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中图分类号:F321.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:16748131(2012)04001108

On Land Expropriation Reform Mode Promoted by 

“Masses Appeal” in the Process of Urbanization

—Experience and Enlightenment from Wenzhou’s Land Expropriation Practice

WANG Huahua, WANG Shangyin

(School of Politics and Law, Wenzhou University, Zhejiang Wenzhou 325035, China)

Abstract: Currently, China’s land expropriation mode mainly includes the expropriation “driven by government” and “by masses appeal”. The land expropriation reform mode of Wenzhou is promoted by “masses appeal”, the typical characteristics of which are that governments solve “the livelihood appeal” of the people whose land has been expropriated, use “threeseparation and threereform” to give urban resident status to the peasant by his “land resources use right” and create economic environment to let the peasants “freely conduct agricultural work, or conduct commercial work or conduct industrial work” by their own will, which makes the peasants whose land has been expropriated have the dependence for livelihood and have hope for working. Based on the successful experience of Wenzhou’s land expropriation mode, the essence of the land expropriation reform mode promoted by “masses appeal” is driven by “masses appeal” and the “reform responded by governments”, has the characteristics of democracy, resilience and responsibility and is beneficial to melt social risk in the urbanization construction and to realize sustainable development of urban economy. 

Key words: land expropriation reform mode; Wenzhou Model; land returned; masses appeal; threeseparation and threereform; governmentled; land resources use right; household register system reform; society and livelihood


