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1. How does Tina ______ a model plane?

A. makesB . to makeC. makeD. making

2. How many ______ do we need?

A. pepper and mushroom B. peppers and mushrooms

C. pepper and mushroomsD. peppers and mushroom

3. ―How much ______ is there on the table?

― About one teaspoon.

A. watermelonB. relishC. lettuceD. turkey

4. I don’t like this bag. Please pass me _____.

A. another B. one C. the other D. other

5. _____ the blender for about two minutes.

A. Cut upB. Mix up C. Turn downD. Turn on

6.―Did Tina buy a souvenir?

―No, she didn’t. Her friend Grace _____ a souvenir.

A. buyB. buys C. bought D. brought

7. Class Five had a great time _____ the school trip.

A. inB. on C. by D. from

8. They went to the supermarket _____ they bought a lot of food.

A. whereB. there C. which D. what

9. _____ that day, they got home tiredly.

A. In the end B. In the end ofC. At the end D. At the end of

10. Uncle Li put on his coat and then _____ out.

A. goB. goesC. wentD. come

11. Did he visit another part of China _____ he came to Turfan?

A. whenB. asC. becauseD. before

12. His mother _____ born _____ June 21st,1956 _____ Shanghai.

A. is, on, in B. were, in, in C. was, on, inD. am, in, of

13. When did Mozart _____ music?

A. start writeB. start writingC. started to write D. start to writing

14. It _____ the workers more than two years to build the bridge.

A. spentB. usedC. took D. cost

15. She was _____ angry _____ say a word.

A. too, to B. too, not to C. very, toD. so, to


Many years ago there lived two brothers in London. They were both very rich. They had 1 ideasabout money. They were(争吵)about what would happen if a poor fellow could2 a million pound note. One thought that anyone with such a 3 would have 4 he wanted;the other thought that it would be 5 for him to get anything with the (钞票).They couldn’t agree with each other. So they 6 to make a(打赌).

It happened that a young man named Henry was 7 through the street that day, who had come to Britain by chance. 8 home and job, he looked(苍白的)and 9 . Suddenly he saw an apple 10 away by a child. The man was so hungry that he was thinking of 11 it up to eat. Just as he was 12 out his hand, he heard a 13 calling him. He looked up and saw the two 14 . They gave him an envelope. They told him not to open it 15 two o’clock. They said, “Nothing but money in it.” Then they left...

1. A. twoB. more C. differentD. the same

2. A. get B. makeC. look forD. give

3. A. ideaB. noteC. wayD. chance

4. A. what B. whatever C. thatD. which

5. A. niceB. possibleC. impossible D. certain

6. A. decided B. had C. wished D. waited

7. A. goingB. wanderingC. walkingD. running

8. A. With B. WithoutC. Not D. No

9. A. strong B. happy C. hungry D. shy

10. A. thrownB. left C. pickedD. found

11. A. eatingB. picking C. lookingD. collecting

12. A. reachingB. puttingC. holdingD. raising

13. A. noise B. sound C. voiceD. shout

14. A. apples B. letters C. gentlemenD. fellows

15. A. afterB. untilC. since D. for




After I left Paris I spent one day in Washington D.C. and two days in New York city.IgottoMiami, FloridaonNov. 13. Theweatheris wonderful here. This morningIwentswimmingand thensleptonthe beach. When I woke up, I found Jennifer Lopez-my favorite movie star! She was just on my right! I asked her to take a picture with me. You know, that was my dream. She agreed! I’m going to show you the picture.

Igothereatlast after18hours on a train!It’sverycoldherein Moscow. It’s white everywhere. This afternoon I went to have a look at the city.Igotlost.I am glad I took Russian lessons inmyuniversity.They helped me a lot. A young girl showed me the way back to my hotel. I think I can finish my work here and go back home soon. I’m longing for the warm sunshine at home. See you soon.

I arrived in Guilin yesterday. What a beautiful place! The people are kind here and I have some new friends. Guess who I met here! Tom, my high school classmate. How small the world is! He is working here as an English teacher at a middle school. He showed me around the city. I also went to his school. I bought a special bag made in here Guilin for you and a silk tablecloth for Mom. Tomorrow evening I’m going to fly to Beijing.

1. Each of the three had a good time.

2. Maria went to see her classmate in Guilin.

3. It was warmer in Max’s hometown than in Moscow.

4. Max came from Russia.

5. John was very glad that his dream of going to the beach came true.


Here is an interesting way to write a “secret letter”. You do it with the help of watermarks. If you collect stamps, you know what a watermark is. On every stamp there is a mark. But you can not see it. You can see it only when you put the stamp in the water. The mark is called “watermark”. The mark shows that you have a real stamp. People make watermarks on stamps by applying(压力). In this way, the watermark can be shownclearly onbecauseofthe (反射) of the light.

