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西方人在挑选伴郎和伴娘的人选时,是非常苛刻的。首先,新人要优先考虑选自己的兄弟姐妹这种有血缘关系的人来做伴郎、伴娘。如果你是独生子女,那么伴郎伴娘一定要从最好的朋友中挑选。如果婚礼规模比较盛大,伴郎和伴娘可能不止一对。我这次参加的婚礼,就是伴郎、伴娘总共四对。通常来讲,如果你有多位伴郎、伴娘的话,新人还要在男方女方中各选出一位和自己关系最亲密的人,作为荣誉伴娘(the maid of honor)和荣誉伴郎(the best man)。在婚礼上,这两个人分别站在新人的身边,伴郎还同时被称为the ring bearer,专门负责替新郎保管双方的婚戒。

荣誉伴郎(the best man)

今天我们聚焦的重点人物,是新郎的好兄弟――荣誉伴郎史蒂芬。要说史蒂芬在婚礼当中的表现可不是盖的!要是在Wedding Party这帮人当中,评选出几个特殊贡献奖项的话,他绝对可以拿个超级无敌称职奖。






Steve:“那是,两个都在我这儿呢!除了戒指,我还特意备了些‘秘密小武器’呢……” 他越说越起劲儿,如数家珍地搬出了各种小道具,“这个清口喷雾,是为了新郎亲吻新娘准备的。餐巾纸包是以备不时之需。今天激动的人一定特别多,擦眼泪就用的着了……” 感情Steve也是个Mommy型的心细男生啊!这,这……连我们女孩儿都没想到!真是难为他了。





Ling and Erik... please join me here for a moment.As I start my speech, if anyone would feel more comfortable reading, Vivian and Sally were kind enough to translate both Lori and my speech into Mandarin Chinese and you can find copies of our speeches on your tables.

Ling& Erik,

My name is Stephen Levine and it is my honor to be Erik's best man.

I'd like to start by thanking Mr. and Mrs. Li for hosting such a beautiful wedding and reception.Because of distance and a language barrier, I haven't had as much of an opportunity as I would have liked to have gotten to know you over the years... but if how a child turns out is any measure of a parent, the loving, kind, supportive, patient and generous woman that Ling has become is the result of her upbringing in your household.And I think we all see the value Ling has in the importance of a close and strong family, by asking Erik's sister Lori to be her maid of honor. And for raising her so well, and allowing my friend to find a woman as good as Ling, for that, both Erik's family and friends thank you.

I'd also like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Sondersted for their hard work and support in making today a special day.I've known them for over a decade now and they have always opened their home to me over the years.They taught Erik the importance of strong moral conviction and strength of character and provided him with the backbone that allowed him to grow into the man he is today.

I'd also like to thank all of Ling's and Erik's family and friends here today that I did not mention.Your presence here means so much to Ling and Erik and I know some of you have traveled great distances to be here today.

For those of you who don't know, Erik and I met in college at Bucknell University one of the first week's of school when we were both Freshman.It turned out that we both lived in the same dorm building, though Erik was on the 3rd floor, which was for students that requested to live on a “substance free” hall and I lived on the 4th floor, which was for students that did NOT request to live on a substance free hall. As my parents are in the room right now, of course most of my time was spent studying and preparing for the hard courseload that college threw at me... but for the couple minutes a day when I wasn't studying, most of my days hanging out with Erik, Joel Toluba who is also in the wedding party today and the rest of the hall were spent doing what college kids do... watching movies, having a catch, ordering a pizza at midnight and just hanging out... what I didn't realize or fully appreciate at the time though, is that the bets we would make over Nintendo or going to Hoss's, a local steakhouse, and rotating who's birthday it was that night to get the free cake and get embarrassed by 10 waiters singing to you, would lead to lifelong friendships and many, many stories.

I think it was over the summer and winter breaks, when both Erik and I would return to Long Island and meet up for a movie at the Commack multiplex, or make a couple bets over a round of golf at Sunken Meadow, when we started to feel more like brothers than close friends.During college, we roomed together our junior and senior years, joined the same fraternity, even studied abroad in the same country... and then later moving into the city together when we were both just starting our careers and our lives.

After living together for a year, I fell in love with living in New York and ended up staying in Manhattan for 7 years, just leaving last month as my girlfriend and I are taking a next step together in our own relationship just as Ling and Erik are taking another step together today. Whereas Erik became tired of paying $1200 a month and sleeping in a room literally 7x9 overlooking a brick wall on the fifth floor of a walkup building and he decided to move to Jersey City.Being a social person, Erik had no problem making new friends at Avalon Cove, and it was there that he met friends like Andrew Hiner, Henrick Mose and Yoanna Koleva, who are also in the wedding party.

Erik lived in a four bedroom apartment and I remember that he took it on as his responsibility to find a new roommate when one was leaving.At first I didn't understand why he would want to take on this responsibility with no help from his other roommates... but after he explained to me that it meant that he would only choose an attractive, single girl, I started to understand his motives a lot better... And it was through this process that he met and picked Ling to be the new roommate.I still remember the first day that Ling moved in... it was a hot, summer day in June and Ling brought her entire life in the back of family friend, Drew Sikora's truck.Always a friendly person who strives to make situations comfortable for new people, Erik immediately offered his help to Drew and Ling to help move her things into the apartment.

At first, Ling and Erik started hanging out and building what would become their relationship based on an underlying friendship.It took only a handful of months before Erik would tell me that he was developing feelings for Ling... and their relationship finally started to grow beyond just a simple friendship.They dated for close to a year before Erik went to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to earn his MBA.If there was any test of their relationship, it would have been during this timeperiod as I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been for Ling and Erik to go from over a year of living together and building a relationship into Erik moving 500 miles away to go to school.But through many phone calls, and Ling visiting Pittsburgh and Erik staying with Ling in Jersey City during school breaks, not only did their relationship survive, but as the old saying goes, distance makes the heart grow fonder... I think that both Ling and Erik grew to appreciate their relationship even more during this time of being apart and it made them closer.

I think you are both very lucky to have found each other and I'm glad to have seen this relationship develop into the supportive, loving partnership it has become.I think I speak for everyone in the room when I say that we are all happy to be here today and celebrate with you both.

If everyone will now please raise your glasses with me to toast the happy couple.

May you live as long as you want and want nothing as long as you live.In the Jewish faith, we say Mazel Tov, which means Congratulations and Best wishes... and in Chinese, I believe the saying is “Gung Hey Fi Lark”, which if I didn't butcher the pronunciation, means “Wishing you much happiness”.
















祝你们天长地久、比翼双飞。用犹太语,我们会说“Mazel Tov”,这是恭喜新婚、祝福无限的意思。用中文的说法是“xing fu mei man”,如果我没有把发音搞错的话,它的意思是“祝你们幸福美满”。
