set up my tape recorder. Suddenly, I became aware of a pair of brilliant yellow slacks3) upright beside me. In the slacks was Marilyn, silently watching me with a solicitous4) grin, very straight and slender with delicately narrow shoulders. She seemed shorter than I remembered and she looked spectacular in a loose—fitting blouse.

In the living room, seated on a nondescript5) chair and sofa, we began our talking—after Marilyn poured herself a glass of champagne. At each question she paused thoughtfully. “I’m trying to find the nailhead6), not just strike the blow7),” she said. Then a deep breath and out her thoughts would tumble8), breathless words falling over breathless words. Once she said, “One way basically to handle fame is with honesty and I mean it and the other way to handle it when something happens—as things have happened recently, and I’ve had other things happen to me, suddenly, my goodness, the things they try to do to you, it’s hard to take—I handle with silence.”

Her inflections came as surprising twists and every emotion was in full bravura9), acted out with exuberant gestures. Across her face flashed anger, wistfulness10), bravado, tenderness, ruefulness11), high humor and deep sadness. And each idea usually ended in a startling turn12) of thought, with her laugh rising to a delightful squeak13). “I think I have always had a little humor,” said Marilyn. “I guess sometimes people just sort of questioned, ‘does she know what she’s saying,’ and sometimes you do all of a sudden think about something else and you didn’t mean to say it exactly. I’m pointing at me. I don’t digest things with my mind. If I did, the whole thing wouldn’t work. ”