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The early racing cars can run no more than 20km/h, but a super sport car today can accelerate from standing to 100km/h in 3 seconds. Technological development over the past few decades brings not only higher speed but also increased adrenaline thrill.


Due to high cost and traffic rule restrictions, not everyone can enjoy the thrill of race cars. That is how super cars come about. The mechanical art piece of super cars offers an ultimate driving experience with the maximum street legal speed. Of all supercars, members of the “3 seconds club” – super cars that can accelerate from 0 to 100km/h in 3 seconds - are the finest choices for drivers to get a “fast and furious” experience.














Exterior Design

Supercars often come with exaggerated designs, but not simply to be eye-catching. The early versions of sport cars adopt water drop or spindle shape to reduce air resistance. The best race cars today boast of a drag coefficient of 0.15, close to that of birds, but still not as low as rain drops. Supercar designers need not only reduce aerodynamic drag, but also make use of air to increase grip force of the reduced-weight cars. The most common way is to install spoilers on both sides and the tail of the car, in which aspect the Italians are masters of the art, with Pininfarina, Gandini, Giugiaro turning out one line after another top class super cars.

Frame structure

Every vehicle has a frame. Car frame evolves from a body-on-frame structure in the early days to monocoque for mass production. But neither of two structures fits for supercars.

The solution is backbone tube. At similar weight, a tube chassis is stronger than a body-on-frame structure, but cheaper and easier to make. Many manufactures, including Lamorghini Miura, adopts this structure.

Thanks to technology advancement, car frames are getting lighter and lighter. Chassis made of carbon fiber materials are lighter, stronger and allows lower center of gravity height. The only weakness is its high cost. Carbon fiber frames are used on F1 cars since 1980s, but not many supercars today take advantage of the lighter material. The few that do, like McLaren F1 and Ferrari F50, are understandably highly priced.

Powerful Engine

In essence, supercar engines are no different with normal car engines, except for its particular focus on power. Early supercar makers focus on increasing engine displacement. Even today, US makers are still working on displacement enhancement, developing engines from 4 cylinders, to 6, 8 and 12 cylinders. SRT Viper has the highest displacement to date. Its 8.4L displacement brings not only performance improvement, but roaring sound waves.

When displacement enhancement reaches its limit, new technologies and technologies that used to belong to racing cars such as turbo-charging, supercharging, and twin-turbo start to be widely applied on super cars.

Indispensable Components

Engine power is just one of the many values of high-performing super cars. Car body material, for example, is also an important but often overlooked aspect.

Supercars have been taking advantage of the newest development of materials in improving car body construction. From aluminum, to fiber glass, to carbon fiber, supercar designers never ceased the search for lighter and stronger materials. Even the most overlooked chassis has undergone a quiet update thanks to today’s mature carbon fiber technology.

Tyre is another easily overlooked detail. With advancement of engine technology, the focus of tyre design has moved from reducing air resistance to increasing grip force. To this purpose, wider tyres with lower aspect ratio and bigger wheel have become preferred choices for supercars. Slick tyres have also been included in the component list for super cars.

柯尼塞格Agera R

瑞典人已经在超级跑车的舞台上站稳脚跟,柯尼塞格的作品也已经具备了向布加迪、法拉利和保时捷这类顶尖车厂叫板的实力。最新推出的柯尼塞格Agera R就是其中一个让人惊艳的产品。

柯尼塞格Agera R的单体底盘仅重70千克,车身重量仅为1330千克,几乎比所有竞争对手都要轻。除此之外,它配备的5.0升 双涡轮增压V8引擎被压榨出高达1115匹的输出,最大扭矩达到1200牛·米。而这样凶猛的引擎,自身重量只有197千克。瑞典人的环保精神同样体现在柯尼塞格Agera R身上,它的百公里油耗仅为14.7升,在超级跑车中算得上是十分经济的车型。

在7速双离合变速器的辅助下,柯尼塞格Agera R的百公里加速时间仅2.9秒。理论上柯尼塞格Agera R的极速可达443千米/小时,不过Agera车型均限速在375千米/小时。

法拉利458 Italia

其实法拉利458 Italia在众多超跑中,速度并不是最快的,它的0~100千米/小时加速时间为3.4秒。这一成绩处在中游水平,但是它的出现打破了法拉利给人们的传统印象,其充满未来感的设计令所有人眼前一亮。

458的名字很容易理解,这三个数字象征着其搭载的4.5升 V8引擎,法拉利更是将意大利的意大利文Italia当做其副车名。可见458不仅仅是法拉利的荣耀,更是意大利车的荣耀。458的车身由宾尼法里纳操刀,对法拉利的传统设计进行了一次彻底的颠覆。同时气动弹性效应风翼被安装在前进气格栅处,以减少格栅产生的阻力。

