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眼镜漫谈 第2期

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If you don’t wear glasses yourself, chances are that someone in your family, or someone you know, does. Much care is taken in the selection of glasses nowadays to be sure that the style is attractive and the frames are comfortably fitted. A good fit is necessary for maximum benefit from the lenses; however, in the early days fit was not considered at all. For this reason, the first eyeglasses were not easy to wear.

The earliest glasses were merely lenses fitted into circles that were riveted1 or wired together at the top, then balanced on the nose. Any movement of the head caused the glasses to slip or fall off. Centuries passed before improvements upon these first versions were made. It is no wonder that early spectacle2 wearers found it convenient to have their lenses3 mounted on a long handle that they could hold in place by hand.

The earliest known record of eyeglasses in Europe is found in a book written in 1267. Called Opus Majus, it was a scientific encyclopedia written by Roger Bacon4 of England at the request of Pope Clement IV5, a personal friend of Bacon's. Although the subject of lenses to correct vision defects6 was discussed in the book, Bacon was careful to keep his own knowledge on the subject quiet7. At that time, the masses of people were not educated, and superstition ruled their lives. Many believed that any device to correct a physical defect was black magic8 and should be strenuously9 avoided. Some years later, Bacon was imprisoned for two years for his work in alchemy10, an early form of chemistry. Being a scientist in the 1200s presented many risks.

By the middle of the 1300s, many churchmen were using eyeglasses. Paintings produced during this period show the various types of glasses commonly used. At this time books were still being written by hand, and only churchmen could read or write. After the invention of the printing press11 in the 15th century, when everyone who wished could obtain books, vision defects not noticed before became evident. Some people who had been able to see well enough to perform daily tasks found that their eyesight was not good enough for reading. It was then that eyeglasses became more generally accepted.

The first lenses were designed for people who were farsighted; those who could see well at a distance but could not focus clearly on things up close. The lenses described by Bacon in his encyclopedia were helpful to the farsighted. Nearly 300 years later, lenses for the nearsighted were developed. Leo X, who was Pope in the early 1500s, was nearsighted. He was very enthusiastic about his eyeglasses and thought they improved his aim while hunting.

Frames for the earliest eyeglasses were made of horn, tortoise shell, leather, or wood. Later, brass was used. Also, for the very rich, frames were made of gold or silver. Before the semicircular piece was designed to fit over the bridge of the nose, flexibility in the piece holding the two lenses together was sought in various ways. When made of bone, horizontal slits12 were cut in the bridge. The invention of the fitted bridge was only a slight improvement at the time, for without the temple13 pieces glasses had to be balanced on the nose or held in place14. Leather frames were tried at this time, with long leather thongs15 that were tied at the back of the wearer's head. They never gained wide popularity, however, because men as well as women wore elaborate wigs, and the leather ties interfered with16 hairdos.

Early in the 1700s a London spectacle maker named Edward Scarlett, sympathizing with17 wig wearers, invented improved frames with the addition of sidepieces that fit alongside the head for about four inches. Later these pieces were lengthened and made to fit over the ears.

The next big advance in eyeglasses took place about fifty years later when Benjamin Franklin invented his“double spectacles,”now popularly called bifocals18. Our eyes change as we grow older. We may need lenses to focus on close-up work, while still needing corrective lenses for distance. Franklin needed both kinds of lenses. Because of the nuisance of changing from one pair of glasses to another, he cut the lenses from both pairs in half and combined the bottom halves of his close-up lenses with the top halves of the distance lenses, then cemented19 them together and placed them in his frames. He found this a great improvement and today many people wear two kinds of lenses in one pair of frames.

Today the optician20 ’s trade is a highly specialized profession. Lenses are ground21 to individual specifications. Frames are sometimes made of plastic, although some wire rims22remain popular year after year. In the 1930s and 1940s, many wore glasses without rims in an effort to make glasses nearly invisible. Now, those who do not like to wear glasses but need visual correction usually turn to contact lenses that are worn directly on the surface of their eyes.

Many who need corrective lenses use them as a fashion accessory. Hundreds of styles are available to enhance some facial features and deemphasize23 those not so desirable. Oversized frames go in and out of style, but not everyone can wear them. Some people have facial characteristics that make it impossible to keep large frames from resting on the cheeks, causing discomfort. Still, there is enough variation in styles offered that every person can find frames that flatter24 as well as fit and that are comfortable and easy to wear.











1. rivet vt. 铆,铆接(钢板等)

2. spectacle n. 眼镜

3. lens n. 透镜,镜片

4. Roger Bacon: 罗杰·培根(1212~1294),英国科学家、哲学家。他的最大贡献在于强调观察和实验在科学研究中的重要性。

5. Pope Clement IV: 教皇克雷芒四世(1195~1268),1265~1268年间任罗马天主教教皇。

6. vision defect: 视觉缺陷

7. keep sth. quiet: 将某事保密

8. black magic: 妖术,魔法,巫术

9. strenuously adv. 强烈地,激烈地

10. alchemy n. 炼金术;炼丹术

11. printing press: 印刷机

12. slit n. 狭长的口子;裂缝;狭缝

13. temple n.


14. in place: 在合适的(或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置

15. thong n. 皮带子;条带

16. interfere with: 妨碍,冲突

17. sympathize with: 对……表示同情

18. bifocal n. [~s]双焦眼镜

19. cement vt. (用水泥或胶接剂)粘结,胶合

20. optician n. 眼镜(或光学仪器)制造者;配制眼镜技师;光学仪器制造技师

21. grind vt. 磨;磨成;ground为其过去分词

22. rim n. [~s] (镶在器物周围的)框,边

23. deemphasize vt. 使不重要,贬低……的重要性;不强调

24. flatter vt. 使显得优点突出