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专练一 多项选择

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1. As is known, China is a developing country, to which new economy is a________as well as an opportunity.

A. construction B. challenge

C. link D. contribution

2. It is a___________of city life that all sorts of people meet and mingle together who never fully comprehend one another.

A. dream B. universe

C. certainty D. characteristic

3. It’s how you___________failure that makes the difference in one’s life. That goes for anything in life, not just money.

A. respond B. defeat

C. challenge D. handle

4. Guo Meimei incident makes many donators change their belief. That’s: Do not___________, more than necessary to groups unworthy of your cash.

A. contribute B. collect

C. raise D. lend

5. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky___________ .

A. make up B. make sense

C. make believe D. make out

6. Even if the driver is highly skilful and___________, in bad weather and heavy traffic, accident may be unavoidable even for him.

A. positive B. enthusiastic

C. energetic D. cautious

7. During the summit,___________exchanging views on regional security, the two leaders also discussed security cooperation between the two countries.

A. instead of B. in view of

C. apart from D. regardless of

8. At the meeting, the experts ___________some view points for improving the structure of Shanghai urban railway network.

A. come up B. bring out

C. put forward D. work out

9. Because of the lack of complete data, scientists can’t ___________the time when food raised in space will directly benefit humans below.

A. approve B. foresee

C. prove D. clarify

10. “I’m not going to accept responsibility; lay the___________on the right shoulders.” Marry said to her boss.

A. blame B. burden

C. praise D. defeat

11. Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school. ___________the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.

A. Attending B. Concluding

C. Handling D. Instructing

12. The latest research shows animals would get some symptoms of depression when they are___________the light all night.

A. absorbed to B. exposed to

C. connected to D. attached to

13. When you fail, don’t lose heart. Keep on working until you___________you aim.

A. clarify B. simplify

C. accomplish D. furnish

14. Music is an intensely(热烈的) social medium, most___________when it is discussed and shared with friends.

A. enjoyable B. valuable

C. reasonable D. changeable

15. He decided to write a story that would comfort Barbara and other children who felt different and ___________.

A. given out B. left out

C. worked out D. taken out

16. Cities provide ___________and civilized lifestyle, but they also bring about a series of problems, such as pollution, traffic jam, and crime, etc.

A. institution B. administration

C. convenience D. advantage

17. They went through the details of the plan over and over again to make sure that there was no___________of failure.

A. doubt B. possibility

C. method D. opportunity

18. I wouldn’t say yet that their marriage won’t ___________, but things are looking a little better than they did a year ago.

A. break down B. break out

C. break in D. break up

19. India is one of the major countries in Asia and the World with a long history and___________culture.

A. royal B. splendid

C. nationwide D. friendly

20. To our great ___________, an increasing number of parents are ready to take more time to improve their children’s mental health.

A. disappointment B. surprise

C. delight D. belief

21. When the war broke out in 1939 the artist sent much of his works and ___________to Switzerland for safekeeping.

A. administration B. institution

C. currency D. collection

22. Although the story doesn’t have big contradiction(矛盾) and___________, it has a lot of touching details.

A. fight B. struggle

C. conflict D. battle

23. Please___________us with a catalogue and price list together with samples, if available.

A. furnish B. send

C. apply D. bring

24. I am not___________the viewpoint that one language should replace others as the common one.

A. in favor of B. in memory of

C. in view of D. in search of

25. Mr Sandy is an elegant lady whose particular way of smiling leave a good ___________on me.

A. impression B. sense

C. attitude D. influence

26. In high pace of life, we can see___________ flow of cars running in the street, highways and subways everyday.

A. unforgettable B. constant

C. rough D. deadly

27. Whatever the outcome of the election, the new government will have to ___________the big challenge.

A. take up B. take away

C. take over D. take on

28. She sold herself short at the interview by failing to mention her___________experience.

A. private B. uncertain

C. previous D. powerful

29. To be honest, I am not all that___________that we will pass the exam, for I’ve spent little time on my subject recently.

A. pessimistic B. optimistic

C. interested D. worried

30. Now, creativity is encouraged in every school, so we must first make sure we can ___________ways and ideas different from our own.

