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Discussion of Improving the Quality of University Teaching and School Level in t

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Abstract. Higher education and traditional forms of teaching and management system are difficult to adapt to the individualized requirements and the cultivation of personalized talents. higher education information technology is a new trend in the world, and it plays an important role in promoting universities personalized education and innovation, training personnel, improving the integrated use of the excellent teaching resources, deepening teaching management reform and improving the teaching management level, enhancing teaching quality. Colleges and universities should attach great importance to the building and information on the quality of the teaching environment of information technology and promote information technology in education.

Key words: higher education; information technology; teaching


National long-term education reform and development program (2010-2020) clearly pointed out that "information technology has a revolutionary impact of on the development of education, and must attach great importance, and requires" education information into the overall national development strategy", speed up the process of education information. Teaching is one of the core mission of institutions of higher learning, teaching information technology is the focus of the development of the higher education information, its level of the building has become a measure of the university overall educational level, an important symbol of the image and status. Along with the rapid development of information technology and its teaching, rising through the computer, Internet and other means of information technology teaching connotation, innovative teaching mode, to promote teaching effectively use of resources, expand the coverage of education, improve the quality of teaching, the new era college teaching an inevitable trend in the development of information technology, but also an important strategic initiatives to achieve healthy and sustainable development of higher education. Speed up the construction of university teaching information technology is of great strategic significance and value to improve the quality and efficiency of personnel training, to implement “the Higher Education Quality Project " and speed up the process of modernization of education.

1.The concept and the characteristics of education information technology

The concept of education information proposed by the U.S. government in the 1990s, aimed at building a national information infrastructure, the information superhighway, the development of the Internet as the core of a comprehensive service system and promote the wide application of information technology in all areas of society, in particular, the application of information technology in education as an important way to the implementation of 21st century education reform.

2.Colleges and universities should be a reasonable use of modern means of education

Addition to the rational use of multimedia and other modern teaching methods; basic computer course teaching should full use of network resources, such as E-learning platform for man-machine interactive teaching. Create a learning website and provide basic computer teaching video, courseware, exercises library, exercises answer papers like volume, syllabus and online Q & curriculum resources for student learning reference. Online teaching as an important complement of the classroom teaching, classroom teaching to be extended in time and space, the students in their spare time, self-learning in the classroom do not understand, did not proficient to consolidate, to improve student centralized teaching force, interest in learning, to expand the teaching content. Website individualized instruction, group collaborative learning, remote real-time interactive multimedia instruction, online learning, online discussion, students freed from the too common constraints, is conducive to the development of students' personal inclination, to the improvement of their personality. Using the network teaching platform are also the basic computer skills for training students, the future direction of teaching.

3.Information technologies is the direction of the reform of higher education

Higher education is a product of social development, and is the driving force for the promotion of social development. Reform of higher education, starting from China's national conditions and reality, adapt to the social, political and economic development and change. The biggest feature of our society is from a planned economy to market economy, from close to open. China faces three major tasks: building a moderately prosperous society and accelerating the socialist modernization drive, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Reform of higher education is necessary to change the planned economy, the closed state school concept and school system, and efforts to adapt to the needs of the market economy and the reform and opening up efforts to meet the economic, social and masses to meet the social demand for higher education, the kinds of talents demand contribution for the realization of the three major tasks of the maximum strength.

4 The development of higher education information

Higher education information technology refers to the use of high-tech means faster, more updates to get information about, and access to information technology, to continue to progress in the way, to higher education teaching ideas, teaching mode, teaching content, teaching methods and management to bring about the change. With the rapid development of information technology and the popularity of the Internet, the education information technology has become an important content of China's education reform: to rely on multimedia technology, the sound transmitted through the fiber, such as, data, the formation of a high flux of electronic information delivery network, and network in the world, the formation of the information superhighway. Through it, it can be rapid, efficient, a large number of access to the various information resources needed. Higher education information enrich the teaching mode and teaching content, can penetrate into the teaching process of the latest achievements of scientific research, the latest trends and information, you can make a more modern and diverse teaching methods and teaching management.

5.The impact on the quality of university teaching in the context of education information

5.1 Teaching mode in the process of education information

In the traditional mode of teaching, students memorize all kinds of knowledge, to a large extent, or call it a memory of some kind of "information". But in today's multi-sources of information, readily available and optional fully embodies, in addition to the memory of some of the information. We re-emphasize powder is no longer the memory itself, but how students access to information, information analysis and information processing ability, the so-called "information capacity." Therefore, while absorbing the essence of the traditional teaching mode, need to establish a new mode of teaching.

5.2 The superiority of learning higher education information

5.2.1 Multimedia technology set of the form of expression of a variety of information in one

Multimedia technology set of the form of expression of a variety of information in one make many abstract and difficult and not easy to understand things becomes interesting, learners can fully mobilize all kinds of feelings and the ability to think, multimedia information than single media information more attractive.