在亮眼的造型之下,458 Italia不仅在前后保险杆等部位换上了重量更轻的碳纤维制品,后视镜、座椅框架等部位,也都以碳纤维打造,并将前/后下防倾杆、下摇臂、减震筒及弹簧与轮毂螺帽等,改以铝合金或钛合金材质,轻量化的相当彻底。




来自Murcieolago的6.5升V12引擎,通过工程师的重新调校,最大功率达到700马力,扭矩峰值达到690牛·米。与其搭配的7速Giziaro ISR单离合器变速箱比双离合器变速箱轻20千克,换挡速度却比大众的DSG变速箱还要快50%。在如此强大的动力系统的帮助下,Aventador的0~100千米/小时加速时间仅为2.9秒,最高时速350千米/小时。




LFA核心力量来自于全新的4.8升 V10高转速引擎。这款前中置V10引擎的体积与传统的V8引擎相当,而重量却低于一般的V6引擎,升功率高达85.7千瓦。这款高性能发动机能够在8700转/分时输出412千瓦的最大功率。这使得LFA 的0~100千米/小时加速时间控制在3.7秒。


针对现有的跑车,推出赛车版本是各大厂商为性能发烧友提供的便利。奔驰SLS AMG GT3就是这样一款赛车化后的产品。在遵循FIA GT3规则下,工程师们彻底将SLS AMG的那层上流社会的丝绒外衣撕去,将它隐藏的极致“愤怒”完全释放了出来,这所带来的就是无与伦比的赛道速度。

设计师为SLS AMG GT3增加了一个尺寸足够暴力的尾翼,碳纤维增强复合材料被广泛使用在车门、引擎盖、挡泥板等部位。车辆内饰进行了大幅精简,变为更纯粹的赛车化走向,碳纤维材料充斥其中。

奔驰SLS AMG GT3依然沿用了那台6.3升V8引擎,但经过重新调校之后,最大功率达到429千瓦,比现款车型提升了15千瓦,而峰值扭矩输出则依然为650牛·米,与之匹配的是7速双离合器变速箱换挡速度也有相应的提升。最终的结果是奔驰SLS AMG GT3能在3.7秒内完成0~100千米/小时加速,比现款车型缩短了0.1秒,并且最高时速达317千米/小时。

保时捷918 Spyder

保时捷918 Spyder已经不再是概念车,在第一批车即将交付之前,它再次打破了自己先前创造的惊世纪录。这款超级跑车成功地实施了最终调校,实现了非凡的加速性能。在配备重量经过优化的魏斯阿赫组件后,该车从静止加速至100 千米/小时仅需2.6秒,缩短了0.2秒。改进措施也给这款混合动力超级跑车的电动性能带来了进一步优化。在前桥和后桥两台电动机的驱动下,从静止加速至100 千米/小时仅需6.2秒,比之前缩短了0.7 秒,而且完全零排放。它只用了6分57秒就跑完了纽伯格林北环赛道,创造了史无前例的公路跑车单圈用时纪录。该车在新欧洲行驶循环中的耗油量仅为3.0升/100千米。



MP4-12C采用的超轻超硬的碳纤维座舱与F1赛车的单体壳有些相似,相比竞争对手和前任车型McLaren F1所用的多块冲压钢板焊接而成的车体更结实,也更为轻巧。整个碳纤维座舱仅重80千克。






Koenigsegg Agera R

The Swiss has established their foothold in the supercar market with Koenigsegg products. The debut of its latest Agera R is another dazzling success proving its ability to compete with prestigious manufacturers like Bugatti, Ferrari and Porsche.

With a 70kg chassis and a 1330kg total weight, the Koenigsegg Agera R is lighter than nearly every competitor. Its 5 litre V8 twin-turbo engine develops as high as 1115 hp with 1200 Nm of torque but weights only 197kg. The Swiss environment awareness is also shown on the Agera R. Its 14.7L/100km fuel burn makes it a very economical model among super cars.

Equipped with a 7 speed gearbox, Agera R can accelerate 0–100 km/h in 2.9 seconds and reach a theoretical top speed of 443km/h, although the top speed of all Agera series are set at375km/h.

Ferrari 458 Italia

458 Italia is not the fastest supercar. It takes 3.4s to accelerate from 0 to 100km/h. But its futurist design brings a refreshing surprise as a breakaway from Ferrari tradition.

The supercar has a memorable name. 458 derives from its 4.5L V8 engine, and Italia its place of origin. Designed by Pininfarina, 458 Italia throws away all traditional features of Ferrari. On its front air inlet aerodynamic wings are attached for less air resistance.

The dazzling design is complimented with lighter materials. Its bumper, rear mirror and seat frame are replaced with carbon fiber materials, and its anti-roll bars, lower swing arm, anti-collision beam, springs, wheels and screw caps are made of aluminum alloy or titanium alloy for further weight reduction.

