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极其肯定地推测用must, “一定,准是”,可能性不大的推测用may, might, could.“可能,或许”(may的可能性又比might和could大)如:

The lady must be a teacher.

That may not be true.

注意:若对过去的事情的推测:must have done 表示对过去的事情极其肯定地推测,“一定,准是”。may /might/could have done表示对过去的事情可能性不大的推测,“可能,或许,也许”。如:I think you must have seen the film, didn’t you?

They may not have been to the city.


极其否定的推测用can’t,“不可能,一定不会”,可能性不大的否定推测用may not / might not / couldn’t.“可能不会”。如:—He can’t be a teacher, is he? —No, he can’t. She couldn’t be over thirty.

注意:对过去的事情极其否定的推测用can’t have done,“过去一定不会做/不可能做”,对过去的事情可能性不大的否定推测用couldn’t/may not/might not have done,“过去可能不会做”。如:The door was locked. He can (could) not / may (might) not have been at home .


疑问句中进行推测一般用can / could, could的语气较委婉或可能性不大。如:

Can this story be true?

注意:对过去的疑问推测用can / could have done。如:Can he have gotten the book?

Could he have finished the task?


高考情态动词的虚拟用法考点,侧重于“情态动词+have+done”表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,多有责备、遗憾、不满、惊讶等感彩。该结构常用于由if 引导的虚拟条件句的主句中,或用于隐含虚拟语气的句子中,常考的情态动词虚拟用法如下。

2.1 “should / ought to + have + done”表示过去本来应该做某事而实际上并未做。“should not / ought not to+ have +done”表示过去本来不应该做但实际上做了。如:He should have finished the work earlier.

注意:should与ought to 的区别:ought to 客观上有责任、义务去做某事,语气较强。should 主观上认为有责任和义务去做某事,表示建议或看法,如:

You ought to have handed in your homework yesterday.

2.2 “needn’t have done ”表示过去本没有必要做某事但实际上已经做了。如:The plane took off at ten yesterday. You needn’t have hurried.

2.3 “could (not) have done”表示过去本来能(不能) 做到某事,但实际上却不能(能)做到。如:He could have succeeded, but he didn’t work hard.

2.4 “might (not) have done”表示过去本来可以(不可以)做到某事,但实际上却没有(有) 做到。如:They might have got there on time ,but they didn’t..

2.5 “would (not) have done”表示过去本来打算会去(不去)做某事,但实际上却没有做(做了)。如:If he had seen you yesterday, he would have told you about the important meeting.