5.2.2 through flexible information organization, performance and access to the means to fundamentally change teaching methods

Flexible information organization, performance and access to the means to fundamentally change teaching methods, help to take the initiative to explore information rather than passively receiving, and thus change the passive acceptance of learning for active independent learning, personalized conducive to teaching.

5.2.3 Multimedia writing and courseware can effectively support the formation and organization of multimedia information

Multimedia writing and courseware production can effectively support the formation and organization of multimedia information, and teaching materials for dynamic modification with highly targeted, manifestation of the teaching contents can be illustrated, vivid, and the results of individualized actual teaching would be better.

Multimedia technology is the combination of database and network technology Multimedia technology is the combination of database and network technology, which improve the education system level and comprehensive utilization of multimedia information, can achieve long-range two-way interactive teaching and international teaching environment, modern educational technology from the campus to the community.

5.3The application of information technology in education

With the development of information technology, it has played a positive role in higher education in promoting, especially, for high-quality education resources construction and sharing, training mode, and will have a profound impact and positive role in promoting reform and innovation. “Promoting higher education information technology, building the learning social platform "has become the target that is currently being implemented by the colleges and universities students in most universities in China.

5.4 The construction and utilization to strengthen education information resources

The construction of educational information resources is the core of the work of educational information in higher education, is the long-term and arduous task of school information technology building. Higher education information resources construction will face database and the establishment of the two major tasks of the quality of the data sharing service system to establish a unified standard. To this end, on the one hand school will implement the overall planning to data resources system, unifying standard grading development and management. sorting and classification of the existing information resources, to establish different contents for teaching, research, management, and portal with powerful search function, so that the majority of teachers and students through a simple operation that is able to obtain relevant information and services; at the same time the establishment of a global education by data mirroring for our students and teachers to provide more professional, more forward-looking teaching, scientific research, management and other aspects of library via the Internet on a number of high-quality, professional database mirroring .

5.5 Teaching management information will help dry the cultivation and development of the quality of students' personality

This form of teaching is based on the characteristics of the teacher-centered and teachers teach courses what schools have arranged. Students learn depend on teachers. The teaching process is always surrounded by teachers, classrooms, textbooks, teaching pace and the content is generally controlled by the authorities and teachers, students learning initiative in this teaching system simply does not play, not to mention according to their own need arrangements learning, thus the students’ personal character and play are deeply restricted. Teaching management information makes the elective system, the credit system, flexible schooling ensured.

6. Advices

6.1 The construction of digital teaching resources

With the promotion, popularization and education of information technology to promote information technology in the field of education, the construction of digital teaching resources as the core of the educational information more and more attention has been paid. The digital teaching resources are not only confined to the school library, it also includes the department reference rooms digital construction professional teaching resources building , teaching resources construction around the courses.

6.2Teaching quality goals and monitoring system

This is the concept of the quality of higher education, the basic theory involving concept of university, talent quality teaching view, the view of teacher, the view of student, management concept. The modern university is social institutions that combine teaching, research and social services, and it has multiple functions. However, nurture talent remains the basic functions of the university and educational goals. Therefore, personnel quality is the center of the quality management of the university. The personnel quality standard is to develop the target system.

6.3Implementation of complementary teaching methods by combining the advantages of online teaching and classroom teaching

Modern higher education requirements can be achieved through a variety of channels, but its main channel or classroom teaching in higher education requires students can select own courses interested, and choose a different place for individuals to learn and experiment, Therefore, choose the right media will become one of the most important issues of classroom instruction, and the characteristics of the network can be precisely act as this media teaching, teaching under the network environment is a new one, which can play a very good complementary role.

6.4The network Higher education information management will provide modern support and guarantee for the new higher education system

Under new model of higher education, it will bring new rules and new methods for the students in enrollment, attendance, assessment and management, as a result of the concept of spatial and temporal changes. This management must be strict, safe, fast and efficient. For example, you can comprehensive statistics and analysis of the high efficiency of the comprehensive education information as well as students, teachers, scientific research, infrastructure, financial and enrollment information through the network, various functional departments may also query, modify, supplement, statistics and print out various statements specified format at any time according to their own specific permissions and requirements, thus changing the inefficient management status of traditional education that has long been sent written notice to collect information and data, handmade statistics and make reports.

6.5 Method philosophy of higher education information

In today's world, the era of rapid development of information technology, modern higher education must walk the road of the development of information technology. Higher education information refers to the modern intelligent educational technology-driven, and comprehensively promote the transformation and development of the system of higher education, new educational forms to adapt to the knowledge economy. In addition, the higher education information technology has the characteristics with modern educational ideas, educational time for life, education space network, interactive form of education of mathematical teaching content, intelligent educational technology, educational resources sharing, personalized education, education all citizens.

University information is the inevitable choice of the modern university, the fundamental purpose of the college of information technology is to improve the efficiency and quality of higher education, in which improving the quality is essential. university information system will establish a new educational concept, the new mode of education, new educational methods, educational facilities, and new management methods, thus cultivating more high-quality personnel.


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