It is easy to make watermarks and use them to write a “secret letter”. You put a piece of paper in water, then take it out quickly and put it on a piece of glass. Put a dry piece of paper ontop of it. Now you may write on the dry piece. You must use a hard pencil to apply pressure. When you raise the dry piece, you will find thatyoucansee everything you have written on the wet piece. Whenyourwet paper becomes dry, you will not see anything. But the words will be seen again if you put the piece of paper in water and take it out quickly. Now, please try it and see how it works.


6. The word “watermark” in this passage means _____ in Chinese.

A.水迹 B.水纹 C. 水彩 D. 水印

7. If a stamp is not a real one, we can’t see the watermark on ______.

A. when we put it on a piece of glass B. when we put it in water

C. when we put a piece of paper on itD. when we apply pressure on it

8. We can try to write a “secret letter” easily because _____.

A. it is easy to make watermarks

B. it is easy to get some pieces of paper

C. we can use a hard pencil to do it

D. people can’t see anything on wet paper

9. We must put a “secret letter” in water to see the words because the watermarks _____.

A. reflect more light than the words on dry paper

B. are easy to see through in clear water

C. are made carefully in clear water

D. are less clearly than they are wet

10. According to the passage, how many things at least shall we use to write a “secret letter”?

A. Three.B. Four. C. Six. D. Seven.


Thank you for your e-mail. You are going to have a great time. I am sure. My brother says that Chile is one of the most interesting countries in the world. I am going on vacation this summer too. I’m going to go skiing with my family in June. The most surprising thing is that we’re going to stay in the United States. Some ski(胜地) in Oregon stay open all year round.

Climbing a (火山) sounds more thrilling than skiing. But it also sounds more dangerous. Is this going to be your longest climb? How long are you going to be in Chile? Are you going to do any other exciting things there?

Maybe we can spend a weekend together in September or October. We wanted to go to (松林) last winter and we didn’t get there. It’s just a short bus ride from your home and from my house. Why don’t we go hiking there? It sounds easier than climbing or skiing,but it could still be a fun adventure. Call me when you get back.


11. Who was the letter written to and by?


12. How does Lila’s brother like Chile?


13. What is Lila doing for vacation?


14. When do some of the ski resorts in Oregon open?


15. Where did Lila and Susan want to go last winter but didn’ t?




1. Young people must be c_____, and then they are hopeful.

2. Mao Zedong was an o_____ leader of China in the 20th century.

3. Read the article and c_____ the statements below.

4. She went to the a_____ yesterday. She saw some sharks and seals there.

5. Did you r_____ your sister’s letter yesterday?


6. Please read the ______(用法说明) before you take the medicines.

7. Take your ______(雨伞) please. It’s going to rain.

8. We’re leaving this city. Our _____(将来的) home will be in Shanghai.

9. He was in ______(竞争) with 10 others for the job.

10. I want to be a _____(钢琴家) when I grow up.




First, cut ______ the vegetable ______ small pieces.


The couple will go _____ a dive on their next day _____.


Tell your partner _____ _____ make your favorite sandwich.


She _____ _____ math and physics at university.



LiXiaolongwas bornin Hong Kong. Maybehe was themostf_____(1) (武打演员) in Hong Kong movies at that time. He was also a good martial arts t_____(2). He taught many students and they a_____(3) liked him. He l_____(4) Wing Chun Kong Fu when he was ten y_____(5) old.

Later he wrote a book c_____(6) Tao of Kong Fu. This is how he t_____(7) about Kong Fu in his book: one day, he t_____(8) a small boat to a village. He wasn’t happy and he(击,打) the water. This g_____(9) him an idea: Kong Fu is like water. You(打) it, but you do not hurt it. You t_____(10) to(握) water in your hand, but you can’t.


根据所给图画内容,以“My Busy Day”为题,写一篇描述你上星期天活动情况的短文。首句已给出。

要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺 ,书写规范。


My Busy Day

Last Sunday, I had no classes, but I was very busy.






Ⅰ.1-5 CBBAD6-10 CBADC11-15 DCBCA

Ⅱ. 1-5 CABBC6-10ABBCA11-15 BACCB

Ⅲ.1-5 FFTFF 6-10 DBAAB

11. The letter was written to Susan by Lila.

12. Lila’s brother says that Chile is one of the most interesting countries in the world.

13. She is going skiing for vacation.

14. Some ski resorts in Oregon stay open allyear round.

15. They wanted to go to Pinewood Forest last winter but they didn’t get there.

Ⅳ.1. creative 2. outstanding 3. correct/ complete4. aquarium 5. receive6. instruction 7. umbrella8. future9. competition 10. pianist

Ⅴ.1. up, into2. for, off 3. how to4. majored in

Ⅵ.1. famous 2. teacher 3. all 4. learned/ learnt 5. years 6. called 7. told 8. took 9. gave 10. try

Ⅶ. My Busy Day

Last Sunday, I had no classes, but I was very busy. I got up at seven. After breakfast I did some homework and my mother didsomecleaning. After Ifinisheddoing myhomework,I helped my mother clean the windows and sweep the floors. In the afternoon I bought some presents and went to visit my grandma. She was very happy when she saw me. From 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Iplayedfootballwith my friends.So itwas my busy daylast Sunday.