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近期,学生做了一篇阅读理解,其中有一道题的错因,让我百思不得其解。该题的答案依据是:After graduating from college, Bourke-White headed towards Cleveland where she photographed the steel plants that were so widespread in that city. In the 1920s, American industry was increasing and the country was growing. 正确答案是:Bourke White的早期工作的重点是:American industry。但我班有40%的学生选择:City scenes。 后来,在学生讨论时,我听到一位学生在翻译这个句子时,把plant译成了植物,而在本句中应理解为:工厂。此时我忽然顿悟了学生的错因以及明白了在今后的教学中应该注意帮助学生积累 “一词多义”。



1.I attach great importance to this research. 认为—重要

2.His poetry is always accessible. 易理解的

3.I greatly acknowledge financial support from several local businesses. 感谢

4.They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels. 和解

5.She was abrupt with me in our meeting. 粗鲁的

6.She has a bent for mathematics. 天赋

She.seems bent on making life difficult for me. 一心想要(坏事情)

He was bent double with laughter.弯曲的

7.She stared at me with a blank expression on her face. 无表情的

8.Every point in this game counts. 重要

9.He is not entitled to claim unemployment benefit. 索取; 救济金

10.I tried to argue but he countered that the plans were not yet finished. 反驳

11.There is always a strange collection of runners in London Marathon. 一批

12.The qualification has gained currency all over the world. 普遍认可

13.I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 婉言谢绝

14.He showed great discrimination in his choice of friends. 辨别力

15.It was a radical departure from tradition. 违反

16.Bake the cakes until they are firm to touch. 坚硬的

17.Her voice was flat and expressionless. 平淡的

18.The painting is expected to fetch $10000 at auction. 卖得

19.The path to the mountain is very gradual. 不陡的

20.She felt lighthearted and gay. 快乐的

21.We have cleared the first hurdle; let’s see what happened next. 障碍

22.She has got loads of friends. 许多

23.Lies are always lame. 无说服力的

24.Let’s consider the pluses and minuses of changing the system. 优点和缺点

25.The research was carried out on a modest scale. 不太大的

26.He observed that he was not for the suggestion put forward at the meeting. 评论

27.He was personally criticized by inspectors for his incompetence. 个别地

28.He made it plain that we should leave. 清楚的