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初到国外某地,必须学会问路,首先要学会怎么开口。为了表示礼貌,开口时首先要说Excuse me。例如:

Excuse me, where exactly is the nearest hotel?

Excuse me, can you tell us the way from here to the police station?

Excuse me, am I on the right way to the church(教堂)?

Excuse me, Im new here. Can you direct me to the zoo?

Excuse me, I wonder if you could help me. Im looking for the museum.



You can get there by taxi.或You can take No. 6 bus to get there. The bus stop is over there.


Driving along this street towards the post office. Go past the market and take the first turning on the right, then turn second left. Take the righthand fork(岔路口)past the golf course(高尔夫球场), and youre on the road to the City College. Its about an hours drive from here.


①drive(walk, go)along(或down)... 沿着某条路走……例如:

Walk down the street until you get to the traffic lights(红绿灯).

②go (walk, drive)past... 走过,路过。例如:

Pass the crossroads.(穿过十字路口)

Walk past the crossroad.(路过十字路口)

③take... turning转弯。例如:

Take the second turning on your left.

Take the fourth right.

④Take... fork走岔路。例如:

Take the righthand fork.

⑤on the road to... 在……路上。例如:

On the road to the hospital youll pass a park.

⑥It takes... to... 到某地需耗时……例如:

It takes an hour to walk there.=Its an hours walking from here.


A: me, can you to the theatre?

B:Oh, its easy. You can the No. 8 bus to get there.

A:But is the bus stop?

B:Im sorry. Im here. Youd better ask the policeman.

A:Thank you all the same.(to the policeman)Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me the from here to the No.8 bus stop?

B:Let me see. Walk the street until you see a fork. Go the lefthand fork and take the second on your right. The bus stop is there. It will you ten minutes to get there.

A:Thank you very much!

B:Its my pleasure.

KEY:Excuse, direct, take, where, new, way, down/along, past, turning, take

A:Excuse me, could you tell me which the bookstore is?

B:Yes, its that way. You two blocks(街区), then left. Its the corner opposit(对面)the post office.

A:Thanks. Ive only been in town a days, so I really dont know my way around .

B:Oh, I know you feel. We moved here a year , and I still dont know everything is.

KEY:way, go/walk, turn, on, few, yet, how, ago, where