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New Zealand is a country of rare beauty: glacial mountains, fast-flowing rivers, deep, clear lakes, hissing geysers and boiling mud. There are also abundant native forests, long, deserted beaches and a variety of wild animals, such as the kiwi, the national symbol.

Any number of vigorous outdoor activities - hiking, skiing, rafting and, of course, that perennial favourite, bungy jumping, await the adventurous. You can swim with dolphins, gambol with newborn lambs, whale-watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers.



At a Glance 国家概况

Capital City: Wellington


Area: 268,680 sq km


Population: 4,000,000


Time Zone: GMT+12


Languages: English (official)

Maori (official)



English and Maori are the two official languages. English is more widely spoken, though the Maori language, for so long on the decline, is now making a comeback.


Religion: Predominantly Christian (75%)


Currency: NZ Dollar (NZ$)


Places To Go 游览胜地


This waterside city's great location on a thin stretch of the North Island, which is surrounded by the Pacific on just about every side, is complemented by the lush subtropical forests of the nearby hills and islands. With its spectacular harbour and bridge, New Zealand's largest city ranks with the best and its districts weave their way around a variety of bays ideal for swimming, water sports and particularly yachting - hence the nickname "City of Sails".


Aoraki/Mount Cook 欧拉奇/库克山

The Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park is spectacular. More than one-third of the park has a blanket of permanent snow and glacial ice. Of the 27 NZ mountains that stretch over 3050m high, 22 are in this park. The mighty Mt Cook, known as the "Cloud Piercer", is the highest peak in Australasia at 3755m.


Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers 弗朗兹・约瑟夫和福克斯冰河

New Zealand's two most famous glaciers are major attractions, mighty cascades of ice tumbling down a valley towards the sea. The heavy tourist traffic is catered for in the twin towns of Franz Josef and Fox Glacier. These small tourist villages provide accommodation and facilities at fairly high prices. Franz Josef is busier but Fox has more of an Alpine-village charm.


Otago Peninsula 奥塔哥半岛

South Island's most accessible wildlife area and predominantly of volcanic origin, the Otago Peninsula is steep and on the Pacific side very rugged. The 20km long shallow-bottomed fjord, Otago Harbour, is the home of an abundance of wildlife.

World famous are the Royal Albatross and the endangered Yellow Eyed Penguin (or Hoiho). The Little Blue Penguin and the Stewart Island Shag can also be seen here in their natural environment. Many seals live here as well as sea lions and the occasional sea elephant. A number of walkways give you access to the many breathtaking views and sheer cliff faces like "The Chasm" and "Lovers' Leap".



Te Papa 蒂帕帕博物馆

Located in Wellington, Te Papa, the "Museum of New Zealand", is an inspiring, interactive look at New Zealand history and culture. The striking construction took five years to build and in 1998, its inaugural year, attracted two million visitors. Combining innovation and approachability, it's affectionately dubbed "Our Place", celebrating the essence of New Zealand and its people.

Among Te Papa's treasures is a huge Maori collection, including its own marae (meeting house); dedicated hands-on "discovery centres" for children; natural history and environment exhibits; a recreation of a European settlement, and contemporary art and culture.



Whanganui National Park 旺格努伊国家公园

Whanganui National Park's main attraction is the Whanganui River, which curls its way 329km from its source on the flanks of Mt Tongariro to the Tasman Sea at Wanganui. The fact that the river is the longest navigable river in the country has been shaping its destiny for centuries. The Whanganui River Road, running along the river most of the way from Wanganui to Pipiriki, is a scenic and historic route worth making the detour to see.


Getting There 旅途信息

The overwhelming majority of visitors arrive by air. There are seven airports that handle international flights: Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Queenstown and Wellington. A few cruise ships visit New Zealand, but there are no regular passenger ship services.

Air China, Korean Air, JAL and Cathay Pacific all offer connecting flights from Beijing and Shanghai, while if you go from Hong Kong you can get there direct on Air New Zealand or via Australia with Australian Airlines or Qantas.


中国国际航空公司、大韩航空公司、日本航空公司和国泰航空公司都提供从北京和上海出发的转接班机,而如果你是从香港出发,你还可以搭乘新西兰航空公司直接抵达,或是搭乘澳大利亚航空公司或澳洲航空公司的航班,在澳大利亚转机。 >>


1. ... the highest peak in Australasia at 3755m.

在“Aoraki/Mount Cook”这一段出现了这句话,其中的“Australasia”是一个形似“Australia”的地理名词,不过对于它的具体所指并不是非常明确,一般认为是指澳大利亚、新西兰以及附近的南太平洋诸岛,有时也泛指大洋洲和太平洋岛屿。

2. The heavy tourist traffic is catered for...

在“Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers”这一段出现了这句话。其中,“heavy tourist traffic”是指游客来来往往的流动量非常大。

2. ... to the many breathtaking views and sheer cliff faces...

在“Otago Peninsula”的第二段中出现了这句话。句中有这样一个词组“cliff face”,它指的是夹在悬崖顶部和底部中间的部分,即悬崖的陡峭山壁。

glacial /`Gleisj9l/ adj.冰河的

hiss /`his/ v.嘶嘶作响

geyser /`Gaiz9/ n.间歇泉

kiwi /`k1w1/ n.几维鸟

any number of 许多

vigorous /`viG9r9s/ adj.精力充沛的

perennial /p9`reni9l/ adj.长年的;终年的

gambol /`G2mb9l/ vi.嬉戏

trout /traut/ n.鳟鱼

lush /l7H/ adj.青葱的;繁茂的

subtropical /`s7b`tr4pik9l/ adj.亚热带的

weave one's way 迂回前进

yachting /`j4tiM/ n.帆船比赛

blanket /`bl2Mkit/ n.一层覆盖物

mighty /`maiti/ adj.巨大的

glacier /`Gl2sj9/ n.冰河

cascade /k2s`keid/ n.小瀑布;喷流

tumble /`t7mbl/ v.翻滚;跌落

cater for 供应伙食

twin towns 姊妹城

rugged /`r7Gid/ adj.崎岖的

fjord /fj5d/ n.峡湾

albatross /`2lb9tr4s/ n.信天翁

endangered /in`deindE9d/ adj.有灭绝危险的

shag /H2G/ n.鹭鸶

inaugural /i`n5Gjur9l/ adj.开始的;开幕的

approachability /9,pr9utH9`biliti/ n.易接近

dub /d7b/ vt.授予称号

natural history 博物学

flank /fl2Mk/ n.侧面;侧腹

detour /`d1tu9(r)/ n.绕路