Lexus LFA

The development of Lexus LFA is a long and winding process. Because of the strong desire of the design team to incorporate the latest technology, it takes many revisions and more than 10 years for it to finally meet its consumers.

With the latest carbon fiber weaving technology, the LFA carbon fiber monocoque is four times stronger than aluminum. Made of 65% Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic and 35% aluminum alloy, the car frame is 100 kg lighter and much stronger than similar size aluminum body structure.

LFA is powered by a 4.8L V10 engine. The front-mid placed engine is of the same size of a traditional V8 engine, but weighs less than a V6 engine. Its power per liter is 85.7kw and can deliver a maximum 412kw at 8,700rpm, accelerating LFA from 0-100km/h in 3.7s.

Lamborghini Aventador

In keeping with Lamborghini tradition, the new flagship model is named after a Bull - Aventador which fought valiantly in Spanish Bullfighting. It inherits the main design features of Lamborghini’s limited production of Reventon, including its contorted surfaces and signature scissor doors.

Carbon fiber materials are widely used on the Aventado. Its carbon fiber monocoque weighs a feathery 229 Kg but could take a torque of 35000Nm. Its unit body is also made entirely of carbon fiber composite material to reduce weight.

The 6.5L V12 engine from Murchieolago is tuned to deliver a maximum 700hp with a maximum torque of 690Nm. Its 7 speed gearbox is 20kg lighter than dual-clutch gearbox, but 50% more efficient than the Volkswagen DSG. With a top speed of 350km/h, it can get from 0 -100km/h in 2.9 seconds.

Porsche 918 Spyder

Porsche 918 Spyder is no longer a concept supercar. Shortly before delivery of the first vehicles, the Porsche 918 Spyder breaks its own record. After final tuning, the Porsche supercar is now capable of even stronger sprinting performance. Fitted with the weight-optimized Weissach package, the vehicle now accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.6 seconds, 0.2 seconds that before. The enhancements also bring benefits in terms of the electrical performance delivered by the hybrid supercar. The two electric motors on the front and rear axle allow the 918 Spyder to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 6.2 seconds, 0.7 than before fine tuning, without producing any emissions. The 918 Spyder holds the lap record for road vehicles on the Nürburgring Nordschleife at 6:57 minutes. Its total NEDC fuel consumption is only 3.01/100 km.

Mclaren MP4-12C

After years of silence, the prestigious British race car manufacturer finally rolled out its new wholly self-designed and built model, MP4-12C. As the name indicates, F1 technologies are used extensively on MP4-12C. MP4-12 refers to its 1997 F1 race car, and C represents carbon fiber its carbon fiber chassis.

Weighing only 80 kg, the chassis is based around a F1 style one-piece carbon fiber tub lighter and stronger than the stamped steel chassis of its McLaren F1 predecessor.

With lighter body and powered by a 3.8L twin-turbo V8 engine, MP4-12C can accelerate from 0-100km in 3.3 seconds.

Another highlight of the MP4-12C is a F1 sourced technology dubbed "brake steer" where the inside rear wheel is braked during fast cornering to reduce understeer. By replacing limited slip differential (LSD) with break steer, MP4-12C is able to reduce weight while maintenance similar cornering performance.

Mercedes Benz SLS AMG GT3

The SLS AMG GT3 is a race car version of existing Mercedes-Benz sport car model, developed in accordance with the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile) GT3 regulations. Engineers ripped off its velvet upper class appearance and released its innate “wrath”- unrivaled race speed.

The SLS AMG GT3 is fitted with a big size spoiler and carbon fiber doors, engine cover, and splashboard. The interior is also simplified towards race cars.

The SLS AMG GT3 still uses the 6.3L V8 engine of SLS AMG GT3 Coupé, but after fine tuning, the engine can deliver a maximum 429km, up 15kw than the sport car model, and a maximum torque of 650Nm. The 7 speed dual clutch gearbox is correspondingly improved. The enhanced SLS AMG GT3 can accelerate from 0 to 100km/h in 3.7 seconds, 0.1 faster and reach a top speed is 317km/h.

Corvette Z06

Known as a sports car for the regular wealthy, Corvette Z06 is sold at a much lower price and higher volume than competition. At similar height as other supercars, Corvette Z06 emits a more masculine growl like typical masculine US cars.

The air inlet on the hood is not decoration, but the intake valve of Z06′s 7.0-liter V8 naturally aspirated engine. In turbo age, US supercar makers choose naturally aspirated engines for good reasons - linear power output, no extra cooling system, and simple structure. It cannot compete with turbo engines in terms of power per liter, but it makes up with a high displacement. With LS7 engine and 6 speed manual transmissions, it delivers a maximum 511ps at 6300 rpm and 637Nm of torque at 4800 rpm. It needs 3.7s to accelerate from 0-100km/h, similar to the sprint capacity of a turbo-charging engine half its size.