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I. 单项选择(时态)

1. If she doesn’t tell him the truth now, he’ll simply keep on asking her until she ______.

A. does B. has done C. will do D. would do

2. I’ll see to it that you ______ the reference book on time.

A. return B. could return C. have return D. will return

3. However much ______, it will be worth it.

A. does the worth costB. costs the watch C. the watch will cost D. the watch costs

4. Mr. Smith ______ to have a talk with us. He will be here in a minute.

A. come B. comes C. has come D. is coming

5. The train to Beijing ______ at eight tonight.

A. will be started B. will have started C. shall be started D. starts

6. I’ll go to play basketball as soon as I ______ the composition.

A. will finish B. have finished C. am to finish D. am going to finish

7. This is the fifth time he ______ you in a week.

A. rang B. has rung C. rings D. had rung

8. It ______ a long time since we met last.

A. has been B. will be C. was D. had been

9. Tom used to be very naughty, he ______ at home.

A. has always criticized B. always criticizes me

C. was always criticized D. is always criticizing me

10. The food that Cathy is cooking in the kitchen ______ delicious.

A. is smelling B. smells C. has smelled D. will smell

11. I ______ on this project for several days without success.

A. have been worked B. have been working C. am working D. work

12. ―You're drinking too much.

―Only at home. No one ______ me but you.

A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw

13. The Green family ______ London for nearly two years. They all miss their hometown very much.

A. left B. will leave C. have left D. have been away from

14. Usually I enjoy parties, but I ______ this one very much.

A. didn’t enjoy B. haven’t enjoyed C. am not enjoying D. won’t enjoy

15. Your car looks very clean. ______ you ______ it?

A. Did; wash B. Had; washed C. Have;washed D. Do; wash

16. Ouch! I’ve cut my finger! It ______.

A. has bled B. bleeds C. is bleeding D. bled

17. ―Look! How long ______ like this?

―The whole week! It’s usual here that rain ______ without stopping these days of the year.

A. has it rained; pours B. has it been raining; pours

C. is it raining; is pouring D. does it rain; pours

18. I am calling to say goodbye to you. When ______ you ______?

A. will;be leaving B. are; leaving C. do; leave D. are;to leave

19. ―I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time.

―What do you suppose ______ to him?

A. was happeningB. to happenC. has happened D. had happened

20. ―Have you got your final result? ―Not yet. The papers ______.

A. have not corrected B. have already been corrected

C. will be correcting soon D. are still being corrected

21. I will give him the message the moment he ______ back.

A. will come B. has comeC. was comingD. comes

22. Look! They ______ a picnic under the big tree.

A. have had B. are going to have

C. will have D. are having

23. The father as well as his two sons ______ sports every day

A. doB. does C. have doneD. are doing

24. ―Did he notice you take his MP3 away?

―No, he ______ his eyes on the screen at that time.

A. fixes B. fixed C. was fixingD. is fixing

25. Wuxi is no longer what it ______. It ______ a lot.

A. is; has changedB. was; has changed

C. was; had changed D. is; is changing

26. ______ you ______ the seven o’clock news? Premier Wen is on a friendly in Tokyo.

A. Have; watched B. Did; watch

C. Do; watch D. Had; watched

27. The last time I ______ him, he ______ on a new project. I don’t know whether he has finished it.

A. met; had worked B. had met; was working

C. met; was workingD. had met; worked

28.―I know you ______ in Suzhou. When did you come?

―Last Saturday

A. don’t; are B. didn’t; were

C. don’t; will be D. didn’t; have been

29. A new village ______ where the old houses now stand.

A. has appeared B. appeared C. had appearedD. will appear

30. ―How long ______ you ______ this car?

―Ever since last Christmas.

A. have; hadB. do; haveC. are; havingD. did; have

II. 单项选择(时态、语态综合)

1. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, ______and perfected now.

A. developed B. have developed

C. are being developed D. will have been developed

2. ―______ the sports meet might be put off.

―Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A. I've been toldB. I've toldC. I'm toldD. I told

3. In recent years many football clubs ______ as business to make a profit.

A. have run B. will runC. had been run D. have been run

4. Rainforests ______ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A. cutB. are cutC. are being cut D. had been cut

5. The new suspension bridge ______ by the end of last month.

A. has been designed B. had been designed

C. was designedD. would be designed

6. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ______.

A. breaksB. has brokenC. was brokenD. had been broken

7. Great changes ______ in the city, and a lot of factories ______ set up.

A. have been taken place; have been B. have taken place; have been

C. have taken place; have D. were taken place; were

8. The police found that the house ______ and a lot of things ______.

A. has broken into; has been stolenB. had broken into; had been stolen

C. has been broken into; stolenD. had been broken into; stolen

9.―How are you getting on with your work?

―I’m sorry. Things aren’t going so well as ______.