A. tolerate B. adjust

C. agree D. represent

31. Some researchers find the___________of security and a sense of competition leads people to develop their potentials and creativity.

A. adjustment B. lack

C. loss D. credit

32. To ensure continuous economic growth in this region is a major ___________for it to introduce advanced technology and equipment.

A. process B. motivation

C. advance D. source

33. His first book was an___________success,for many students can hardly tear themselves away from it, the moment it was published.

A. efficient B. instant

C. effective D. lasting

34. Nowadays the increasing combination of economy, science and technology ___________the pace of world economy reconstruction.

A. sweeps up B. takes up

C. speeds up D. holds up

35. They ___________their talk to a more interesting one when they found the subject was too serious.

A. held B. switched

C. debated D. folded

36.___________is a branch of science that studies the relation between human and the environment.

A. Geography B. Physics

C. Philosophy D. Ecology

37. It notes Qu Yuan’s___________qualities should continue to be praised and remembered by modern society.

A. considerate B. admirable

C. unforgettable D. gifted

38. From the earliest age, people could see that he would get to the top of the ladder ― no matter what ___________he chose.

A. profession B. preference

C. habit D. feature

39. Most banks require companies to ___________financial statements before they extend credit.

A. submit B. sign

C. claim D. represent

40. Google’s search data are ___________every day, so they can in theory capture shifts in consumer behavior before official data are released.

A. provided B. applied

C. updated D. submitted

41. This is a realiable company which has advanced equipment and many___________technical staff to meet the needs of all users.

A. eager B. thorough

C. precious D. senior

42. In the animal world a leader’s job is to sense,___________others, danger as well as opportunity and to lead the organization to adapt itself to both.

A. ahead of B. instead of

C. thanks to D. regardless of

43. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly can ___________the skill to do difficult things easily.

A. demand B. concentrate

C. involve D. acquire

44. John had the speech written but he wanted to ___________it up a bit before he delivered.

A. dress B. do

C. polish D. add

45. If you see your friends or partner do things you don’t ___________ , you can reject the behavior not the person.

A. think of B. approve of

C. pay off D. take off

46. I will keep in touch with you by e-mail and ___________them of the newest development in all fields, such as our new ideas.

A. remind B. inform

C. accuse D. warn

47. If I love you, I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won’t ___________hurt me.

A. deadly B. deliberately

C. carelessly D. sharply

48. Today very much attention is paid to air conditioners because of their important roles in our daily life, which ___________ are known to be a relevant source of moulds(霉菌).

A. therefore B. otherwise

C. meanwhile D. anyhow

49. The representatives called for a ___________political agreement at first while continuing to negotiate a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol.

A. permanent B. temporary

C. chief D. firm

50. Most importantly, a limited knowledge of computers should not be a(n)___________to discussing ethics(道德) with your child.

A. aid B. barrier

C. reason D. excuse

51. Many studies suggest that animals are capable of___________emotions such as fear, anger, and even joy and sadness.

A. simple B. mild

C. complex D. vital

52. As the jobless ranks___________around the world in coming months, the opposition mood against globalisation will grow.

A. swell B. cure

C. spread D. squeeze

53.___________, investment in roads, railways and the power grid will help China to sustain future rapid growth.

A. In place B. In order

C. In general D. In case

54. In modern society from time to time many people may reach the point where the pressure of life seems almost___________.

A. unfortunate B. unfair

C. unsuccessful D. unbearable

55. The artist tried to___________ the method into art and paint more paintings of high artistic standards.

A. supply B. apply

C. treat D. appreciate

56. More and more women are___________to South Korean soap operas because of the beautiful scenes in them.

A. addicted B. affected

C. admitted D. adapted

57. His business really ___________after he made market research and changed his selling strategy.

A. took back B. took up

C. took on D. took off

58. If he wants to___________ in the year he is in charge he should devote himself to these two key policies.

A. make a promise B. make a point

C. make a difference D. make a progress

59. Like Japan, South Korea is a country in which the young find themselves under huge ___________to succeed.

A. pressure B. struggle

C. shadow D. attraction

60. A good friend is a lifetime friend. He always listens attentively to what you ___________. His concern for you will never be changed.

A. give out B. pour out

C. squeeze out D. send out