A. plansB. planning C. planned D. to plan

10. A lot of people were ______ in the heavy snow, ______ to be rescued.

A. trapping, waiting B. trapped, waited

C. trapping, waitedD. trapped, waiting

11. The boy was ______ for the wrong had done to his classmate.

A. praised B. criticized C. spoken D. said

12. It is suggested that our plan for the project _____ as soon as possible.

A. is changed B. be changedC. must be changed D. will be changed

13. I can’t use my computer right at the moment because it ______.

A. is repairedB. is being repaired

C. was repairedD. has been repaired

14. A lot of willow trees ______ on both banks of the river in the coming spring.

A. are plantingB. will be planted

C. have been plantedD. had been planted

15. His English ______ very week though he ______ hard at it in the last few weeks.

A. remains; has been working B. is remaining; worked

C. remained ;had workedD. will remain; was working

III. 选词填空:选用下列词组并用其适当形式填空,使句意完整正确。

come out,set up,at a speed of , have to ,base…on ,

come across, close down, have nothing to do ,put forward, pass on

1. The company, ______ in 2007, is getting along better and better.

2. The factory, which polluted the neighborhood badly, ______ recently by the government.

3. His article ______ in the March Issue of the magazine Readers this year.

4. She ______ me in the street yesterday, but she pretended not to know me.

5. I just hope that the serious car accident ______ with alcohol.

6. In order to present the report to the sales manager, he ______ work all the night.

7. Your judgment should ______ the fact.

8. Our car ______ from the city at a speed of 80km/h.

9. An argument ______ that some viewers will be disappointed by Real Cine because VR is not real.

10. The sense of touch ______ to the fingertips via thousands of sensors in the gloves.

IV. 缺词填空:


feed; arrange; communicate; severe; forget; admire; obey; sharp; adapt; confuse; achieve

1. The animals ______ (feed) at the same time every morning.

2. I think the incident _____ (forget) by your parents in a few weeks.

3. When the robber threatened her, pointing a gun at her, she ______.

4. Visitors to Guilin always ______ its beautiful rivers and mountains.

5. He became even more ______ after my explanation. I didn’t know how to make myself better understood.

6. You must have ______ your purpose. You are wearing a pleased smile today.

7. Another ______ satellite will be sent up in early November, when our TV set will be able to bring a better vision to us.

8. You’d better ______ yourself to the society. Do as the Romans do when in Rome.

9. The teacher ______ the students in pairs and then they had a discussion.

10. When I came in, the knives ______ (sharpen) by John.

B. 根据短文意思,用括号中所给词的正确时态和语态填空:

The Internet __1 _(become) part of teenage life. A new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that the Internet is often used by 38 percent of them.

While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some __2 _ (not use) it in a good way. Many __3 _ (play) online games too much. A few even visit Web sites they should not look at.

A student in Beijing used to be good at school. But then he started getting bad information. He went mad, cheated a girl and __4 _(take away) by the police.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior __5 _(use) in some Shanghai middle schools this term. In this book real examples__6 _(use) to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. Useful advice __7 _ (give) to students such as it's good to read news or find helpful information to study.

Some students also __8 _(make) online friends. But if you __9 _ (meet) a friend offline, make sure your parents know.

Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea. The book __10_ (teach) students how to be a good person in the online world.

V. 完成句子:

A. 用括号中所给的动词的适当形式完成句子

1. By the time we ________ (arrive), the children _____ (put) to bed.

2. Great changes _________ (take place) in this town since we ______ (leave).

3. The priceless necklace ______ (must steal) while the house _____(paint).

4. Several people _______ (interview) before one ______(finally, select) to make the TV programmer.

5. If the key _______ (not find) by today, he may _______ (dismiss).


6. 所有的邻居都认定那个年轻人是一个英雄。

That young man ______________________________.


To out great happiness, that inexperienced firefighter________________.


Ben is interested in adventure, and he________________________.


It is still unknown whether he _____________________________ .


People’s youth and beauty ________________________________.

VI. 书面表达



1. 对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。









I. 1- 5. AADDD 6-10. BBADB 11.15.BCDCC 16-20. CBBCD

21-25. DDBCB 26-30.BCBDA

II. 1 ― 5 CADCB6 ― 10 CBDCD11 ― 15 BDBBA

III. 1. set up 2. has been closed down 3. came out4. came across

5. had nothing to do6. Had to7. be based on8. is moving away

9. has been put forward10. is passed on

IV. A. 1. are fed2. will be forgotten3. obeyed 4. admire5. confused 6. achieved7. communicating

8. adapt9. arranged10. were being sharpened

B. 1. has become 2. are not using3. are playing4. was taken away5. has been used

6. are used7. is given8. make 9. are meeting10. will teach

V.1. arrived; had been put2. have taken place; left3. must have been stolen; was being painted4. will be interviewed/had been interviewed; is finally selected/was finally selected5. has not been found; be dismissed

6. was recognized as a hero by all of his neighbors7. managed to rescue the baby8. is always dreaming of stepping onto the Mars one day.9. has been accused of murder10.will fade with age

VI. One possible version:

A recent study shows that technology has different effects in our lives.

On one hand, there are some positive effects. Firstly, with the development of modern technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. Secondly, new machines and methods have helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall output. Thirdly, technology has also increased the amount of food available to us, by means of modern farming machinery and animal breeding techniques.

On the other hand, the development of the technology also takes us some serious effects. First, natural resources are becoming less than before and technology such as the invention of vehicles, air-conditioning has caused air pollution, so do other inventions. Besides, as some people are not aware of the importance of the environmental protection, the problems with it remain extremely serious to some degree.

As for myself, I should take the responsibility to devote myself to sustainable development, or our future and the lives of our children and our grandchildren will be in danger.